
Terms for subject Environment containing 序列 | all forms
一般行政秩序general administrative order An administrative mandate outlining the process by which a concept, plan, decree or law is to be put into actual practice by a specific organization or government agency (政府,组织提出的概念,计划,法令或法律的实施的行政过程大纲。)
上诉程序appeal procedure Procedure through which it is possible to resort to a superior court to review the decision of an inferior court (向上级法院提出不服下级法院判决的诉讼所需的程序。)
决策程序decision process
分析程序analysis programme No definition needed (无需定义。)
刑事程序criminal law procedure The rules of law governing the procedure by which crimes are investigated, prosecuted, adjudicated, and punish (对犯罪行为进行调查、起诉、判决和惩罚的法律程序执行规则。)
初步程序preliminary proceedings Any introductory action in the judicial process designed to determine the need for further court involvement or to expedite a motion that requires immediate attention (任何行动,以确定需要进一步的法庭参与或加速的议案,以及需要立即注意的司法程序。)
啄食顺序peck order
啄食顺序pecking order
工业流程、工序industrial process No definition needed (无需定义。)
有序撤退orderly withdrawal
法定程序legal procedure Term includes all proceedings authorised or sanctioned by law, and brought or instituted in a court of legal tribunal, for the acquiring of a right or the enforcement of a remedy (包含为保障权利或执行改进措施,通过法律被批准或认可的,以及在法院法庭上制定的所有事项。)
注册程序registration proceeding The course of action or record in which an individual, company or an organization formally enrolls with a government agency or an authority in order to be granted certain rights, particularly trademark or copyright privileges, or the permission to sell and distribute a product (一组行动或纪录,在行动中个人、公司或机构为了被赋予一定的权利,特别是商标或版权的权限,或允许销售和分销产品,正式在政府机关或主管当局登记。)
灾害及其影响管理程序 【方法】hazards and effects management process
灾害管理程序【方法】hazard management process
环境程序environmental programme An organized group of activities and procedures, often run by a government agency or a nonprofit organization, to protect natural or ecological resources and advocate for ecological progress (具有活跃性和程序性的组织,一般由政府中介或者非营利性组织运行,用来保护自然的和生态学的资源并且提倡生态进步。)
环境立法程序environmental legislative process The systematic course of proceedings in which a bill that would preserve or protect ecological resources may be enacted as a law (可以保护或保存生态资源的法案被制定成为法律的会议系统性程序。)
程序控制式衰老programed ageing
程序法procedural law Law which prescribes method of enforcing rights or obtaining redress for their invasion. Laws which fix duties, establish rights and responsibilities among and for persons, natural or otherwise, are "substantive laws" in character, while those which merely prescribe the manner in which such rights and responsibilities may be exercised and enforced in a court are "procedural laws" (法律规定的行使权利或获取权利的申诉方法。在固定的权利和义务之间建立责任关系,是一种"实质性的法律",相比那些只规定了方式的法律条文,这种权利和责任可以行使在法院强制执行的"程序性法律"中。)
立法程序legislative procedure Any prescribed step or manner of proceeding that a law making body takes in proposing laws, resolutions or special acts before they can be enacted or passed (在立法机构拟制法律、决议或特别法规生效或通过前,用以推动它们实施的程序或步骤。)
管理程序administrative procedure
群落生境秩序biotope order An ordinance or decree regarding an area of ecological habitat that is characterized by a high degree of uniformity in its environmental conditions and in its distribution of plants and animals (针对生态栖息地的法令或法规。生态栖息地的特点是,环境条件和植物和动物的分布高度一致。)
许可程序licencing procedure Procedures performed by administrative agencies in conjunction with issuance of various types of licences (行政机构根据各种许可的类型发行许可的程序。)
阶段顺序指胁迫sequence of phase