
Terms for subject Technology containing 市场 | all forms | in specified order only
一般市场open market
一般劳动力市场market for general labor
三级市场third market (美国术语,指大宗股票的场外交易)
不同市场间的差价back spread
不完全竞争的市场imperfect market
不稳定市场volatile market
不稳定市场unstable market
不稳定外汇市场unstable exchange market
不稳定股票市场queasy stock market
不连续证券市场discontinuous market
市场一致的价格in-line price
专家经营市场specialist market-making system
世界市场international market
世界市场价格international market price
两可市场either-way market
中心市场central plaza
中期欧洲贷款市场medium term Eurocredit market
中美洲共同市场Central America Common Market
义卖市场charity bazar
买卖市场bargain center
买方市场consumer market
了解市场情况acquaint with the market condition
争夺市场seize markets
争夺市场capture market
二级抵押贷款市场secondary mortgage market
交易所外市场kerb market
交易活跃的市场broad market
交易滞呆的市场thin market
交易稀少的市场thin market
交易量少的市场narrow market
交通技术市场信息网络系统traffic technology market network
以供应市场为目的的菜园market garden
估衣市场rag fair
住宅市场housing market
住房市场分析housing market analysis
使市场不稳定的投机destabilization speculation
供应市场的菜园market garden
保留市场reserved market
修配业市场after market
债券市场利息率bond yields
债券发行市场bond issuing market
债券发行市场bond flotation market
倾销市场dumping ground
免税进入市场duty free access to the market
全国证券市场体系Nation Market System
全球市场global market
公开市场操作open market operations
公开市场票据open market paper
内地市场market in the interior
内部劳动力市场internal labor market
农业品散市场agricultural terminal market
农贸市场free market
农贸市场farm product market
冲击市场banging the market
出价市场bid market
出口市场开发保险制export market entry guarantee scheme
分割市场carving up the market
分占市场market sharing
分层次流动的劳动力市场labour market with a hierarchical mobility
分层次流动的劳动力市场labor market with a hierarchical mobility
分散的市场经济decentralized exchange economy
分散的商品市场decentralized commodity markets
分部门的超级市场departmentized supermarket
分配市场market allocation
初次市场primary market
初次市场first market
初步市场试验preliminary market testing
初级抵押贷款市场primary mortgage market
判断市场机会assess market opportunities
利好市场bullish market
利空市场bearish market
市场做买卖do one's marketing
制造者市场mill market
劳氏市场Lloyd's Market (即伦敦保险市场)
包工市场jobber market
包租市场chartering market
区域市场spot market
区隔市场segment the market
区隔市场market segments
协商市场negotiated market
卖价市场offered market
卖方市场vendor's market
占领市场capture market
参加市场自由freedom of entry
双重外汇市场two-tier foreign exchange market
变动不定的证券市场feverish market
启动市场enlivening the markets
哄抬拾市场价格bull the market
商业企业市场调查market survey made by commercial enterprises
商业企业市场预测market forecast of commercial enterprises
商业汇票市场commercial bill market
固定市场fixed market
国内资金市场domestic money market
国外市场报价quotation on foreign market
国际市场oversea market
国际市场价格world market price
国际疏浚市场international dredging market
国际金融市场international monetary market
市场be on the market
在岸金融市场onshore financial market
地质市场经营geological market management
地质市场经营geologic market management
场外债券市场kerb market
坚挺的市场strong market
城市广场urban square
城市广场town square
城市广场city square
城市浴场urban swimming bath
城市美观广场aesthetic square
城市艺术广场aesthetic square
基本市场basic market
境外美元市场offshore dollar market
境外美元市场external dollar market
外国债券市场foreign bond markets
外汇市场机制mechanics of the foreign exchange market
外汇批发市场foreign exchange wholesale market
外汇零售市场foreign exchange retail market
大量交易的市场broad market
失去市场loss of market
失去控制市场能力lose ability to control the market
实物市场actuals market
客运市场细分marketing segmentation of passenger traffic
客运市场营销管理marketing of passenger traffic
客运市场营销组合策略marketing mix of passenger traffic
客运市场营销预测marketing forecast of passenger traffic
客运市场调查market investigation of passenger traffic
室内市场market hall
室内市场indoor market
宽松的市场relaxed market
封闭市场closed market
小区域市场small region market
小型超级市场small supermarket
小时市场能力hourly production capacity
小时市场能力hourly capacity
小额银行业务市场retail banking market
已关闭的外汇市场foreign exchange market closed
市中心停车场central area park
市内停车场city parking lot
市场market stead
市场上可以买到的代用品commercially available substitute
市场上的买空卖空speculation on the rise and fall of the market
市场上的钢材black bar
市场不完全性imperfections in markets
市场不稳定market unsettled
市场专家marketing expert
市场主体marketing main body
市场交易折扣market discount allowance
市场交易折扣discount allowance
市场交易费用market transaction cost
市场market price (格)
市场价值realized value
市场价值par value
市场价值法market value method
市场价值评估法market value approach
市场价格变动准备金reserve for market fluctuation
市场价格总额aggregate market value
市场价格的下跌market depreciation
市场价格趋势tendency of market
市场份额portion of marketing
市场份额矩阵market share matrix
市场估价market valuation
市场估价market assessment
市场供应supply of the market
市场供求情况market supply-and-demand situation
市场供给表market supply schedule
市场借债market borrowing
市场分类market grouping
市场分配market sharing
市场分配share of market
市场分配market share
市场分配协定market-sharing arrangement
市场利率market interest rates
市场利率贷款market rate loan
市场力量控制control through market forces
市场办公室market cross
市场功能marketing function
市场动力market forces
市场劳动力价格market price of labour
市场劳动力价格market price of labor
市场general adoption of the market principle
市场market area
市场博弈market game
市场原则marketing principle
市场发展与培育promotion of market development
市场发育market growth
市场发育growth of the market
市场可供商品量availability in market supplies
市场名称market term (木材)
市场吸收能力market absorption
市场和计划经济组合combined market and planning economy
市场商业中心区market place
市场国库券market bill
市场垄断monopolized market
市场垄断corner on the market
市场多样化market diversification
市场存货过多glut the market
市场审核market audit
市场对策market game
市场导向工业market-oriented industry
市场导向经济market-directed economics
市场寿命期marketing life
商品市场尺寸market size
市场层次tiers in market
市场层次market level
市场展望marketing anticipating
市场工资market wage
市场广场market place
市场广场market plaza
市场广场market square
市场开放政策open market policy
市场影响market influence
市场情况market condition
市场房屋market building
市场所在地market area
市场扫描market profile
市场探测法market survey method
市场控制商control commerce
市场收入增长率increasing rate of geological market receipt
市场收入增长率increasing rate of geologic market receipt
市场收入额geological market receipt charges
市场收入额geologic market receipt charges
市场景况business cycle marketing
市场机制调节作用regulation by the market mechanism
市场污染权建立market-creation of pollution rights
市场污染许可证marketed pollution permit
市场法规market regulation
市场活动调查marketing research
市场活跃buoyant market
市场活跃active market
市场测验market testing
市场测验market test
市场深度depth of the market
市场清算价格market cleaning price
市场渗透定价market-penetration pricing
市场渠道market channel
市场潜在需求量market potential
市场环节分析analysis of market links
市场生产market production
市场用语market term (木材)
市场疲软weak market
市场疲软sluggish market
市场疲软corner on the market
市场的敏感性market sensitiveness
市场的类型category of market
市场目标market objective
市场确定market identification
市场租价market rent
市场竞争前景anticipating of marketing competition
市场竞争对策game of market competition
市场策略market strategy
市场经济结构market economy structure
市场经营战略market management strategy
市场缺口market has openings
市场花园market garden
市场营业费marketing cost
市场营销学market marketing
市场market street
市场衰退market failure
市场要求的质量market quality
市场订购market order
市场议价标准market appraisal standard
市场试销test marketing
市场调查报告名称name of marketing surveying report
市场调查程序market survey procedure
市场调查资料market feedback
市场调査market investigation
市场调査公司market research company
市场调节regulation through the market
市场调节regulation by market
市场调节器regulator of the market
市场质量情报market quality information
市场购买可能性commercial availability
市场贴现利率market rate of discount
市场走势market behaviour
市场跌落falling market
市场道路market road
市场采购purchase from the market
市场金价的不稳定instability of gold market prices
市场金额market amount
市场销售outlet sale
市场销售market sale
市场销售量annual marketing
市场阻塞market congestion (指市场挤迫现象)
市场限值market threshold
市场需求曲线market demand curve
市场需要量market requirement
市场预测年限limited in years of market forecasting
市场饱和价格satiety price
市场饱和度percent saturation of market
市政卫生掩埋场municipal sanitary landfill
市民广场citizen's square
市缘停车场peripheral car park
市郊停车场fringe parking
平价市场bargain center
广义市场generalized marketing
广阔的市场broad market
废品市场spoiled goods market
废品市场salvage retailers
廉价市场bargain center
建筑师的建设市场分析业务site analysis services of the architect
建筑施工市场construction market
建筑材料市场structural material market
建筑材料市场constructional material market
建筑材料市场construction material market
建筑材料市场building material market
开发市场developing target market
开发新市场概率probability of new marketing
开拓城乡市场develop urban and rural markets
开放市场open market
开辟市场open up a market
开辟市场find a market
恺撒与奥古斯塔斯市场Market of Caesar and Augustus
房地产市场real estate market
房屋买卖市场housing market
打入市场access to market
扩大市场作用give more rein to market forces
扩大市场推销market expansion promotion
扩展市场expand market
扰乱市场disrupt the market
扰乱市场destabilize the market
批发市场municipal market
批发市场价值wholesale market value
批发食品市场wholesale food
承包市场contracting market
技术市场technique market
技术诀窍市场technical know-how market
市场at market price
市场价格估价valuation at market price
市场资料估价法market data approach (指不动产)
按现行市场价格at the current market price
市场行情估价market approach to value
排污许可证市场market of discharge permit
推动发展市场make a market of
效率市场efficiency market
敏感市场sensitive market
旅客运输市场营销marketing of railway passenger traffic
旧货市场junk market
旧货市场flea market
最后消费者市场ultimate consumer market
最近市场报告latest market report
有保证市场投资guaranteed market investment
有遮棚的市场covered market (place)
期权买卖市场option market
期货市场contract market
木材市场lumber market
木材市场log market
查对市场行情check the market
棚盖市场有顶盖市场covered market (place)
模拟市场调节simulated market regulation
欧洲货币市场Eurocurrency market
民族市场national market
市场water marking
污染全权交易市场market-creation of pollution rights
汽车停放展销市场auto park or market
沿海市场coastal region markets
法兰西共同市场French Community
流通市场circulating market
浮动利率市场floating rate market
海外市场oversea market
海运市场marine market
消费品市场研究consumer research
消费者目标市场consumer orientated market
混乱的市场confused market
潜在市场需求potential demand of the market
牲畜市场stock market
牲畜市场live market
牲畜市场toll turn
特别发行市场specific issue market
狭义市场narrow sense marketing
现款交易市场cash market
现货市场actual market
现货市场价格actual market price
生产地市场local market
界外市场outside market
白银市场silver market
着重市场的经济market-oriented economy
短期资金市场利率money market rate
矿产市场预测market forecasting of mineral commodities
矿山距市场里程distance between mine and market
码头市场车站市场terminal market
社会主义市场机制socialist market mechanism
社会主义市场经济socialist market economy
社会主义市场经济socialist marker-oriented economy
票据交换市场market for bill exchange
稳定市场stabilize market
空头市场bearish market
竞争市场competitive market
竞争市场分析competitive market analysis
竞争性中间产品市场competitive intermediate market
管理市场regulate the market
繁荣的市场booming market
结汇证券市场certificate market
统一市场价格uniform market prices
统一的社会主义市场single socialist market
继续交易市场continuing market
编制市场报告要求程序programming request for price quotation
缺货市场scarcity price
联合市场研究syndicated market research
聚集市场assembling market
自由市场制拍卖freely market system auction
自由市场经济free market economy
自由进入市场liberal market access
自选市场self-service market
市场food market
萧条市场flat market
萧条市场depressed market
萧条的劳动市场slack labour market
萧条的劳动市场slack labor market
补充市场complementary market
补助性市场complementary market
西欧共同市场European Common Market
要素市场production elements market
要素配置市场调节production-element allocating market regulation
财务公司存款市场finance house deposit market
货币市场互助基金money market mutual funds
贴现市场acceptance market
资本市场承诺费capital markets department commitment fee
资本市场报告系统capital market reporting system
资本市场管理制度capital market control system
资本主义市场capitalism market
超出国家计划市场之外outside the planned market
超级市场self-service departmental store
超级市场rack jobber
超级市场self-service department store
超级市场子系统定义记录supermarket subsystem definition record
超级市场批发商rack jobber
跳蚤市场flea market
跳蚤市场flea fair
边缘市场fringe market
运输市场transportation marketing
运输市场及相关经济理论transport market and economic theories related
运输交易市场freight market
进入市场壁垒barrier to entry
适应市场经济的计划plan-oriented market economy
选购权市场option market
通知放款市场call market
通过电话交易的市场over-the-telephone market
配额市场allocation market
铁路内部劳动力市场railway internal labour market
铁路内部劳动力市场railway internal labor market
铁路客运目标市场选择market section of passenger traffic
铁路运输市场份额market share of railway transportation
铁路运输企业市场营销marketing of railway transport enterprise
铁路运输模拟市场分区定价制度simulating system of railway price based on region
银根紧的金融市场a tight easy money market
销售人员综合市场预测法sales-force-composite method
销地市场markets in sales areas
闲市后市场after market
限制市场restricted market
市场fair ground
零件市场after market
露天市场blue-sky market
露天旧货市场flea market
市场交易费用non-market transaction cost
市场产品non-marketed product
市场借债non-market borrowing
市场经济国家non-market-economy country
非人格化市场机制impersonalized market mechanism
非官方市场unofficial market
非官方市场non-official market
非法交易市场black market
非计划市场unplanned market
市场fish auction