
Terms for subject Nuclear physics containing | all forms
占有occupied space
和财物去污decontamination of land and property
下反应堆电站underground reactor power plant
下存储系统underground storage system
下核炸药subsurface atomic demolition munitions
下核爆炸信号传输underground nuclear burst optical transmission
下核爆炸取样深度underground nuclear burst sampling depth
下核爆炸喷出物分布underground nuclear explosion distribution of rubble
下核爆炸地表面下陷深度underground nuclear burst depth of subsidence
下核爆炸地表面零点钻孔underground nuclear burst ground zero boring
下核爆炸封闭系统underground nuclear explosion contained system
下核爆炸探测detection of underground nuclear explosion
下核爆炸放射性气体冒出underground nuclear burst gas breakthrough
下核爆炸放射性气体取样瓶underground nuclear burst sampling bottle
下核爆炸放射性气体取样系统underground nuclear burst gas sampling system
下核爆炸放射性熔体样品melt sample of underground nuclear burst radiation
下核爆炸放射性熔体样品回收underground nuclear burst puddle sample recovery
下核爆炸效应underground nuclear explosion effect
下核爆炸无线电信号传输underground nuclear explosion radio transmission
下核爆炸气体样品回收underground nuclear burst gas sample recovery
下核爆炸气体泄漏可能性预报underground nuclear burst venting predictions
下核爆炸气体泄漏速度underground nuclear explosion gas venting velocity
下核爆炸气体突破时间underground nuclear explosion breakthrough time
下核爆炸水平面underground nuclear burst shot horizon
下核爆炸熔岩underground nuclear burst melt
下核爆炸现场保障系统underground nuclear explosion fielding system
下核爆炸碎片回收underground nuclear burst debris recovery
下核爆炸空腔underground nuclear burst cavity
下核爆炸解耦decoupling of underground nuclear explosion
下核爆炸辐射导管underground nuclear burst line-of-sight
下核爆炸通视管系统underground nuclear burst line-of-sight pipe system
下核爆炸鉴别underground nuclear burst identification
下核爆炸隐蔽性concealment of underground nuclear explosion
下核爆炸震中underground nuclear epicentre
下核电站underground nuclear power plant
下核试验取样场underground nuclear burst sampling area
下核试验场区underground nuclear testing site
下核试验封闭分析underground nuclear test analysis of containment
下核试验封闭性条件underground nuclear burst containment condition
下核试验气体取样设备underground nuclear test gas sampling apparatus
下核试验等级测定underground nuclear test magnitude determination
下核试验粒子加速度underground nuclear test particle acceleration
下核试验系列series of underground nuclear test
下核试验隐蔽措施underground nuclear burst evasive activity
下水成层甸groundwater stratification investigation
球同位素terrestrial isotope
表下核爆炸nuclear subsurface burst
表下爆炸underground detonation
表下爆炸subsurface burst
表核爆炸nuclear surface burst
面俘获中能中子ground captured intermediate
面放射性沉降land radioactive fallout
面放射性物质浓度ground radioactive level concentration
面沉积密度ground deposition density
面沉积放射性ground deposited activity
面沉降物 γ 剂量ground deposit gamma dose
面爆炸点ground zero (point)
面零点ground zero (point)
安全停堆safety shutdown earthquake
实际面零点actual ground zero
实际面零点核爆炸时的实际地面爆炸中心点actual ground zero
封闭式下核爆炸contained underground nuclear explosion
控制点local control panel
控制点local control point
操作员local operator
震试验场earthquake proof site
震试验场anti seismic site
transposed matrix
放射性废料下处置区radioactive waste ground disposal area
放射性废物下埋存radioactive waste ground storage
放射性废物下处置radioactive subterranean disposal
放射性废物近面处理radioactive waste near-surface disposal
放射性沾染radioactivity contaminated ground
最佳面爆炸点recommended ground zero
nuclear land mine
atomic mine
核基nuclear park
核基nuclear base
核爆炸区屏障nuclear blast terrain barrier
核爆炸球物理效应geophysical effect of nuclear explosion
核爆炸震信号鉴别nuclear explosion seismic discrimination
核爆炸震效率nuclear explosion seismic efficiency
核爆炸面零点区nuclear blast ground zero circle
核钻nuclear earth penetrator
氡效应震预报装置radon effect seismic predictor
污染农业用contaminated agricultural land
式辐射报警器floor type radiation beacon
铀矿床下浸出uranium deposit underground leaching