
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing | all forms
三相励电动机three-phase shunt motor
series and parallel
series-parallel (connection)
换接启动器shunt and series starter
联励磁series-parallel excitation
联启动series-parallel starting
联启动器series-parallel starter
联控制series-parallel control
联控制器series-parallel controller
联电动机series-parallel motor
联转换器series-parallel switch
交流励换向器电动机AC commutator shunt motor
交流励电动机AC shunt motor
full parallel
准同步quasi synchrous paralleling
准同步ideal paralleling
单相励电动机single phase shunt motor
联连接anti-paralled connection
发电机励磁场电阻器generator shunt field resistor
发电机联运行parallel running of generators
同期synchronize and close
联复励绕组long-shunt-compound winding
多相励换向器式电动机polyphase shunt commutator motor
定子馈电式励电动机stator feed type shunt motor
励绕组differential shunt winding
-串变换器parallel-to serial converter
-串联接线法parallel series connection
列双轴式汽轮发电机cross compound generator
列双轴式汽轮发电机cross compound turbine-alternator
列双轴机组cross compound unit
列双轴汽轮机cross compound turbine
列整流器parallel rectifier
列系统same system
列运行paired running
parallel excitation
绕组电阻shunt field resistance
励励磁机shunt wound exciter
励励磁机shunt-excited magnetizer
励发电机shunt wound dynamo
励发电机parallel excitation generator
励发电机的外特性external characteristic of shunt generator
励可逆式电动机shunt wound reversible motor
励损耗shunt-excitation loss
励损耗shunt field loss
励换向器式电动机shunt commutator type motor
励接线shunt wound wiring
励特性曲线shunt characteristic
励电动机shunt wound motor
励电动机motor with shunt excitation
励电动机parallel excitation motor
励电机shunt machine
励直流发电机shunt DC generator
励直流发电机DC shunt generator
励直流电动机shunt DC motor
励磁场变阻器shunt field rheostat
励磁场安匝shunt-field ampere-turns
励磁场损耗shunt-field loss
励磁场电阻shunt field resistance
励磁场线圈中的电密current density in field coil
励磁场线圈中的电密current density in shunt-excited field coil
励磁场绕组shunt excited field winding
励磁场绕组中的电密current density in field winding
励磁场绕组中的电密current density in shunt-excited winding
励磁场绕组电阻resistance of shunt winding
励线圈shunt-excited coil
励线圈shunt field coil
励线圈中的电密current density in shunt-excited coil
励绕组shunt field winding
励绕组shunt-excited winding
励绕组中的电密current density in shunt-excited winding
励绕组电阻resistance of shunt-excited field winding
励继电器shunt field relay
励进相机shunt phase-advancer
头套insulation cap
绕电动机shunt-wound motor
绕线圈parallel-wound coil
网失步法method of pull-out in paralleling
网断路器parallel-in circuit breaker
网电厂parallel-operated electric power station
connection in parallel
联发电机理论parallel-generator theorem
联变压器parallel transformer
联建峰电路shunt peaked circuit
联接线parallel connection
联支路对数number of pair of parallel paths
联支路数number of parallel branches
联支路数number of circuits in parallel
联支路数number of paths in parallel
联环形绕组parallel ring winding
联电器multiply connected electric device
联电器parallel electric device
联电容器式电动机shunted capacitor motor
联电感线圈parallel inductor
联电抗shunt reactance
联电抗器dual reactor
联电路twin connection circuit
联的shunt wound
联相parallel phase
联磁路shunt circuit
联磁路parallel circuit
联线圈中的电密current density in shunt coil
联线路acrostic circuit
联线路parallel joint circuit
联绕组multiple winding
联绕组中的电密current density in shunt winding
联股线数number of strands in parallel
联负载shunt load
联路数number of parallel paths
联路数number of parallel circuits
联运行shunt operation
联通风支路parallel ventilation branch
联阻抗shunting impedance parallel impedance
联阻抗shunt impedance parallel impedance
联风路parallel air path
in parallel
行风路parallel ventilation branch
车装置joint operation device
车装置paralleling device
强行联补偿forced shunt compensation
快速联补偿fast shunt compensation
联支路电流current per parallel path
联支路电流current per parallel branch
每相联支路数parallel-circuits per phase
油浸联电抗器oil immersion shunt reactor
油浸联电抗器oil immersion dual reactor
油浸联电抗器oil immersed dual reactor
油浸联电抗器oil immersed shunt reactor
牵入联运行pulling-in parallel operation
电阻resistance in parallel
励电动机straight shunt-wound motor
short-shunt compound
励电动机short-shunt motor
复励电机short-shunt compound machine
复励绕组short-shunt compound winding
稳定stabilized shunt
稳定励发电机stabilized shunt-wound generator
稳定励电动机stabilized shunt-wound motor
简单联绕组电枢multiple-wound armature
自励励磁场self-excited shunt field
自励励绕组self-excited shunt winding
励复励绕组long shunt compound winding
复励发电机long shunt-compound machine