
Terms for subject Project management containing 库存 | all forms | in specified order only
储备库存reserve stock
在一个 SCR 配置中、存在两个或多个数据库副本、一个用于源、另一个用于每个目标In an SCR configuration, there are two or more copies of the database, one for the source and one for each target
基本库存base stock
库存inactive stock
库存储备量inventory reserve
库存水平stock levels
库存短缺absence of stock
库存置存成本carrying cost of inventory
扌艮表文档的主存储位于 SharePoint 内容数据库Primary storage for report documents is in the SharePoint content databases
无形库存invisible supply
库存in stock
检查饭店电脑系统数据总库备份、 确保数据的安全和有效保存Examine the copy file of the hotel data bank to make sure that data are safely and effectively kept
没有库存out of stock
清点库存take stock
缓冲库存buffer inventory
美国生产及库存控制协议商业前景指数APICS Business Outlook Index
库存in-time inventory