
Terms containing 年平均 | all forms | in specified order only
proj.manag.年平均triennial equalization account
stat.年平均five-year average
corp.gov.五年移动平均值five-year moving average
econ.他们平均每人每年消费4500元人民币They cost on an average RMB ¥4500 per head per annum
proj.manag.以英特尔处理器的性能为例、看一下晶体管的平均价格---- 1968 年、一美元可以买一个晶体管Processor performance on Intel chips, the average price of a transistor—1968, you could buy one transistor for a dollar
agric.伐期年平均生长量final mean annual increment
tech.年平均效率mean annual efficiency
tech.年平均气温annual mean temperature
demogr.初婚平均年龄mean age at first marriage
tech.加权平均年降水量weighed yearly mean precipitation
bridg.constr.年平均洪水位mean flood level in past years
manag.固定资产平均使用年限average serviceable years of fixed assets
busin.固定资金原值全年平均余额average balance of original value of fixed assets for the year
China, law国家上年度职工日平均工资state worker's average daily salary in the previous year
proj.manag.在2000年、青海省城市和农村年家庭平均可支配收入分别是多少元?In 2000, what was the per capita annual disposable income of urban and rural households in Qinghai?
tech.地下水平均年龄average age of groundwater
earth.sc.地球年平均温度Average Annual Earth Temperature
proj.manag.年平均价格base-year average price
tech.年平均产量average long-term yield
tech.年平均产量mean long-term yield
tech.年平均产量average annual yield
tech.年平均long-time average annual value
tech.年平均multiannual average
IMF.年平均multiyear average
tech.年平均average value over years
tech.年平均值百分率法percentage-of-mean-annual method
tech.年平均发电量long-term average annual power output
tech.年平均发电量long-term average annual energy
tech.年平均变幅mean annual range
hydroel.st.年平均含沙量average annual solid content
tech.年平均基流normal base flow
hydroel.st.年平均年发电量average annual energy output
hydroel.st.年平均年径流量mean annual runoff
tech.年平均库容overyear storage
tech.年平均库容multiannual storage
tech.年平均库容量overyear storage capacity
tech.年平均库容量multiannual storage capacity
ocean.年平均径流annual normal flow
tech.年平均径流mean annual runoff (量)
tech.年平均径流normal annual runoff (量)
ocean.年平均径流normal runoff
hydroel.st.年平均径流average annual runoff
ocean.年平均径流mean annual runoff
tech.年平均径流long-time average annual flow (量)
ocean.年平均径流量long-term average annual flow
hydroel.st.年平均径流量mean annual runoff
ecol.年平均径流量average annual runoff
tech.年平均最低水位mean annual minimum level
tech.年平均最低水位mean annual lowest water level
tech.年平均最大洪水mean annual maximum flood
tech.年平均最大洪水流量mean annual maximum flood discharge
tech.年平均最小洪水minimum annual flood (量)
tech.年平均最小洪水mean annual minimum flood
tech.年平均最小洪水流量mean annual minimum flood discharge
tech.年平均最高水位mean annual maximum level
tech.年平均最高水位mean annual highest water level
hydrol.年平均水位mean annual water level
hydrol.年平均水位mean annual stage
bridg.constr.年平均洪水位mean annual flood level
hydroel.st.年平均洪水量mean annual flood
tech.年平均流量long-time annual flow
ocean.年平均流量long-term average annual flow
tech.年平均流量long-time average discharge
tech.年平均流量long-term average discharge
hydroel.st.年平均流量mean annual flow
hydroel.st.年平均流量average annual flow
hydroel.st.年平均流量average annual discharge
hydroel.st.年平均流量long-period average flow
hydroel.st.年平均流量mean annual discharge
tech.年平均流量long period average discharge
tech.年平均mean annual sea level
survey.年平均海面multi-year mean sea level
hydroel.st.年平均温度mean annual temperature
tech.年平均蒸发normal evapouration (量)
tech.年平均蒸发normal evaporation (量)
tech.年平均较差mean annual range
tech.年平均较高高潮位mean annual higher high water
tech.年平均降水normal annual precipitation (量)
tech.年平均降水average annual precipitation (量)
bridg.constr.年平均 降水量mean annual precipitation
hydroel.st.年平均降水量mean annual precipitation
hydroel.st.年平均降水量average annual precipitation
earth.sc.年平均降水量normal annual precipitation
hydroel.st.年平均降雨量mean annual precipitation
hydroel.st.年平均降雨量average annual rainfall
tech.年平均雨量mean annual rainfall
tech.年平均高水位mean high water (level)
tech.多年年平均径流量averaged annual runoff over years
tech.多年年平均蒸发量averaged annual evapouration discharge over years
tech.多年年平均蒸发量averaged annual evaporation discharge over years
tech.多年年平均降水量averaged annual precipitation over years
tech.多年月平均径流量averaged monthly runoff over years
tech.多年月平均蒸发量averaged monthly evapouration discharge over years
tech.多年月平均蒸发量averaged monthly evaporation discharge over years
tech.多年月平均降水量averaged monthly precipitation over years
earth.sc.多年气候平均值climatological normals
tech.定期平均年生长量periodical mean annual increment
agric.定期平均年生长量periodic annual growth
tech.定期平均年生长量periodic mean annual increment
tech.定期平均年疏伐量periodical mean annual intermediate yield
tech.定期平均年疏伐量periodic mean annual intermediate yield
earth.sc.实际年平均费用actual average annual cost
proj.manag.宽带用户用于虚拟网络社交的平均时间为每周近三个小时、相当于每年六天The average amount of time spent on virtual networking is nearly three hours a week, or six days a year
tech.居民年平均出行率average annual trip rate of inhabitant
bridg.constr.年平均温度mean annual temperature
demogr.平均世代年数mean length of generation
econ.平均世代间隔年间average length of generation
busin.平均使用年限average service years
busin.平均使用年限average life period
tech.平均使用年限average life (period)
tech.平均使用年限average service able life
proj.manag.平均使用年限average life
manag.平均使用年限average serviceable years
econ.平均使用年限average useful life
tech.平均使用年限mean service life
archit.平均使用年限average serviceable year
avia.平均使用年限mean life
demogr.平均初婚年龄mean age at first marriage
demogr.平均初婚年龄average age at first marriage
tech.建筑物平均剩余使用年限average remaining durable years
archit.建筑物平均剩余耐用年限average remaining durable years
tech.平均剩余耐用年限average remaining durable years (建筑物)
demogr.平均受教育年数mean length of education
tech.平均周年变化mean annual change
desert.平均太阳年mean solar year
demogr.平均工作年数mean duration of working life
tech.平均年median year
hydroel.st.平均年average year
tech.平均年normal year
tech.平均年mean year
tech.平均年冲刷量mean annual erosion
tech.平均年冲刷量average annual erosion
tech.平均年利率mean annual rate of interest
railw.平均年功率损耗mean annual power consumption
tech.平均年土壤流失量mean annual soil loss
tech.平均年土壤流失量average annual soil loss
tech.平均年地租average annual ground-rent
econ.平均年均法折旧depreciation by equal annual payment
econ.平均年增量mean annual increment
logist.平均年增长率average annual rate of growth
telecom.平均年增长率average annual growth rate
tech.平均年增长率annual average rate of increase
busin.平均年度mean year
fin.平均年度保险金level annual premiums
fin.平均年度回报率average annual return
fin.平均年度增长率average annual growth rate
busin.平均年度增长率mean annual rate of increase
econ.平均年度指数mean annual rate
tech.平均年度费用average annual cost
tech.平均年径流mean annual runoff
hydroel.st.平均年径流量mean annual runoff
tech.平均年抽水量mean annual abstraction
tech.平均年抽水量average annual abstraction
hunt.平均年捕获量average annual catch
forestr.平均年收获量mean annual yield
hydroel.st.平均年水位mean annual water level
tech.平均年沉积率mean annual sedimentation rate
tech.平均年沉积率average annual sedimentation rate
tech.平均年沉积量average annual accumulation
tech.平均年泥沙沉积量mean annual sediment yield
tech.平均年泥沙沉积量average annual sediment yield
tech.平均年洪水mean annual flood (流量)
tech.平均年洪水average annual flood (流量)
bridg.constr.平均年洪水流量average annual flood
hydroel.st.平均年洪水量mean annual flood
tech.平均年流量mean annual discharge
tech.平均年流量average annual discharge
tech.平均年淤积量average annual sediment deposition
tech.平均年淤积量average annual accumulation
hunt.平均年渔获量average annual catch
tech.平均年温差mean annual temperature range
hydroel.st.平均年温度mean annual temperature
desert.平均年温度较差mean annual range of temperature
tech.平均年灾害损失average annual equivalent damage
demogr.平均年率average annual rate
agric.平均年生长率average annual growth rate
tech.平均年生长量mean increment
desert.平均年生长量mean annual increment
tech.平均年疏伐度average annual stand depletion
tech.平均年疏浚量average annual dredging quantity
proj.manag.平均年租average yearly rent
earth.sc.平均年立方米cubic meters average year
fin.平均年薪average annual salary
el.平均年负荷率average annual load factor
el.平均年负荷系数average annual load factor
el.平均年费用average annual cost
tech.平均年输沙量mean annual sediment discharge
tech.平均年输沙量average annual sediment discharge
el.平均年递增率cumulative annual growth rate
el.平均年递增率compound ed annual growth rate
el.平均年递增率compound annual average growth rate
UN, account.平均年通胀率average annual rates of inflation
account.平均年金折旧equal annual payment method (of depreciation)
fin.平均年金折旧depreciation-equal-annual payment
busin.平均年金折旧depreciation-equal annual payment
fin.平均年金折旧法depreciation-equal-annual payment method
tech.平均年金折旧法equal annual depreciation payment method
interntl.trade.平均年金法折旧用equal-annual-payment method of depreciation
busin.平均年金法equal-annual-payment method
econ.平均年金法折旧depreciation by equal annual payment method
wind.平均年降水量mean annual precipitation
bridg.constr.平均年降水量average annual precipitation
tech.平均年降水量mean annual rainfall
tech.平均年降水量mean yearly rainfall
tech.平均年降水量average yearly rainfall
meteorol.平均年降雨量average annual rainfall
hydroel.st.平均年降雨量average yearly rainfall
tech.平均年降雨量average annual rainfall
commer.平均年限average life
fin.平均年限composite life
tech.平均年限mean life
tech.平均年限average life (period)
fin.平均年限折旧depreciation-composite life
interntl.trade.平均年限折旧depreciation composite life
busin.平均年限折旧composite life depreciation
busin.平均年限折旧法composite life depreciation method
account.平均年限折旧法depreciation by composite life method
tech.平均年限折旧法depreciation-composite life method
tech.平均年限收益率yield to average life
securit.平均年限收益率yield to average rate
proj.manag.平均年限法straight line method of depreciation
tech.平均年限法composite life method
tech.平均年雨量average annual rainfall
tech.平均年雨量多年平均降水mean annual precipitation (量)
busin.平均年龄composite life
econ.平均年龄composite life
tech.平均年龄average age
ecol.平均年龄mean age
agric.平均年龄组成mean age composition
tech.平均有效寿命平均有效使用年限average useful life
tech.平均枯水年mean dry year
demogr.平均死亡年龄mean age at death
demogr.平均死亡年龄medium age at death
busin.平均每个成年男子服装套数average number of suits of clothes per adult male
econ.平均每年度的折旧average annual depreciation
wind.平均温度年较差mean annual range of temperature
demogr.平均生育年龄mean age at childbearing
demogr.平均生育年龄mean age of fertility
demogr.平均生育年龄average age at childbearing
demogr.平均结婚年龄mean age at marriage
busin.平均结婚年龄average age at marriage
busin.平均退休年龄average age at retirement
hydrol.平均雨量年year of average rainfall
tech.平均雨量年份year of average rainfall
el.年人平均用电量kW・h/年・人average annual kilowatthour use per capita
busin.年固定资金平均数annual average fixed funds
econ.年平均mean annual
tech.年平均annual average (量)
el.年平均annual mean
wind.年平均annual average
hydroel.st.年平均average annual
ecol.年平均annual mean
ocean.年平均亏减率rate of annual depletion
tech.年平均交通量annual average daily traffic
hydroel.st.年平均产量average annual output
busin.年平均价格指数annual average price index
eng.geol.年平均annual mean
econ.年平均annual average
hydroel.st.年平均出力average annual output
tech.年平均历时曲线average annual duration curve
hydroel.st.年平均发生率annual incidence rate
hydroel.st.年平均发电量average annual energy output
hydroel.st.年平均发电量average annual output
tech.年平均发震率average annual rate of earthquake occurrence
securit.年平均变化数annual moving average
tech.年平均含沙量yearly mean sediment concentration
tech.年平均含沙量average annual sediment concentration
earth.sc.年平均土壤温度mean annual soil temperature
earth.sc.年平均地面温度mean annual surface temperature
China, polit.年平均增长 18%an average annual growth rate of 18 percent
demogr.年平均增长率mean annual rate of increase
interntl.trade.年平均增长率average annual growth rate
busin.年平均增长率average annual income
econ.年平均增长率average annual rate of growth
commer.年平均增长率annual average rate of increase
tech.年平均增长率mean annual growth rate
econ.年平均增长速度growth rate per annum
tech.年平均工作量average annual working capacity
eng.geol.年平均径流mean annual runoff
tech.年平均径流mean annual runoff (量)
ocean.年平均径流average annual flow
desert.年平均径流mean annual runoff
tech.年平均径流量average annual runoff (volume)
el.年平均径流量average annual runoff
tech.年平均径流量yearly mean runoff
tech.年平均径流量average annual flow
tech.年平均总磷浓度average yearly concentration of total phosphorus
textile年平均成长率annual average growth rate
securit.年平均折旧法depreciation-equal-annual payment method
earth.sc.年平均损失average annual damage
wind.年平均损失指数average annual damage index
busin.年平均收益average gain per year
econ.年平均收益盈利annual average rate of return
econ.年平均收益能力百分数average annual percent earning power
busin.年平均效率yearly mean efficiency
genet.年平均annual mean
interntl.trade.年平均annual average
tech.年平均流量annual mean daily flow
auto.年平均日交通流量average annual daily traffic
econ.年平均日交通量annual average daily traffic
bridg.constr.年平均日交通量annual average daily traffic volume
tech.年平均日交通量average annual daily volume
tech.年平均日交通量annual mean daily flow
auto.年平均日产average annual daily volume
met.年平均日产量mean annual daily output
auto.年平均日流量annual average daily flow
agric.年平均日照持续期annual mean duration of sunshine
auto.年平均时流量average annual hourly flow
agric.年平均最低气温mean annual minimum air temperature
tech.年平均最大洪峰mean annual maximum flood
earth.sc.年平均最小值mean annual minimum
desert.年平均有效降水量mean annual effective precipitation
earth.sc.年平均极端温度极差mean annual extreme temperature range
forestr.年平均林利率mean annual forest percent
tech.年平均每日交通量average annual daily traffic
refrig.年平均气候温度mean annual climatic temperature
met.年平均气压mean annual pressure
agric.年平均气温annual mean air temperature
hydroel.st.年平均气温mean annual temperature
tech.年平均气温yearly mean air temperature
wind.年平均气象温度mean annual climate temperature
eng.geol.年平均水位mean annual water level
tech.年平均水位mean yearly water level
eng.geol.年平均水位yearly water level
tech.年平均水位annual mean water level
commer.年平均水平yearly mean level
econ.年平均沉积量annual average sediment yields
tech.年平均沉积量annual average sediment yield
bridg.constr.年平均沉降量annual average quantity of settlement
tech.年平均洪水流量mean annual flood
tech.年平均洪水流量average annual flood
hydroel.st.年平均洪水量average annual flood
earth.sc.年平均洪水量最佳估计值best estimate of mean annual hood
tech.年平均流量average yearly flow
tech.年平均流量annual mean water discharge
bridg.constr.年平均流量average annual flow discharge
bridg.constr.年平均流量annual mean water dis charge
ocean.年平均流量annual mean discharge
tech.年平均流量annual mean water discharge
tech.年平均流量average annual discharge
hydroel.st.年平均流量mean yearly discharge
archit.年平均流量annual mean water discharge
tech.年平均流量average annual flow
tech.年平均流量annual average flow
ecol.年平均流量mean annual discharge
tech.年平均浓度annual average concentration
ecol.年平均浓度mean annual concentration
earth.sc.年平均海平面annual mean sea level
tech.年平均海平面yearly sea-level
ocean.年平均海平面yearly sea level
tech.年平均海平面yearly mean sea-level
earth.sc.年平均海水位mean annual sea level
earth.sc.年平均海面annual mean sea level
el.年平均消耗average annual cost
tech.年平均淤积量annual average sediment yield
geogr.年平均annual mean temperature
earth.sc.年平均温差mean annual temperature range
wind.年平均温度mean annual temperature
wind.年平均温度annual mean temperature
bridg.constr.年平均温度annual average temperature
oil年平均温度year-round average temperature
earth.sc.年平均温度average annual temperature
tech.年平均潮汐周期annual mean tidal cycle
stat.年平均mean annual rate
tech.年平均生产能力annual average productive capacity
agric.年平均生物量annual mean biomass
tech.年平均疏伐量average annual stand depletion
econ.年平均盈利率annual average rate of return
met.年平均相对湿度mean annual relative humidity
cryo.年平均积累mean annual accumulation
ocean.年平均耗水率rate of annual depletion
archit.年平均能量工作量average annual working capacity
anim.husb.年平均自然死亡率annual mean natural mortality
tech.年平均蒸发量mean annual evapouration
tech.年平均蒸发量mean annual evaporation
auto.年平均行驶英里里程average annual mileage
auto.汽车年平均行驶英里里程mean annual mileage
auto.汽车年平均行驶千米里程mean annual kilometrage
auto.年平均行驶公里里程average annual kilometrage
busin.年平均记录annual average score
tech.年平均设备利用率average annual capacity factor
tech.年平均负荷mean yearly loading
tech.年平均负荷mean yearly loading capacity
tech.年平均负荷average yearly loading capacity
tech.年平均负荷因素annual load factor
archit.年平均负荷容量average yearly loading capacity
econ.年平均费用average annual cost
tech.年平均费用annual average cost
tech.年平均较差mean annual range
tech.年平均输沙量average annual sediment discharge
tech.年平均输沙量yearly mean sediment discharge
tech.年平均输沙量annual mean sediment discharge
tech.年平均annual mean
tech.年平均降水average annual precipitation (量)
met.年平均降水量mean annual precipitation
railw.年平均降水量annual average precipitation
earth.sc.年平均降雨量mean annual precipitation
earth.sc.年平均降雨量average annual areal rainfall
busin.年平均降雨量average annual rainfall
bridg.constr.年平均雨量mean annual rainfall
bridg.constr.年平均雨量average annual rainfall
pow.el.年平均雷电日水平isokeraunic level
wind.年平均风功率密度annual average wind power density
wind.年平均风能密度annual average wind-power density
wind.年平均风能密度mean annual wind power density
wind.年平均风速yearly wind speed
wind.年平均风速annual average wind speed
commer.年度平均yearly average (数)
interntl.trade.年度平均增长率mean annual rate of increase
auto.年度平均费用average annual cost
auto.年度平均费用成本average annual cost
agric.年收获期的平均操作速度mean operation rate of annual harvesting period
wind.年最高日平均温度annual extreme daily mean of temperature
fin.年金平均支付折旧法equal-annual-payment depreciation method
tech.年平均基金总额hold harmless amount
tech.年平均基金总额超额拨款hold harmless grant
anim.husb.总平均年生长量gross mean annual increment
busin.持有投资平均额的利润按年率计算annualized rate of return on the average investment held
econ.持有的投资平均额的利润按年率计算the annualized rate of return on the average investment held
demogr.按年龄组统计的累积平均总生育率cumulative average gross fertility ratio by age groups
busin.按日历年度计算的平均指数average indexes in calendar years
busin.数据平均年龄average age of the data
tech.最终平均年生长量final mean annual increment
tech.年平均per capita
econ.年平均速率mean annual rate
securit.每月贷款余额的年化平均量annualized average of monthly loan balance
tech.气候多年平均climatological normals
hydrol.流域平均年径流drainage basin yield
tech.流域平均年径流量drainage basin yield
chem.涂料平均耐用年限mean durability year of coating
UN, tech.湿度——全年12个月平均湿度达80%或以上,平均降水量超过100毫米humidity — average morning humidity 80 per cent or more, or average precipitation over 100 millimetres, all 12 months of the year
UN, tech.热带季风气候:气温——全年12个月的日平均高温达29摄氏度或以上tropical monsoon climate with temperature — average daily high of 29 degrees celsius or more all 12 months of the year
UN, tech.热带赤道气候:温度——全年12个月的日平均高温达29摄氏度或以上。tropical equatorial climate: temperature — average daily high 29 degrees celsius or above all 12 months of the year
repr.biol.牛群年度平均产奶量rolling herd average
anim.husb.畜群年平均增长率mean annual growth rate percent (age)
anim.husb.畜群每年平均增长百分率mean annual growth rate percent
busin.相当平均年增长率equivalent average annual rate of growth
agric.粮食每亩平均年产量average annual yield of grain per mu
tech.综合平均年折旧法depreciation-composite life method
tech.群体每年平均增长百分率mean annual growth rate percent
demogr.胎次别平均婚后生育年数parity-specific average marital duration of fertility
busin.船舶吨位年平均annual average shipping tonnage
el.装机容量平均年利用率average annual load factor
busin.计提大修理基金固定资产全年平均总值total average value of fixed assets subject to overhaul amortization for the year
textile计提折旧固定资产全年平均总值total average value of depreciable fixed assets for the year
wind.设计风轮年平均转速design rotor annual mean speed
busin.资产平均使用年限average serviceable years of assets
busin.资产平均使用年限average service life of assets
plann.资料平均年龄average age of the data
met.高炉平均年产量average annual production per blast furnace (Average annual production per blast furnace is approx. 1. 26 million tonnes of hot metal; the largest furnace produces over 4 million t / a. 高炉平均年产量约为 126 万 t 铁水,最大高炉年产铁水超过400万 t。)