
Terms for subject Securities containing 并 合 | all forms | in specified order only
不动产投资信托合并REIT mergers
与重组及合并有关的风险risk relating to the restructuring and merger
业务合并business combination
业务合并amalgamation of business
两步交易和合并协议two-step transaction and merger agreement
交易和合并开始commencement of transition and integration
产业合并industrial consolidation
企业之间的垂直联合合并vertical combination merger
企业合并公开披露规定disclosure requirements for business combinations
企业联合兼并conglomeration and merge of enterprise
全部合并complete consolidation
公司合并merger of companies
友好合并friendly mergers
反合并demerge (spin-off)
反向合并reverse merger
反向合并比如分立或资产剥离等形式reverse merger
并合伙人merger partner
合并业务会计accounting for business combinations
合并交易merger transaction
合并企业consolidated enterprise
合并伙伴merger partner
合并债券consolidated bonds
合并债务consolidation of debts
合并偿债基金consolidated sinking fund
合并公司的特点combining companies' attribute
合并净收益net advantage to merging
合并净收益consolidated net earnings
合并利润分配表consolidated distribution of profit statement
合并利润表consolidated income statement
合并利润表combined income statement
合并前剥离strip off (公司在合并前剥离不需要的资产)
合并前收人premerger income
合并前通知标准premerger notification criteria
合并协议merger agreement
合并参与方consolidation players
合并后的协同作用merger synergy
合并后的后续公司absorbing company
合并后的回报consolidated return
合并型雇主有限合伙公司几个普通的有限合伙公司合并而成一个雇主有限合伙公司roll-up MLP
合并增效作用产生的价值value of synergy
合并守则merger code
合并情况merger situation
合并或收购股票merger or stock acquisition
合并所得资本capital from consolidation
合并手续amalgamation procedure
合并披露规定disclosure requirements for combinations
合并指数combined index
合并现金流量表consolidated cash flow statement
合并的债务consolidated debts
合并的益处advantages of a merger
合并的资产负债表aggregate assets and liabilities
合并盈余combined surplus
合并短期债务consolidation of short-term debts
合并股stock reverse split up
合并股东资金consolidated shareholders funds
合并规范merger code
合并评估joint assessment
合并财务报表的原则combined reporting principle
合并财务状况变动表consolidated statement of changes in financial position
合并账目pooling accounting
合并账目consolidation of accounts
合并资产负债表summarized balance sheet
合并资产负债表consolidated statement of resources
合并资产负债表composite balance sheet
合并转换merger conversion
合法兼并statutory merger
向下合并downstream merger
向前合并与下游企业合并forward combination
向心合并实现特定管理职能的一种合并concentric merger
吸收合并absorption consolidation
吸收式合并merger by absorption
因公司合并出售资产sale of assets by combining companies
基础设施合并convergence of infrastructure
基金投资合并表combined schedule of investment by fund
塞勒一凯弗尔反合并法案该法案限制通过收购资产削弱竞争性的合并celler-kefauver Antimerger Act
复合执行股票的并购combination stock acquisition and merger
子公司合并预期desirability of subsidiary merger
完全合并full merger
完成交易与合并后的整合工作closing and postmerger integration
实际合并论defacto merger doctrine
对公司合并的限制limitation on consolidation
对等合并merger of equals
平台合并公司platform consolidator
总体联合并购活动aggregate conglomerate merger activity
报价前合并merger agreement prior to tender offer
抵押合并consolidation of mortgages
挤出合并freeze-out merger
换股合并stock-swap merger
收购公司和被收购目标合并财务报表combining acquirer's and target's financial
收购合并式联合企业acquisitive conglomerates
收购后的合并报表consolidated statement after acquisition
收购式合并consolidation by purchase
权益联合与兼并pooling of interest and merger
标准合并协议model merger agreement
横向合并lateral integration
横向合并lateral amalgamation
混合合并mixed amalgation
清除合并获得控制权以后,收购方将被收购公司并人它的旗下clean-up merger
潜在合并latent integration
由上向下合并merge down
由企业合并而造成的减资capital reduction due to merger
第二步合并second step merger
纯粹混合兼并没有业务关联的企业之间的合并pure conglomerate merger
纵向向下合并downstairs merger
股份合并split down
股份合并split back
股权合并pooling of interests
股票合并split-down stock consolidation
股票合并stock consolidation
股票合并stock merger
股票合并stock split down
股票合并reverse split-up
被合并的公司merged company
财务和经营合并统一报表Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single report
资本合并consolidation of capital
超额合并溢价假说extra merger premium hypothesis
远期垂直合并forward vertical integration
逆向合并由下游厂合并上游厂的方式backward integration
通报合并业绩reporting combined results
重组及合并restructuring and merger
集中合并concentric merger
集团合并资产负债表group consolidated balance sheet
非对称式合并whale-minnow merger
香港公司收购及合并守则Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers