
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 工资 | all forms | in specified order only
一揽子工资package pay
工资man-made resource
工资labor fund
估算工资imputed wage
工资moderate salary
工资low pay
工资moderate wage
工资lower pay
工资low-wage system
工资low pay scale
工资等级lower paid bracket
工资经济low-wage economy
保留工资retention wage
假日工资holiday&vacation premium
假日工资vacation pay
假日工资holiday pay
内含工资implicit wages
削减工资rating cutting
加班工资overtime pay
劳动工资制度labor and wage system
包工工资task wages
包括税金的工资wage including tax
工资pay off
固定工资regular earnings
固定工资fixed-wage system
地区工资差别regional wage differential
基本工资basic pay
基本工资固定工资regular wage
增加工资wage increase
增加工资increase wages
奖励工资incentive payment
奖励工资incentive pay
定额工资flat rate of pay
定额工资quota wage system
实物工资natural wage
实际工资actual wage
实际工资保险real wage insurance
岗位工资job wage
岗位工资job wage system
工业投资industrial investment
工人工资wage for workmen
工商业者投资businessman's investment
工程项目融资project financing
工资上升inflation of wage
工资专用支票special payroll check
工资以外收入private means
工资体系pay system
工资全面增长round-of-wage increase
工资净额net pay
工资pay system
工资制度system of wage
工资削减wage cut
工资wage sheet
工资pay slip
工资payroll sheet
工资单位wage unit
工资pay card
工资及福利wage and welfare
工资发放登记簿payroll register
工资和附加费wage and related expenses
工资基金wage fund source
工资基金payroll fund
工资基金论wage fund theory
工资增长wage growth
工资学说theory of wage
工资定额rate set
工资审计payroll audit
工资差别salary differential
工资总额total payroll
工资总额wage bill
工资成本wage costs
工资成本labour cost
工资成本labor cost
工资扣减deduction from wages
工资指数wage exponent
工资指标wage guidepost
工资按比例增加scale up of wages
工资支付payment of payroll
工资支付disbursement of payrolls
工资支付制wage-payment system
工资支付账wage payroll
工资收入wage income
工资收入wage earnings
工资收入者wage earner
工资政策pay policy
工资最高限额ceiling on wage
工资标准wage level
工资标准wage scale
工资标准standard of wage
工资标准《管理》wage pattern
工资比例scale of wages
工资水平standard of wage
工资水平《管理》wage level
工资pay point
工资rate set
工资scale of wages
工资rate of pay
工资率差异labor rate variance
工资率标准standard of wage rate
工资率标准labor rate standard
工资率《管理》wage rate
工资率表wage rate record
工资理论theory of wage
工资登记表payroll records
工资等级wage bracket
行业或地区等的工资等级、工资级别《管理》wage scale
工资管理wage administration
工资管理management of wage
工资管理形式wage regulating form
工资簿payroll records
工资类型wage pattern
工资结算wage recapitulation
工资结算单wage recapitulation sheet
工资股利wage dividend
工资salary scales
工资payroll sheet
工资要求wage demand
工资规律law of wages
工资调整wage adjustment
工资账户payroll account
工资费用staff costs
工资费用labor charge
差别工资differential wages
应计工资accrued wage
支付现款后应付工资wage accruals less disbursement
效益工资profit-related wages
效益工资efficiency-related wages
工资daily pay
工资daily rate of pay
工资hourly wage
最低工资minimum wage rate
最低保证工资minimum entitlement
最高工资ceiling on wage
最高工资限额wage ceiling
工资monthly wage
工资计划monthly wage plan
月平均工资monthly average wages
月平均工资average monthly wage
未付工资unpaid wages
未付工资unclaimed wages fund
未领工资unclaimed wages
正常工资regular rate
每小时工资hourly wage
永久工资permanent payroll
浮动工资sliding wage
浮动工资slide scale
滑动工资sliding wage
滑动工资sliding scale
生产率工资productivity wages
病假工资sick leave payment
累进计件工资progressive piece-rate wage
累进计件工资productivity wages
纯计时工资plain time rate
绝对工资成本absolute wage costs
维持生活工资wage for subsistence
综合工资pay package
综合工资package pay
缩减工资reduction of wages
美国工资委员会Wage Board
职务工资job wage
职务工资pay according to one's post
职务工资job salaries
职务技能工资job-skill wage system
行业工资结构industrial wage structure
补充工资salary supplement
补发工资supplement wage
补发增加的工资retroactive pay
补差工资make up pay
计件工资productivity wages
计件工资pieces system
计件工资piece rate
计时工资time payment
计时工资hourly wage
计时工资time rate wages
资助工业subsidized industries
较高的计件工资定额tight rate
追加工资salary supplement
追加工资supplement wage
追加工资retroactive pay
递增工资incremental payment
银行工资专户special payroll bank account
附加工资surcharge on wages
降低工资reduction of wages
降低工资reduce the wage
预付工资prepay wage
额外工资premium wages
工资high wage
工资职位high wage job
鼓励工资wage incentive