
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing 型衬底 | all forms
下水前测量船体主尺度、包括总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深和基线挠度measuring hull's main dimensions, including overall length, length between perpendiculars, molded breadth, molded depth and basic line deflection before launching
下水前测量船体主尺度,包括总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深、基线挠度measuring hull's main dimensions, including overall length, length between perpendiculars, molded breadth, molded depth and basic line deflection before launching
中型散货船intermediate bulk carrier
中小型企业small- and medium-sized enterprises
主机类型type of main engine
产品型号type of product
会话型控制模块conversational control module
住友重型机械公司Sumitomo Shipbuilding & Machinery Co., Ltd
你们打算订购哪种型号的水泵?What type of water pump do you want to order?
使用围堤造船新方法建造超大型船舶use enclosing dam shipbuilding new method to construct superlarge-scale ship
使用围堤造船新方法来建造超大型船舶use enclosing dam shipbuilding new method to construct superlarge-scale ship
使用新造船工艺在长 200 米的船台上建造长 300 米的超大型船舶use shipbuilding new technology on a length 200 m berth to construct length 300 m superlarge-scale ship
使用造船新工艺在长度 200 米的船台上建造长度 300 米的超大型船舶use shipbuilding new technology on a length 200m berth to construct length 300m superlarge scale ship
先进模型advanced model
典型电阻合金ideal alloy
《内河小型船舶建造规范》Rules for Building River Small Ships
冷凝器类型condenser types
冷却器类型cooler types
净化器类型purifier types
凸轮类型cam type
出口大型油轮export large tanker
分离器类型separator types
利用造船新技术在长 200 米的船台上建造长 300 米的超大型船舶utilize shipbuilding new technique on a length 200 m berth to construct length 300 m superlarge-scale ship
利用造船新技术在长度200米的船台上建造长度300米的超大型船舶utilize shipbuilding new technique on a length 200m berth to construct length 300m super large-scale ship
制造新型仪表manufacture new-type instrument
制造新型油泵manufacture new-type oil pump
制造新型监控器manufacture new-type monitor
制造新型绞车manufacture new-type winch
制造新型舵机manufacture new-type steering gear
制造新型船舶发动机manufacture new-type marine engine
制造新型船舶发动机manufacture new type marine engine
前体纵剖型线bow line
加热器类型heater types
劳动密集型产品labor intensive products
劳动密集型项目labor intensive project
十字头型柴油机crosshead diesel engine
压实造型机squeeze moulding machine
压缩机类型compressor types
双笼型转子电动机double squirrel-cage motor
反射型测厚计back scatter beta gauge
发电机类型generator types
变压器类型transformer types
后机型船after engined ship
喷丸成型shot blast forming
回转弯曲成型wiper forming
地址类型计算机术语address type
地址类型计算机术语address style
型体干舷geometrical freeboard
型刨moulding plane
型心砂core sand
V 型柴油机V-type diesel engine
型砂加入剂sand additions
型砂熟化sand maturing
型砂造成的铸件缺陷sand defects
型砂配制机sand conditioner
型管式热交换器U tube heat exchanger "U"
型线光顺程序line fairing program
型线图lines drawing
型线放样lofting of molded lines
型线数学光顺mathematical fairing of lines
型芯夹core gripper
型芯涂料core blacking
型芯烘干炉core drying furnace
型芯硬度计core hardness tester
型钢喷沙车间profile-blasting shop
型钢矫直shapes straightening
备选模型alternative pattern
多任务造型机multistation moulding machine
大型企业large sized enterprise
大型企业enterprise on large scale
大型巡洋舰large cruiser
大型工字梁girder beam
大型成套设备complete set of large equipment
大型战术指挥舰large tactical command ship
大型空心螺旋桨large hollow propeller
大型船用反应堆large ship reactor
大型设备major equipment
大型铲斗挖泥船large dipper dredger
天线类型aerial type
孔径型天线的天线效率antenna efficiency of an aperture type antenna
密圭寸型变压器hermetically sealed type transformator
密封型分离器hermetic separator
密封型变压器hermetically sealed type transformator
密封型脉冲变压器hermetically sealed pulse transformator
对比型光度计contrast-type photometer
导弹轻型巡洋舰guided missile light cruiser
导弹重型巡洋舰guided missile heavy cruiser
小型企业enterprise on small scale
小型军火船small ammunition ship
小型变压器miniature transformer
小型工业small-sized industry
小型挖泥船portable dredger
小型破冰船small icebreaker
小型铲斗挖泥船minidipper dredger
巡洋舰型船尾结构图cruiser stern constructional drawing
巨型油轮mammoth tanker
带型钢band steel
常石集团舟山大型船体有限公司Tsuneishi Group Zhoushan Large Hull Co., Ltd
干沙型芯dry sand core
干沙造型dry sand molding
开关类型switch types
异型钢管shape steel-pipe
弧齿型吊艇柱quadrant davit
弯曲型砂芯snake core
弹簧箱铸型spring box mold
微型印刷电路microprinted circuit
微型电子电路microelectronic circuit
微型电容器button capacitor
微型磨料micromold abrasive
性能一型号说明书performance-type specification
性能-型号说明书performance-type specification
我们想订购 T5 型的We are thinking of placing an order for T5 model
手工造型hand mold
手工造型法hand molding
技术密集型的technology intensive
拖网渔船型船尾trawler stern
拖船型船尾tugboat stern
接触造型contact molding
推荐型号proposed model
攻击型潜艇attack submarine
攻击型航空母舰strike aircraft carrier
数学型线mathematical lines
整流器类型rectifier types
文件规定的船舶型宽identification ship's molded breadth
文件规定的船舶型深identification ship's molded depth
斗型舵bucket type rudder
斗型舵bucket-type rudder
断路器类型breaker types
新型仪表new-type instrument
新型油泵new-type oil pump
新型监测仪new-type monitor
新型绞车new-type winch
新型舵机new-type steering gear
新型船舶发动机new-type marine engine
新模型new model
日本住友重型机械公司Sumitomo Shipbuilding & Machinery Co., Ltd, Japan
显示类型display category
曲线型船首柱curved stem
曲线型艏柱curved stem
月巴型船full-formed ship
有型芯的铸件cored casting
服逐舰型船屋destroyer stern
条型钢bar steel
核动力攻击型潜艇nuclear attack submarine
检查船体型线inspection of hull line
模型完整model completion
模型工model worker
模型工程师pattern engineer
模型样品pattern sample
模型纤维model fibre
模型试验model trial
模型试验数据model-test data
模型调整技术model adjustment technique
模型车间model shop
"母"型螺旋桨basic propeller
母型螺旋桨basic propeller
气压型减振器air-type shock absorber
气压型减震器air type shock absorber
水火成型forming by flame heating and water cooling
沪东重型机械股份有限公司Hudong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd (HHM)
波型炉胆corrugated furnace
波导型定向耦合器wave guide directional coupler
泵的类型type of pump
流线型上层建筑streamlined superstructure ship
流线型上层结构streamlined superstructure ship
流线型桅杆faired mast
流线型桅杆streamlined mast
流线型桥楼streamlined bridge
液压定型机hydraulic calibrating press
液压成型压力机hydraulic forming press
烘干型baked mold
烘干砂型心baked core
热交换器类型heat exchanger types
热喷涂型船底漆hot spraying type ship bottom paint
热定型机hot setting machine
热收缩成型heat shrink forming
焊接成型formation of weld
焊缝成型系数shape factor of weld
生物电模型bioelectric model
电动机类型motor types
电容输入型condenser input type
电感电桥型inductive bridge type
电流型开关current-mode switch
电爆成型electrospark forming
瘦型船thin ship
直线型船首柱straight stem
直线型艏柱straight stem
砂轮整型器abrasive wheel dresser
磁己录型存储器magnetic recording memory
磁带型号magnetic tape format
磁平衡型magnetic balance type
磁放大器型magnetic amplifier type
磁放大器型磁心电路magnetic amplifier type magnetic core circuit
磁铁型magnet type
笼型感应电动机induction squirrel-cage motor
笼型转子电动机squirrel-cage motor
箱型舵box type rudder
箱型舵box-type rudder
线圈型电流计coil galvanometer
线圈类型coil form
线圈类型coil type
线型图sheer drawing
绝对极型absolutely extreme form
美国大型巡洋舰large cruiser
美国大型战术指挥舰large tactical command ship
翼型推进器aerofoil propeller
肋骨型线图frame body plan
肥型船full ship
肥型船full-formed ship
自动造型automatic mold
自卸重型卡车self-dumping heavy truck
自适应类型adaptive form
舵的类型rudder type
船体型线检验survey of hull line
船体线型设计系统hull form design system
船壳线型hull form
船舶减摇装置类型ship stabilizer types
船舶模型ship model
船舶设计型宽ship-design molded breadth
船舶设计型深ship-design molded depth
船长与型宽比length to breadth ratio
船长与型深比length to depth ratio
艏机型船bow engine ship
艏机型船bow engined ship
蜡制模型wax pattern
计算机数控型材号料机CNC shapes marking machine
设计定型试验design type test
设计用船舶模型ship model using for ship design
误差型式error pattern
超大型油轮ultralarge tanker
超大型油轮ultra large tanker
超小型电路microminiature circuit
轴承型式bearing type
轻型吊杆装置light-lift derrick
轻型导弹巡洋舰guided missile light cruiser
轻型巡逻水翼艇light patrol hydrofoil
轻型摩托车light motorcycle
轻型舷窗light type scuttle
过滤器类型filter types
造型工场foundry floor
造型砂foundry sand
造型黏土bond clay
重型吊杆装置heavy-lift derrick
重型吊杆货船heavy lift carrier
重型导弹巡洋舰guided missile heavy cruiser
重型带缆桩heavy duty bollard
重型带缆桩heavy-duty bollard
重型战斗舰艇heavy combatant
重型机器heavy machine
重型电器设备heavy electrical plant
重型航空母舰heavy aircraft carrier
重型舷窗heavy type scuttle
重型齿轮heavy duty gear
重庆重型铸锻厂Chongqing Heavy Foundry & Forge Plant
铰链型吊艇柱hinged cradle type davit
铰链型吊艇柱hinged-cradle-type davit
铸型用聚合物cast polymer
铸造型cast molding
铸造模型casting mold
锅炉型式boiler shape
锅炉类型type of boiler
锅炉类型boiler types
雪橇型船尾sled-type stern
驱逐舰型船尾destroyer stern
高应变率成型high strain rate forming
鱼雷型船尾torpedo stern