
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
今天我们会看看你的牙齿,且会给它照相Today we are going to look at your teeth, and take pictures of them
健康的牙龈质地坚韧且是粉红色的Healthy gums are firm and pink
刷牙不能清除所有沟裂内的菌斑A toothbrush can not properly clean all the plaque from these grooves
您有过与治牙相关的发症吗?Have you ever had complications from dental treatment?
我将会把你牙齿上的龋洞清理干净用树脂充填它们I am going to clean a cavity in your tooth and fill it with composite resin
我将吹干你的牙齿给它们涂些氟化物I am going to dry and paint fluoride solution on your teeth
我用牙钻去除龋坏物扩大根管I will drill the tooth to remove the decay and enlarge the root canal from now on
被拔除两侧的牙会向缺牙处移动减小间隙The teeth beside the extracted tooth will move and close the space
超声洗牙时会发出嗡嗡声,产生水雾,震碎牙结石It makes a buzzing noise, sprays a mist of water and breaks up the calculus
这个龋洞不深,很容易被充填It is not a deep cavity, and can be filled easily
这颗智齿与上颌牙没有好的咬合关系This wisdom tooth doesn't work in proper occlusion with the upper tooth