
Terms for subject Microsoft containing 型焊 | all forms
一般型別系統common type system (The specification that determines how the common language runtime defines, uses, and manages types)
EXCH50 二進位大型物件EXCH50 binary large object (A set of properties, generated and managed by Exchange Server, which is stored with each message and contains metadata about a given message. Often referred to as EXCH50 BLOB)
EXCH50 二進位大型物件EXCH50 BLOB A set of properties, generated and managed by Exchange Server, which is stored with each message and contains metadata about a given message. Often referred to as EXCH50 BLOB (BLOB)
二進位大型物件binary large object (" A discrete packet of binary data that has an exceptionally large size, such as pictures or audio tracks stored as digital data, or any variable or table column large enough to hold such values. The designation "binary large object" typically refers to a packet of data that is stored in a database and is treated as a sequence of uninterpreted bytes.")
分配類型allotment type (A unit of service, such as a case or a range of coverage dates, specified in a service contract that indicates how much access a customer has to customer service)
參數化型別parameterized type (A type whose definition has placeholders for actual types that the user specifies when creating and using instances of the type. C++ templates and common language runtime generics are examples of parameterized types)
參考型別reference type (" A data type that is represented by a reference (similar to a pointer) to the type's actual value. If a reference type is assigned to a variable, that variable references (or "points to") the original value. No copy is made. Reference types comprise classes, interfaces, delegates, and boxed value types. ")
向量字型vector font (A font rendered from a mathematical model, in which each character is defined as a set of lines drawn between points. Vector fonts can be cleanly scaled to any size or aspect ratio)
型錄外產品write-in product (A product that is manually added to quotes, orders, and invoices rather than selected from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM product catalog)
TrueType 字型TrueType font (A type of computer font that can be scaled to any size. TrueType fonts are clear and readable in all sizes and can be sent to any printer or other output device that is supported by Windows)
字型大小font size (The point size of a set of characters in a particular typeface)
實值型別value type (A data type that is represented by the type's actual value. If a value type is assigned to a variable, that variable is given a fresh copy of the value. (This is in contrast to a reference type, where assignment does not create a copy) Value types are usually created on a method's stack frame, rather than in the garbage-collected heap. A value type can be boxed, which is a process that creates a corresponding reference type)
封閉式泛型型別closed generic type (A constructed generic type that has no unspecified generic type parameters, either of its own or of any enclosing types or methods. Closed generic types can be instantiated)
巢狀型別nested type (A type defined within the scope of another type. A nested type is typically used for encapsulating implementation details of the top-level type)
廣告活動類型Campaign Type (The field in a Campaign form in which you can select the type of campaign that is being run. Possible types are Advertisement, Direct Marketing, Event, and Other)
建構的泛型型別constructed generic type (A generic type whose generic type parameters have been specified. A constructed type or method can be an open generic type if some of its type arguments are type parameters of enclosing types or methods, or a closed generic type if all of its type arguments are real types)
文件物件模型DOM A World Wide Web Consortium specification that describes the structure of dynamic HTML and XML documents in a way that allows them to be manipulated through a Web browser (DOM)
文件類型document type (A designation that identifies a document's purpose)
智慧型郵件篩選器Intelligent Message Filter (The underlying technology of the Exchange Server content filter that evaluates inbound mail and assesses the probability that an inbound e-mail message is either a legitimate message or spam)
案例類型Case Type (A sub-category of customer service issues that indicates whether an issue is a question, problem, or request)
泛型generics (A feature of the common language runtime, conceptually similar to C++ templates, that allows classes, structures, interfaces, and methods to have placeholders (generic type parameters) for the data types they store and manipulate. Generic types are a form of parameterized types)
泛型型別參數generic type parameter (In a generic type definition, a placeholder for a type that the user specifies (generic type argument) when creating instances of a generic type or when calling a generic method)
泛型型別參數條件約束generic type parameter constraint (A way of limiting the types that can be specified for a generic type parameter. For example, types substituted for the type parameter can be constrained to inherit from a particular type, to implement a specific interface, to provide a parameterless constructor, and so on)
泛型型別參數清單generic type parameter list (The list of generic type parameters of a generic type or method, specified as part of the definition of the generic type or generic method)
泛型型別定義generic type definition (The definition of a generic type, in which type parameters act as placeholders for types that the user supplies when creating instances to use. These instances are not instances of the generic type definition, but of the constructed type formed by specifying type arguments)
泛型型別引數generic type argument (The type that the user specifies when creating instances of a generic type or when calling a generic method)
泛型方法generic method (A method whose definition has placeholders, called generic type parameters, for one or more types used in the body of the method or as the types of the method's parameters. A user specifies real types (generic type arguments) for the type parameters when calling the generic method. Note that a method is not generic just because it is declared in a generic type. A method is generic only if it has type parameters of its own)
螢幕字型screen font (A typeface designed for display on a computer monitor screen. A screen font often has an accompanying PostScript font for printing to PostScript-compatible printers)
記錄類型record type (The representation of all the instances of a particular record. When changes are made to a record type, those changes will affect all individual records of that type)
變更字型...Change Font (A button that opens the Change Font dialog box, where the user can select a new font, style, size, and effects for instant messages)
輕量型目錄存取通訊協定Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (The primary access protocol for Active Directory. LDAP is an industry-standard protocol, established by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), that allows users to query and update information in a directory service. Active Directory supports both LDAP version 2 and LDAP version 3)
開放式泛型型別open generic type (A constructed generic type in which one or more of the generic type arguments substituted for its generic type parameters is a type parameter of an enclosing generic type or method. Open generic types cannot be instantiated)
關聯類型Relationship Type (A field in the contact form that specifies the relationship of the account to the organization that uses Microsoft CRM)