
Terms for subject Rail transport containing 填 料 | all forms | in specified order only
填料filling materials
填料分类classification of filling materials
岩块填料rock filler
岩块填料rock block filler
粗粒土填料coarse-grained soil fill
粗粒土填料coarse grained soil fill
粗粒土填料coarse-grained soil filler
A B填料group A and B filler
A、B 组填料group A and B filler
组细粒土填料group C fine-grained soil filler
细粒土填料fine grained soil fill
细粒土填料fine-grained soil fill
细粒土填料fine-grained soil filler
装填材料stuffing material (集装箱)
路堤填料embankment filler
路堤填料filling material of embankment
路堤填料embankment fill material
防冻填料anti-freezing filler