
Terms for subject United Nations containing 多的 | all forms | in specified order only
一次性的摊款或多年期特别摊款one-time assessment or multi-year special assessments
关于养护和可持续利用海洋和沿海生物多样性的雅加达任务规定Jakarta Mandate on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity
关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书临时多边基金信托基金Trust Fund for the Interim Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
关于消耗臭氧层物资的蒙特利尔议定书多边基金信托基金Trust Fund for the Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
关于生物多样化和建立特别保护区的议定书Protocol on Biological Diversity and Establishment of Specially Protected Areas
关于生物多样性和森林的声明Statement on Biological Diversity and Forests
具备更多种能力和技能的职工队伍more versatile and multi-skilled staff
可以在减少贫穷促进增长信贷额度方案中"浮动更多的份额"floating additional tranches" in PRGF programmes
国家生物多样性规划:根据早期国家经验制订的准则National Biodiversity Planning: Guidelines Based on Early Country Experiences
多层次的建立信任的安全系统multilayered confidence-building security system
指导各国养护和协调利用两国或多国共有自然资源的环境领域行为原则Principles of Conduct in the Field of the Environment for the Guidance of States in the Conservation and Harmonious Utilization of Natural Resources Shared by Two or More States
支持妇女谋生:对多数妇女可行的小额供资Supporting Women's Livelihoods: Microfinance that Works for the Majority
敌对行动是指交战一方或多方的行动引起的、对部队/警察部队派遣国的人员和/或装备造成直接和重大负面影响的事故hostile action means an incident from the actions of one or more belligerents, which has a direct and significant negative impact on the personnel and/or equipment of a troop/police contributor
旱地生态系统的多样化heterogeneity in the dryland ecosystems
有利于生物多样性的活动Biodiversity Enabling Activities
漫长的多雨时期wet periods, long
环境规划署实施根据蒙特利尔议定书设立的临时多边基金资助的活动技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for UNEP's Implementation of the Activities Funded by the Interim Multilateral Fund Established under the Montreal Protocol
环境领域的多年研究发展方案Multiannual R & D programmes in the field of the environment
生物多样性的丧失loss of biodiversity
生物多样性的丧失biodiversity loss
生物多样性的人类价值:土著和传统民族 的看法Human Values of Biodiversity: Perspectives from Indigenous and Traditional Peoples
生物物种多样性的恢复restoration of biological diversity
确定沉积厚度所用的数字多道地震迹线digital multi-channel seismic tracks
管制药物滥用今后行动的综合性多学科纲要Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control
维护生物的多样性conservation of biological diversity
维护遗传的多样性conservation of genetical diversity