
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing | all forms
主要功效:能加强保湿,平衡酸碱度滋养涂抹保湿乳液的肌肤Main effect: It can enhance moisture, keep pH balance and nourish the skin of moisturizing lotion
使用方法:洁肤后,取适量于掌心,加清水揉起泡沫,均匀轻抹于脸部充分按摩,再用清水冲洗干净Usage: After facial cleansing, dispense proper amount onto the palm, foam it with fresh water, evenly apply onto the face and completely massage, and then rinse it
我不喜欢香料型的,且对粉末型有强烈的厌恶感I don't like the spicy kind and have an aversion to the powdery kind
我们的粉底是用最好的原料做成的高质量产品。它可以滋润你的皮肤,且防晒指数为8Our foundation is of high quality. Only the finest ingredients. It will moisturize your skin and it has a sunblock rating of
我对你们的香水很感兴趣。我已经看过了你们的展品,且研读了产品目录I’m interested in your perfume. I've seen your exhibits and studied your catalogs
橙花水修复干性或成熟肌肤,调理肌肤纹路Orange flower water restores dry or mature skin, improving the appearance of thread veins and smoothing fine lines
洁面后,打开包装取出面膜,轻轻敷于面上,20分钟后揭开面膜,用纸巾或清水抹去脸上剩余精华液即可After facial cleaning, unpack the facial mask and apply it gently on the face, remove it 20 minutes later, then wipe off the residual essential liquid on the face with water or a paper towel