
Terms containing 型焊 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.低氢low hydrogen welding rod
tech.低氢low hydrogen welding electrode
steel.低氢型焊low hydrogen electrode
oil低氢型焊low hydrogen type electrode
chem.低氢型焊hydrogen controlled electrode
tech.低氢型涂料电弧焊条low hydrogen type covered electrode
railw.低氢钠型焊low hydrogen sodium electrode
railw.低氢钾型焊low hydrogen potassium electrode
nautic., tech.十字型拉伸试样的焊缝拉伸试验tensile tests on cruciform-tensile specimens
chem.双面 V 型对焊接double V butt joint
nucl.pow.喇叭型坡口焊flare groove welding
chem.X 型焊double V butt joint
weld.B型焊type B electrode holder
weld.A型焊type A electrode holder
tech.型芯弧焊条cored electrode
met.型焊接钢结构heavy-duty welded steel construction
met.型焊接钢结构heavy duty welded steel construction
el.小型网格焊球阵列mini ball grid array
tech.小孔型等离子弧焊keyhole-mode welding
plast.型焊jig electrode
plast.异型胎模焊jig welding
polym.异型胎模焊jigs welding
oil型焊micro welding
tech.型焊microminiature welder
tech.型焊small screw torch
tech.微型点焊机microspot welder
el.微型网格焊球阵列tiny ball grid array
el.微型网格焊球阵列micro ball grid array
el.微型网格焊球阵列封装micro ball grid array package
avia.型焊接架formed and welded spar
met.型焊管机welding-and-forming mill
tech.成型零件堆焊shape welding
tech.挤压成型焊extruded electrode
met.撕开和焊合模型tearing and healing model (一种解释连俦坯振痕形成的模型)
met.撕开和焊合模型tear and heal model (一种解释连铸坯振痕形成的模型)
tech.型焊shape welding
nautic., tech.型焊接喷灯gun type burner
plast.型焊slot weld
chem.氧化钛型焊high titania type electrode
tech.氧化钛型焊high titanium oxide type electrode
railw.氧化铁型焊high iron oxide electrode
tech.氧化铁型焊high iron oxide type electrode
tech.氧化铁型焊iron oxide type electrode
met.氧化铁型电焊条iron oxide type electrode
met.沿型钢股边施焊焊缝toe weld
el.mach.焊接型接线端子solder type terminal
met.焊接型钢welded steel sections
met.焊接型钢welded sections (Welded sections are long products of open cross-section which have a shape characteristics of those products defined in 6. 2. 1. The sections are made up by welding together combination of hot-rolled long products, hot-rolled flat products and cold-rolled flat products instead of being obtained directly by hot rolling. 焊接型钢是具有开口横截面的条钢,它们的形状特点已由6. 2.1条界定。焊接型钢不是通过热轧直接获得,而是将热轧条钢、热轧扁平材和冷轧扁平材焊接组合制成。)
tech.焊接微型组件welded module
shipb.焊接成型formation of weld
met.【压】 焊接成型机组welding and forming mill
tech.焊接的型钢welded section steel
bridg.constr.焊接箱型杆件welded box-member
el.mach.焊接箱型结构welded box-type construction
tech.焊接类型welds types
met.焊接结构型钢welded structural shape
tech.焊管坯斜边成型轧辊scarfing roll
auto.焊缝成型appearance of weld
tech.焊缝成型formation of weld
tech.焊缝成型系数form factor of the weld
shipb.焊缝成型系数shape factor of weld
tech.熔渣保护型焊slag-covered electrode
textile熔焊型非织造布melded fabric
railw.熔透型焊接法penetration welding
tech.熔透型焊接法fusion type welding
space熔透型等离子弧焊fusion type plasma arc welding
expl.爆炸焊接类型爆炸焊接结构具有复板相对基板平行放置,以及复板相对基板倾斜放置两种形式。平行法要求复板与基板之间保持严格的平行,两者之间的间隙大小都要保持一样。而倾斜法中复板与基板之间的间隙随着位置的变化而变化types of explosive welding
met.矿物型焊mineral-coated electrode
met.碳化钛药皮titanium carbide electrode
chem.穿透型焊接法key hole-mode welding
railw.穿透型焊接法keyhole welding
tech.穿透型焊接法keyhole-mode welding
railw.箱型组焊中梁box shape fabricated center sill
mining.纤维素型焊cellulose coated electrode
oil纤维素型焊cellulose type electrode
tech.纤维素型焊high cellulose type electrode
mining.纤维素型焊cellulose covered electrode
tech.纤维素型焊cellulose-coated electrode
plast.线型超声波焊接工具〈用于细焊缝〉line-type sonotrode
plast.线型超声波焊接工具〈用于细焊缝〉line-type horn
gen.线夹型、钎焊型或线裹的端子clip-type, soldering-type or "wire wrapped" terminals
gen.莱塞激光型焊接机laser microwelder
avia.蒸馏钎焊装配型架retort brazing assembly jig
el.薄型窄节距网格焊球阵列low-profile fine-pitch ball grid array
tech.超塑成型扩散焊super-plastic forming diffusion welding
tech.超塑成型扩散焊super-plastic forming diffusion bonding
construct.超精密小型焊super welder
tech.型焊concave weld
met.型焊接钢梁welded lightweight beam
tech.轻型填角焊light fillet weld
oil, transp.轻型连续焊light continuance welding
tech.轻型连续焊light continuance welder
met.型焊shape welding
tech.造渣型焊flux-coated electrode
energ.ind.金红石型焊rutile type electrode
avia.钎焊浸渍型架dip brazing jig
tech.型焊titania type electrode
met.型焊rutile electrode
met.型焊rutile-type electrode
tech.型焊rutile type electrode
met.钛钙型焊lime-titania type electrode
railw.钛钙型焊titania calcium electrode
met.钛铁矿型焊ilmenite type electrode
railw.钛铁矿型焊ilmenite electrode
plast.型焊接加热棒用于焊接长缝blunt edge knife heater bar
met.型焊条夹持器tongs-type electrode holder
tech.铁粉型焊iron powder type electrode
railw.铁粉钛钙型焊iron powder titania calcium electrode
tech.铝型材火焰钎焊flame brazing of aluminium bar section
tech.铝型材火焰钎焊flame brazing of aluminum bar section
tech.链型断续贴角焊chain intermittent fillet weld
tech.饱和电抗器型交流弧焊机saturable reactor AC arc welder
tech.化钛型焊high titanium oxide type electrode
met.高氧化钛型焊high titanium oxide type electrode
met.高纤维素型焊high cellulose type electrode
railw.高纤维钠型焊high cellulose sodium electrode
railw.高纤维钾型焊high cellulose potassium electrode
tech.高钛型焊high titanium oxide type electrode
railw.高钛钠型焊high titania sodium electrode
railw.高钛钾型焊high titania potassium electrode