
Terms for subject Finances containing 市价 | all forms | in specified order only
上市股票市价总值aggregate value of listed stock
上日收市价previous close price
二级市场的价格发现机制price-discovery mechanism through secondary trading
以人民币计价的金融产品市场renminbi-denominated financial markets
以最优市价成交at best
价值加权市场指数value-weighted market index
做市商价差套利dealer spread
公允市价fair market price
公开喊价市场outcry market
前收市价previous closing price
加权市价总值weighted market capitalization
十足公开市价full open market price
单一价格竞价市场single price auction system
可按市价转换成股票的债券debenture convertible at market
国内市场价格domestic market price
场外交易市场报价表pink sheets (指美国股票场外交易 (OTC)的买价与卖价报表)
城市居民消费价格指数urban consumer price index
基准市场价值base market value
多头市场价值long market value
大宗商品市场定价的透明度transparency on commodity market pricing
大差价开市wide opening
market value
市价current price (ruling price)
市价market price (market value)
市价current cost
市价quoted value
市价current dollars
市价加权法market value weight
市价委托market order (指按照当时可能是最好的价格立即(尽快)买进或卖出某一特定交割月份的一定数量外汇合同的委托。这种委托不规定具体的成交价格,只规定交割月份的合同数量)
市价定购market order
市价对每股收益比率ratio of market price to earnings per share
市价成本法market-to-cost method
市价折旧法market-price depreciation method
市价指联合成本的分配market price method
市价at market
市价跌落变动准备reserve for market fluctuation
市场价at the market
市场价值加权法market value weight
市场价值对账面价值的比率market-to-book ratio
市场价值比率market value ratio
市场折价market discount
市场报价market quotes
市场渗透定价法market-penetration pricing
市场营销溢价marketing premium
市价open price
开市前议价时段pre-market opening session
开市前议价机制pre-market opening mechanism
开市-收市价委托market of opening only & market of closing only
开盘市价market order at opening
开盘市价委托on the opening market order
当前市场价值current market value
当期普通股平均市场价格average market price of ordinary shares in the current period
总成本或总市价孰低lower of total cost or total market
成本与市价孰低cost or market whichever is lower (cost or/of market rule)
成本与市价孰低规则whichever is lower cost or market price
成本与市价的法则对毛利的影响effect of cost-or-market rule on gross margin
成本或市价cost or market
成本或市价孰低法低者为准lower of cost or market the lower-of-cost or market rule: cost or markets whichever is lower
成本或市价孰低法at the lower of cost or market
投资于面向国内市场的人民币计价基金invest in RMB-denominated funds that focus on the domestic market
报价驱动市场quote-driven market
报价驱动市场order-driven market
拟定开市价calculated opening price
市价估计存货利润estimated profit from sales valuation of merchandises inventory
市价偿还redemption at market prices
市价发行股票stock issue at the current price
市价折旧depreciation on market price
市价计值mark to market
市价计值marking to market
市价计值保证金marking-to-market margin
市价计值后的损失marking-to-market loss
市价贬值depreciation on market price basis
按成本与市价孰低估价valuation at the lower of cost or market
按成本或市价估价valuation at cost or market
按成本或市价估价法valuation at cost or market
按类别的总成本或总市价孰低lower of total cost or total market by group
按项目的成本或市价孰低lower of cost or market by item
市价close price
收市叫价closing call
收市时股价各有升跌close mixed
收市竞价交易时段closing auction session
收盘市价委托on the close market order
新兴的人民币计价债券市场fledgling renminbi-denominated market
比率牛市价差套利ratio bull spread
溢价市场premium market
熊市看涨期权价差bearish call spread
熊市看涨期权价差bear call spread
熊市看跌期权价差bearish put spread
熊市看跌期权价差bear put spread
市价bull spread
牛市垂直跨价bull vertical spread
牛市看涨期权价差bull call spread
牛市看跌期权价差bull put spread
空头市场价值short-market value
空头市场价值short market value
股票市价shares quotation
触及市价委托market-if-touched order
设定收市价mark the close
证券市价下跌损失loss from decline in market value of securities
证券交易所每日正式上市牌价Stock Exchange Daily Official List
证券成本超过市价excess of cost of securities over market value
除净日未经调整收市价ex unadjusted close
零股市价委托on-the-quotation order