
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing | all forms
不稳定unstable atmosphere
中性neutral atmosphere
中性气边界层neutral atmosphere boundary layer
中性分层neutrally stratified air
中性稳定neutrally stable atmosphere
亚绝热subadiabatic atmosphere
信号放signal amplifier
偏航误差放yaw error amplifier
全球气污染global air pollution
分层气湍流stratified atmosphere turbulence
刚度的金属梁rigid metal girder
动力放dynamic amplification
原型气风proto type atmospheric wind
受污染polluted atmosphere
史密斯一普特南型风轮机Smith-Putnam wind turbine
史密斯-普特南型风轮机Smith-Putnam wind turbine
国际标准international standard atmosphere
国际气象与气物理协会International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
地球earth's atmosphere
地面气逆温surface inversion
均质气高度scale height
城市urban atmosphere
城市community atmosphere
塔形tower block
多元polytropic atmosphere
多极直径定子multipole large diameter stator
多相气反应heterogeneous atmosphere reaction
件与超重货物运输Ode & Owe cargo service (overdimensional cargo and overweight cargo)
heavy repair
through repair
major overhaul
capital repair
修周期overhaul life
圆速度equatorial velocity
地辐射terrestrial radiation
坡度圆锥形顶盖high pitch cone roof
型钻large power drill
型风力机large-sized wind machine
型风力机large sized wind machine
型风电机组large scale wind turbine
型风能转换系统LWECS (large scale wind energy conversion system)
型风能转换系统large scale wind energy conversion system
城市大气metropolitan atmosphere
尺寸涡流large scale eddy
尺度large scale
尺度流动broad scale flow
尺度涡旋large-scale eddy
尺度湍流Macro turbulence
尺度湍流large scale turbulence
尺度环流large-scale circulation
尺度环流large scale circulation
湍流尺度结构large scale structure
屋檐crown cornice
帽钉clout nail
扰动法large disturbance method
曲度叶片highly cambered blade
large nuclei
梁式结构girder structure
比例模型large scale model
free air
气传递atmospheric transmission
气作用atmospheric process
气停滞atmospheric stagnation
气光化学atmospheric photochemistry
气光学厚度atmospheric optical thickness
气光学质量比optical air mass
气净化atmospheric scavenging
气分散atmospheric dispersion
气剪切流动atmospheric shear flow
气动量运输atmospheric momentum transport
气压atm press
气压barometric pressure
气压air pressure
气压力barometric pressure
气压力bar pressure
气压力atmospheric pressure
气压力atm press
气压力传感器barometric pressure sensor (BP sensor)
气压强atmospheric pressure
气压风洞atmospheric wind tunnel
气厚度atmospheric depth
气参数atmospheric parameter
气反应atmospheric reaction
气噪声atmospheric noise
气团atmospheric mass
气地区观测站atmospheric regional station
气基准观测站atmospheric baseline observing station
气奇异现象atmospheric singularity
气密度atmosphere density
气对流atmospheric convection
气导电性air conductivity
气尘埃atmospheric dust
气尺度atmospheric scale
气层atmosphere layer
气层结atmospheric stratification
气平流atmospheric advection
气底层surface air
气建模技术atmospheric modelling technique
气弥散atmospheric dispersion
气弥散因子atmosphere dispersion factor
气循环atmosphere circulation
气成分atmosphere constituent
气扩散atmospheric diffusion
气扩散方程atmospheric diffusion equation
气扩散试验atmospheric diffusion test
气扩散过程atmospheric diffusion process
气扰动atmospheric disturbance
气折射atmospheric refraction
气排放标准atmospheric emission standard
气数据free air data
气数据atmosphere data
气旋涡atmospheric vortex
气旋风atmospheric whirl
气杂质atmospheric impurities
气条件atmospheric condition
气模式atmospheric model
气模拟技术atmospheric modelling technique
气气溶胶atmosphere aerosol
气水meteoric water
气水分atmosphere moisture
气污染airborne pollution
气污染atmospheric contamination
气污染atmosphere pollution
气污染atmosphere contamination
气污染air bells pollution
气污染物atmospheric contaminant
气污染物atmosphere pollutant
气污染负荷atmosphere pollution burden
气污染防治系统anti-air-pollution system
气污染预报air pollution prediction
气污染预报air pollution forecasting
气流体力学atmospheric hydromechanics
气流动atmospheric flow
气消光atmospheric extinction
气深度atmospheric depth
气温度atmospheric temperature
气温度度stability of atmosphere
气湍流air turbulence
气湍流free air tunnel
气湍流atmospheric turbulence
气湍流度air turbulence
气湍流模型atmospheric turbulence model
气湍流结构atmospheric turbulence structure
气湍流谱atmospheric turbulence spectrum
气湿度atmospheric humidity
气湿度atmosphere moisture
气滞止atmospheric stagnation
气滞止air stagnation
气潮atmospheric tide
气热力学atmospheric thermodynamics
气热平衡atmospheric heat balance
气热泡atmospheric thermal
气物理学atmospheric physics
气环流general atmospheric circulation
气环流general circulation
气环流atmosphere circulation
气痕量气体atmospheric trace gas
气监测atmospheric monitoring
气监测air monitoring
气监测器air monitor
气监测站air monitoring station
气监测网air monitoring network
气监测规程air monitoring procedure
气监测车air monitoring car
气相似性atmospheric similarity
气科学atmospheric science
气科学实验室Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory
气稀释atmospheric dilution
气稳定度常数atmospheric stability constant
气稳定度长度atmospheric stability length
气稳定性atmosphere stability
气管理air management
气组分atmospheric constituent
气结构atmospheric structure
气腐蚀atmospheric corrosion
气臭氧层atmospheric ozone layer
气致癌物atmospheric carcinogen
气表面层atmospheric surface layer
气质量atmospheric mass
气质量air quality
气质量判据air quality criteria
气质量影响分析air quality impact analysis
气质量指数air quality index
气质量标准air quality standard
气质量模式air quality model
气质量运输atmospheric mass transport
气边界层atmospheric boundary layers
气边界层atmospheric boundary layer
气边界层厚度the atmospheric boundary layer thickness
气边缘区fringe region of atmosphere
气过程atmospheric process
气运输atmospheric transport
气运输模式atmospheric transport model
气逆温atmospheric inversion
气透射atmospheric transmission
气透射率atmospheric transmissivity
气透明度atmospheric transparency
气阻尼atmospheric damping
气降水atmospheric precipitation
气风atmospheric wind
气驻压atmospheric stagnation pressure
气驻温atmospheric stagnation temperature
汽车的 车头bright
head light
直径变速它励多极式 WRSGlarge diameter variable speed separately excited multi-pole WRSG
直径多极定子large diameter multi-pole stator
粒子large particle
缩尺比large scale
缩尺比模型large-scale model
范围对流Macro scopic convection
范围污染large scale pollution
范围调节long range control
角度散射large angle scattering
跨度clear span
跨度悬索桥long span suspension bridge
跨度结构long span structure
跨度缆线long span cable
逆温层great inversion
部件装配bulk assembly
量制造mass manufacture
阻力紊流状态high drag turbulent-flow regime
陆性气候continental climate
陆空气continental air
陆风continental wind
雨指数driving rain index
high wind
风损失gale damage
风污染gale pollution
风速high wind speed
风雨driving rain
齿轮bull wheel
天然natural atmosphere
容许最电流密度allowable maximum current density
居民区community atmosphere
工业气压technical atmosphere
粒子giant particle
常态normal atmosphere
平均功率与最功率之比duty ratio
恒定最输出firm peak discharge
振动过excessive vibration
作用amplified action
器盘amplifier panel
器输出端amp out
因子magnification factor
斜压baroclinic atmosphere
无穷电压增益infinite voltage gain
使用压力maximum service pressure
使用负荷因数limit load factor
crest value
值与平均值之比peak-to-average ratio
允许功率maximum permitted power
允许损耗maximum permissible dissipation
允许极限maximum permissible limit
允许误差maximum permissible error
冻土深度maximum depth of frozen ground
出功风速cut out wind speed
出功风速cut off wind speed
剪法maximum shear method
力矩系数maximum torque coefficient
maximal work
功率maximum power
功率点跟踪maximum power point tracking
功率点追踪maximum power point tracking
功率输出maximum power output
升力攻角angle of attack of maximum lift
升力系数maximum lift coefficient
可用功率maximum available power
可能误差maximum probable error
吸力点maximum suction point
地面浓度maximum ground concentration
安全容量maximum safe capacity
安全负荷maximum safety load
安全转速maximum safe speed
容许剂量maximum allowable dose
容许功率maximum permissible power
容许尺寸maximum admissible dimension
容许尺度maximum admissible dimension
容许工作压力maximum allowable working pressure
容许排放maximum permissible release
容许水平maximum allowable level
容许浓度maximum allowable concentration
容许浓度maximum acceptable concentration
容许温度maximum allowable temperature
容许运行时间maximum allowable operating time
容许通风损失maximum allowable draft loss
容许速度maximum allowable level
容许速度maximum allowable velocity
容许速度maximum allowable speed
容许风量maximum allowable draft
容许风量损失maximum allowable draft loss
容量peak capacity
容量标准maximum capacity standards
尺寸maximum size
尺寸maximum dimension
峰值maximum peak
工作寿命maximum service life
工作温度maximum working temperature
工作负荷maximum working load
差值maximum difference
平均空气速度mean maximum air velocity
应力maximum stress
扭矩maximum torque
持续功率maximum continuous rating
效用maximum effectiveness
无故障工作时间maximal time between faults
有效工作时间maximum available time
有效性maximum effectiveness
有效载荷比maximum payload ratio
极限maximum limit
极限状态ultimate limit state
流量maximum flow
流量速率maximum rate of flow
测量功率maximum measured power
混合层厚度maximum mixing depth
理论转矩maximum theoretical torque
瞬时功率maximum instantaneous power
瞬时风速maximum instantaneous wind speed
英里风速fastest mile wind speed
英里风速fastest mile of wind
英里风速fastest mile
许可操作温度maximum allowable operating temperature
设计风速maximum designed wind speed
误差maximum error
负荷maximum load
负荷full load power peak
转换率maximum conversion rating
转速maximum rotational speed
轴功率maximum shaft power
输出peak output
输出功率maxed output power
输出功率风速cut-off/cut-out wind speed
运转效率maximum operating efficiency
连续负荷maximum continuous load
阵风peak gust
阻塞maximum blockage
需要负荷最大需量maximum demand
额定值maximum rating
额定负荷maximum rated load
风速top wind speed
风速peak wind speed
风速maximum wind speed
机械放因子mechanical magnification factor
极端气现象extreme atmospheric events
极端气现象extreme atmosphere events
标准normal atmosphere
标准standard air
标准atmosphere standard
标准气压standard air pressure
标准气压standard atmosphere pressure
标准气压atmosphere standard
标准气条件atmospheric static conditions
标准气状态standard atmospheric state
样本sample size
正压barotropic atmosphere
正常normal atmosphere
洁净clean air
海洋marine atmosphere
消耗量增consumption penalty
物理气压physical atmosphere
环境ambient atmosphere
理论最功率系数maximum theoretical power coefficient
电子管放valve amplifier
磨损量过的工作状态rugged duty
稳定stable atmosphere
空载最加速度maximum bare table acceleration
等温isothermal atmosphere
细高slender tower
绝对气压absolute atmosphere
绝对气压单位阿泰absolute atmosphere
缓冲放buffer amplifier
自由free atmosphere
自由free air
自由气风free atmospheric wind
自由气风free atmosphere wind
行星planetary atmosphere
装配assembly order/operational sequence planning
装配assembly outline
装配纲一架次记录assembly outline-ships record
装配纲一架次记录系统assembly outline-ship recording system
装配纲跟踪控制记录assembly outline tracing control report
超绝热superadiabatic atmosphere
的加工余量excessive machining allowance
阵风最递减时段maximum gust lapse interval
阵风最递减时距maximum gust lapse interval
阵风最风速gust peak speed
阻力增drag penalty
非均相气反应heterogeneous atmosphere reaction
翼剖面靠后的最厚度位置far back maximum thickness
风力发电机最功率maximum power of wind turbine
风力机最功率maximum power of wind turbine
风轮叶片最包络线maximum rotor blade envelope
高层high rise block
高层upper air
高空upper atmosphere
高空light air
高空气湍流heavenly tunnel