
Terms for subject Librarianship containing | all forms
出版place of publication
出版不详sine loco
制作place of manufacture
十天乾、十二干的循環法cyclical method of counting years using the ten Heavenly stems and twelve Earthly stems
单张sheet map
取书pick-up location
图书馆方性法规local library regulation
图解pictorial map
在线图图书馆online map library
在线图数据库online map database
势图topographic map
势图terrain map
区主题复分geographic subdivision
区主题标目geographic subject heading
区书目中心regional bibliographical center
区代码geographic area code
区信息中心regional information center
区信息网regional network
区信息网local network
区号geographic number
区复分geographic subdivision
区性合并regional integration
区性目录regional bibliography
区性联合采编中心regional union-cataloging and acquisition center
区索引area index
区集团采购regional group purchase
區書籍regional book
名主题标目geographic subject heading
名复分place subdivision
名排列法geographic Bling method
名标题geographic name as subject
名索引index of geographic names
图图书馆map library
图柜map drawer
图比例map scale
图盒atlas case
图目录map catalog
美国图编目手册Map Cataloging Manual
图资料cartographic materials
图资料室map room
图资料室map reference room
图陈列柜map cabinet
域手册field guide
域指南field guide
形志monograph on administrative geography
earthly branch
方信息资源local information resources
方出版物local publication
方志local gazetteer
方志local records
方志书录bibliography of local gazetteers
方文献学local collection
方文献收集collecting local materials
方文献目录local literature catalogue
方文献目录local list
方文献资料local resources
方目录local bibliography
毯式普查complete census
球科学参考数据库geo-science information database
理信息服务元数据Geographic information service metadata
理信息系统geo-information system
理参考数据库geo-reference database
理名称主题geographic name as subject
理名称标目geographic name heading
理复分geographic subdivision
理底图base map
理志monograph on administrative geography
理资料geographic information
lower margin at the bottom of the leaf
质图geological atlas
lower margin at the bottom of the leaf
面文物部surface cultural relics department
读者借书证non-resident library card
考察field survey
国际图联家谱和方史专业组Genealogy and Local History Section
对开本atlas folia
数字理空间元数据的内容标准Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
数字化digital map
主机解决方案on-site hosting solution
区出版物regional publication
服务local services
流通local circulation
馆藏local holdings
用户主体user dominant position
直接名主题复分direct geographic subdivision
等高线形图topographic map
等高线形图terrain map
纸质paper map
sine loco
网上图图书馆online map library
网络web mapping
美国名委员会Board on Geographic Names
美国名委员会United States Board on Geographic Names, Board on Geographic Names
联合国名专家组United Nation Group of Experts on Geographical Names
联机图数据库online map database
美国联邦理数据委员会Federal Geographic Data Committee
藏板location where printing blocks are stored
间接名主题复分indirect geographic subdivision
馆藏限定检索refine by holding location