
Terms for subject Milk production containing | all forms
一些中国人更喜欢豆,而非牛奶Some Chinese people prefer bean milk to milk
一次分离的稀single cream 18% of fat
一种酸因细菌作用,能拉成丝long milk
三角型wedged cheese
乳房炎garget milk
乳酸lactic-acid milk
天数泌乳期days in milk loc.
记录milk production recording
记录cow testing
记录milk recording
人造imitation milk
人造酸cultured yoghurt
低盐slightly-salted cream cheese
低脂low-fat milk
低脂能帮助你减肥Low-fat milk can help you keep fit
低脂single-cream cheese
低脂牛low-fat milk
免疫immune milk
干酪whole milk cheese
全脂full-fat milk
全脂whole milk
全脂full-cream milk
全脂full cream
全脂full-cream milk powder
全脂dry whole milk
全脂dried whole milk
全脂full cream milk powder
全脂whole milk powder
全脂dried full-cream milk
全脂full-fat cheese
全脂full-cream cheese
全脂牛whole milk
全部手工挤whole-hand milking
再制recombined milk
再制加工厂milk reconstruction plant
再制renovated cream
ice milk
冷却chilled milk
冷却ice-cooled milk
freeze-dried milk
冻鲜fresh frozen milk
凝固的clotted cream
分级graded milk
分级graded cheese
初乳instant milk powder
制作酪的搅拌剂worked paste
制作酪的搅拌剂kneaded paste of cheese
加工preserved milk
加工的酪块cooked curd cheese
加碘iodized milk
半脂half-cream milk
半脂half-cream powder
半脂half-fat cheese
半脂semi-fat cheese
半脂half-cream cheese
半脱脂semi-skim milk
半软semi-soft cheese
印度水牛Indian buffalo's milk
压榨制作酪的凝乳块pressed cheese paste
原料uncooked milk
原料raw milk
双皮double skin milk
发酵fermented milk
发酵cultured milk
发酵的酸cultured sour cream
发酵过度的huffed cheese
发酵过度的hoven cheese
食品milk foods
含有絮块的lumpy milk
喷雾法制做的脱脂spray skimmed milk powder
固态curdled milk
圆型wheel-shaped cheese
在大桶中混合后的vat milk
均质homogenized milk
均质clarified milk
坚果风味酪块cheese paste flavoured with seeds
复原稀reconstituted cream
业生产breast-milk production
业生产/乳品生产dairy produce
业管理dairy management
milk ice
制品生产记录cow testing
制品生产记录milk production recording
制品生产记录milk recording
品售货亭milk booth
收集中心milk collection centre
/料价格比milk/feed price ratio
/料比milk/feed rate
/料比milk/feed ratio
油冰淇淋dairy ice cream
油冰淇淋custard ice cream
油凝块Devonshire cream
油凝块clotted cream
油层cream layer
油层cream line
油干酪cream cheese
油是一种乳制品Cream is a dairy product
油蛋糕cream cake
milk tablet
flaky milk
牛场dairy husbandry
牛场dairy farm
牛度夏summering of dairy cattle
牛的种公牛sires of dairy cattle
畜系谱dairy pedigree
畜群dairy herd
milk powder
dried milk
粉厂milk drying plant
milk porridge
质降低deterioration of milk
酪块cheese paste
酪块body of cheese
酪块cheese curd
酪外皮块rindless block of cheese
酪外皮腐烂rind rot of cheese
酪多孔率openness of cheese
酪沥水桶边hoop-side of cheese
酪的发酵sweating of cheese
酪的膨胀率overrun of cheese
酪种类cheese variety
酪种类cheese kind
Cornish cream
孩子们都喜欢果All children like fruit milk
安全safe milk
官方产记录official milk recording
富含泡沫的overwhipped cream
富维vitaminized milk
小块short body of cheese
山羊goats' milk
巴氏灭菌pasteurized milk
制品dried milk product
干酪用milk for cheese making
干酪用cheese milk
异味off-flavoured milk
shed milk
强化fortified milk
强化enriched milk
强化脱脂reinforced skim milk
我们需要鲜牛We need some fresh milk
我想要一个芝士汉堡包、一包薯条和一大杯巧克力I’ll have a cheese burger, French fries and a large chocolate milkshake, please
酪周边抹平polished smooth cheese-rind
milk room
挤尽残挤奶方法stripping milking method
搅拌cream for churning
搅拌型whipped cream
collection of milk
milk collecting
散装milk in bulk
散装bulk milk
散装装瓶bulk milk dispensing
犊牛weaned calf
蛋白non-milk protein
日本研究人员称,吃酸等富含乳酸的食物能防止牙龈萎缩和牙齿脱落Eating yogurt and other foods laden with lactic acid may keep your gums from receding and teeth from falling out, Japanese researchers report
有强烈杂味的tangy cheese
有10%的液态已被检出含有三聚氰胺Tests show that 10 % of the liquid milk supply has been contaminated with melamine
未熟化immature cheese
fruit milk
标准产量fat-corrected milk yield
标准化standardized milk
每头牛年产yield of milk per cow
水牛buffalo's milk
泌乳期产yield of lactation period
浓缩concentrated milk
浓缩concentrated milk fat
浓缩plastic cream
浓缩全脂condensed whole milk
浓缩冰concentrated ice milk
消毒sterilized milk
消毒sterilized cream
液态fluid milk
液态drinking milk
液态liquid milk
液态market milk
unsweetened milk
混合pooled milk
添加配料的脱脂filled milk
溶解macerated milk
滚筒式加工的脱脂roller skim milk powder
滚筒法生产的roller dried milk powder
drip milk
漂洗rinse milk
热处理heat-treated milk
照射牛irradiated milk
cooked cheese
boiled cheese
熟化ripening film
熟化ripe cheese
熟化ripened cheese
熟化cooked cheese
熟化boiled cheese
成分milk constituents
成分milk components
生产者milk producer
的不稳定的风味unstabilized flavour of milk
的刃天青试验resazurin test of milk
的标准化standardization of milk
的酸味sourness of milk
等级milk grade
等量/当量milk equivalent
贮存milk preserves
酶制剂milk enzyme
香味milk flour
sweet butter
uncooked cheese
白化whitened cheese
盐水熟化brine-ripened cheese
硬质hard cheese
grated cheese
碱性alkaline milk
油塞瓶装牛奶在静置中, 脂肪上浮到瓶颈所形成的cream plug
油结团一种缺陷bitty cream
稀释diluted milk
thick cream
double cream
油干酪double cream cheese
稳定的加了抗氯化剂的,不易酸败stabilized cream
稳定的的风味stabilized flavour of milk
粗制酸quark cheese
粘稠乳中含丝状物, 由细菌生长造成的缺馅ropy milk
精制purified milk
genuine milk
酪条thready paste of cheese
酪条pasta filata
结块牛set milk
维生素营养vitamin-fortified milk
绵羊sheep's milk
绵羊乳清sheep's milk whey
老化/熟化aged cheese
脱水cream powder
脱脂skim milk
脱脂non-fat milk
脱脂separated milk
脱脂skimmed milk
脱脂defatted milk
脱脂中的酸凝乳acid curd from skim milk
脱脂干物质/脱脂奶粉non-fat dry milk solids
脱脂non-fat dry milk
脱脂dry skim milk
脱脂non-fat dried milk
脱脂dried skim milk
脱脂skimmed milk powder
脱脂low fat milk powder
脱脂skim milk powder
脱脂skim milk cheese
脱脂强化dried skim enriched milk
脱脂牛fat-free milk
脱脂营养fortified skimmed milk
表层熟化surface ripened cheese
调制稀recombined cream
调味发酵flavoured fermented milk
soybean milk powder
超高温消毒long-keeping milk
soft curd milk
还原reconstituted milk
还原reconstituted dried milk
那时候,我以为油蛋糕就是世界上最美味的东西了At that time, I thought the cream cake is the most delicious thing in the world
产品yoghurt product
干酪sour milk cheese
sour cream
菌种yoghurt starter
酸化acidulated cream
酸化牛acidified milk
酸败soured milk
酸败rancid milk
长货架期long-keeping milk
阿尔宾一种乳用山羊Alpine milk
阿尔宾一种乳用山羊Alpine cheese
非熟化酪/生奶酪unripened cheese
非脂牛干物质fat-free milk solid
风味flavoured milk
风干blowing of cheese
香料spiced cheese
香草herb cheese
香菜籽caraway seeds cheese
mare's milk
驼羊llama's milk
骆驼camel milk
骆驼camel's milk
高温消毒uperized milk
高温消毒uperized cream
高脂high-fat cream
高脂heavy cream
高脂high-fat milk powder
new milk
raw butter
fresh cheese
鲜中软fresh semi-soft cheese
鲜牛fresh milk
鹿reindeer's milk
麦芽malted milk
麦芽malt milk