
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
军用型车辆是根据精确的军事/警务规格特别规划、设计为特定的军事/警务行动应用制造的military pattern vehicles are specifically engineered and designed according to precise military/police specifications and are built to satisfy particular military/police mission applications
《决定》是否为最后决定有约束力final and binding was the Decision
向环境规划署提供专家协助拟定执行有关气候变化的对策选择技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Provide Experts to UNEP to Assist in the Development and Implementation of Policy Response Options related to Climate Change
在1 000米或更远的范围内探测和确定人或物将其分类detecting, identifying and categorizing persons or items within a range of 1,000 metres or more
在黄昏后恰当使用蚊账穿着适当衣服mosquito bed nets and appropriate dressing after dusk
多氯二苯呋喃polychlorinated dibenzo-furan
多氯二苯对二英polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin
将塞浦路斯入希腊enosis annexation of the island to Greece
在国际社会支助的解除武装、复员、遣返、安置和重返社会方案disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, resettlement and reintegration
开设营运一个实施防治荒漠化行动计划筹资特别账户establishment and operation of a special account for financing the implementation of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification
把地籍数据库同地形数据库合integrating cadastral and topographical data bases
抵达检查:在抵达后即刻执行,在一个月内完成arrival inspection is to take place immediately upon arrival and to be completed within one month
拥有促进和平进程own and drive the peace process
独特装备指任何上述自我维持费率未涵盖、将作为独特装备处理的特种次要装备或消耗品unique equipment means any special minor equipment or consumables not covered in the above self-sustainment rates and will be handled as unique equipment
独立但却置的国家separate but juxtaposed states
禁止向非洲输入有害废物管制有害废物在非洲境内越境转移和管理的巴马科公约Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa
艾滋病发症AIDS-related complex