
Terms for subject Heavy equipment vehicles containing | all forms
三从一训练原则principle of training under difficult, strict, real competition settings and big load
力量训练亚最负荷submaximum load for strength training
力量训练次最负荷supermaximum load for strength training
周期训练计划long-period training plan
学休闲活动计划university recreation program
学模式varsity model
腿抬高脚尖绷直lift the thigh high and point the toes
力量阶段maximum strength phase
氧耗训练maximal oxygen consumption training
氧耗量maximum oxygen consumption
练习maximal exercise
能力跑maximum effort run
负荷maximal load
负荷法maximum load method
速度阶段phase of maximum speed
重复次数repetition maximum (RM)
次最强度重复法submaximal tension repetition method
短期最负荷法short term maximum tension method
突击周期shock macrocycle
肌肉增阶段hypertrophy phase
重复一次的最强度one repetition maximum
高抬腿伸展小腿跑high-knee running with lower leg extension