
Terms for subject Environment containing 实地 | all forms | in specified order only
地理信息系统实验室GIS laboratory A laboratory where GIS data drawn from different sources are stored, handled, analyzed and updated (一个来自不同来源的地理信息系统数据被存储、处理、分析和更新的实验室。)
地面大气剖面实验ground-based atmospheric profiling experiment
实地实验field experiment Experiment carried out on a substance or on an organism in the open air as opposed to in a laboratory (在现实中而非实验室对某一物质或有机体进行的实验。)
实地考察field study Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory (在实地进行考察,搜集一些在实验室搜集不到的信息。)