
Terms for subject General containing 客户账户 | all forms
支票是客户要求银行从自己账户付出一笔钱的书面指示A cheque is an instruction in writing from the account holder to the bank to pay out a sum of money from the account
用户场景为客户提供自助服务,使用户可以管理他们的银行账户,查找支行和自动取款机,以及与银行雇员联系Consumer scenarios provide customers with self-services where they can manage their banking accounts, find branch offices and ATMs, and initiate communications with banking staff
赴美旅游团组预约:不少于15人组成的目的相同,且共同出行的团组,可以申请特殊团组预约。如果旅行社需要反复为其他游客进行签证申请预约,可以网上创建一个“旅行协调员”账户,而不使用团组预约Groups of not fewer than 15 individuals, traveling in the U. S. together for the same purpose, may request a special group appointment. If you are a travel agency repeatedly booking appointments for other travelers, you can create a travel coordinator profile in our online system, rather than booking group appointments