
Terms for subject General containing 基标 | all forms
使用对数就是把数变成另一种都同某标准基数发生关系的数the use of logarithms involves converting numbers into other numbers that are all related to a standard base
国家标准基准数据体系National Standard Reference Data System
国际照明委员会标准三基色International Commission on Illumination standard primaries
基准〔参考〕坐标reference coordination
基准标架frame of reference
基准标高ordnance datum
巴基斯坦〔工业〕标准协会Pakistan Standards Institution
巴基斯坦国家标准Pakistan Standards
巴基斯坦铁道标准Pakistan Railway Standard
服装设计师通过立体剪裁、绘制草图或平面制版在标准化的基本模块上制版The production patternmaker makes patterns through draping, drafting, or flat-patterning from standardized basic blocks