
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
址式single address system
址式one address system
址指令single address instruction
址码single address code
一件一件piece by piece
一加一one-over-one address
一块正面宽度frontage of lot
一块园a garden patch
一块土parcel of land
一块土a piece of land
一定a given area
一定区内的交通local traffic
一小块a small area of ground
一层接平面图grounding on ground floor
一滴一滴混合dribble blending
一片grouped site
一片上的住宅群housing of a grouped site
一等大控制网primary geodetic control network
一等大first-order geodetic network
一级first-level address
一级阶first-stage terrace
一般场考虑general site consideration
一般建筑物基勘察foundation exploration of general construction
一般绿ordinary open space
一般锚general anchorage
一英寸one-inch map
一部分土parcel of land
丁.装配tentative assembling
丁.装配field assembling
丁砖铺paving brick on headers
企业占用的土land on which the enterprise are situated
企口grooved and tongued flooring
企口matched floor
企口T ang G subfloor
企口tongued and grooved floor
企口rebated floor
企口joint flooring
企口joint floor
企口tongue floor
企口grooved and tongued floor
企口板的底层matched sub-floor
企口cross-grooved flooring (finish)
企口cross-grooved floor (finish)
企口企口tongue and groove flooring
企口企口tongue and groove floor
企口块tongue-groove flooring
企口块tongued and grooved block flooring
企口木strip flooring
刀式转knife type rotary harrow
刀片式平blade grader
区的外贸额external trade by regions
分入口subentry address
分割下径流separation of groundwater flow
分区zoning district dividing property
分区choropleth map
分区震活动zoning seismic activity
分叉震反射结构divergent seismic reflection configuration
分售分成几块出售的一组建筑用地lots for sale
分售分成几块出售的一组建筑用地land for sale in lots
分售land for sale in lots
分块block flooring
分子层学molecular stratigraphy
分小块建独户住宅的贷款tract loan
分层in layers
分层抽取下水stratified pumping up of underground water
分层次征收产使用费collecting land use fees on different levels
分层着色layered map
分层设色势图merged relief map
分层设色海底layered bathymetrical chart
分层设色海底layered bathymetric chart
分布location of distribution
分布区理学areographic geography
分布场spreading site
分带生物层学zonal biostratigraphy
分成力不同的地块separating different plot on soil fertility
分批in batches
分散取样bulk sample
分期in installments
分析analytical map
分析analytic map
分析球化学analytic geochemistry
分析貌学analytic geomorphology
分枝衣酸divaricatic acid
分段出售建筑用building lots for sale
分水岭apex mould
分水岭apex mold
分水阶diversion terrace
分流河道间interdistributary area
分租给个人栽培的园allotment garden
分类场sorting floor
分级台graded terrace
分级统计collation map
分裂disrupted terrane
分路channel address
分路址代码channel address word
分路址寄存器channel address register
分通道subchannel address
分部管理divisional management zone
分配土管理人allotment warden
切割rough area
切割intersectional country
切割盆dissecting valley
址识别packet address recognition
包裹下排水系统wrapped underdrain system
包裹体【inclusion filling
各块土财产价值图land value map
圆圈circular earthquake
圆形下消防栓round underground fire hydrant
圆形round dungeon
圆形circular dungeon
圆形circular footing
圆盘平disk planer
圆盘接circular disk grounding device
圆锥投影conical projection chart
圆锥投影conical projection map
圆锥投影conic projection map
圆锥投影conic projection chart
圆顶下式石灰窑dome kiln
堆储场storage holdings
堆卸滩dump bank
堆场storage pad
堆存storage site
堆存场storage space
堆积accumulational form
堆积accumulational relief
堆积accumulation form
堆积形起伏constructional topographical relief
堆积点条款location clause
堆积阶accumulational terrace
处于不利lose ground
处于战斗准备状态的导弹发射场alert apron
处女lay land
处女pristine area
处女new soil
处女undeveloped area
处女virgin soil
处女green belt
处女工厂grass roots plant
处女的建设规划grass roots scheme
处理disposal trench
处理场disposal area
处理机址空间processor address space
处理污水用disposal trench
备用reservation land
备用accommodation area
备用检疫锚alternative quarantine anchorage
备耕emergency field
威尔士盆Wales basin
英国威尔顿Wilton carpet
威尔顿提花Wilton carpet
威尔顿机织绒头Wilton rug
威斯特福克West Fork terrane
威期特发利亚阶【Westfalian (stage)
feudal system
封塞closed space
封建feudal land rent
封缝沥青sealing asphalt
封锁blockade zone
封闭下水confined groundwater
封闭blind area
封闭enclosed basin
封闭型热系统confined geothermal system
封闭式场enclosed court
封闭洼close depression
封闭洼面积area of close depression
封闭的热井closed geothermal bore
封闭盆inner vale
射击基gunnery base
射影恒等射影不变性原理projectively identical
X 射线形测量术X-ray topography
射线理论震图ray theoretical seismogram
射线理论震图ray theoretic seismogram
将公有土授予私人private land grant
将获得的房future acquired property
市中心外围fringe area
市内下铁道车站metropolitan railroad station
市内下铁道钢轨metropolitan railroad track
市区urban land
市区化规划成为市区的地区urbanization promotion area
市区周围peri-urban area
市区散漫扩展sprawled area
市区无规划延伸sprawled area
市区无规划漫伸sprawled area
市区用urban area land
市区盲目扩展sprawled area
市场所在market area
市政公务official map
市有city estate (美国)
由公共团体按地段划分租给市民种植的园allotment garden
市街改造事业urban redevelopment work
市郊房suburban estate
市郊绿保护区suburban open space conservation area
布伦球模型Bullen's earth model
布哈拉盆Bukhara basin
布拉辛钠bucladesine sodium
布拉克本铆绒毯织机Blackburn Rivet Head machine
布特哈Butha block
布罗特派斯Broad pass terrane
布置土laying-out land
布置工作时间time for the layout of work place
布质cloth map
布锐东Bretonian stratum
布鲁塞尔Brussels carpet
布鲁塞尔毯提花机Brussels carpet jacquard
布鲁塞尔式毛圈Brussels weather strip
开发前土所有者predevelopment landholder
开口式下排水管open drain
开垦land reclamation
开垦reclamation ground
开垦exploitation field
开垦沟reclaiming of gullies
开垦湖lake bottom reclamation
开垦荒exploit the virgin land
开宽段:绿地open space
开尾脚螺栓fox bolt
开挖bottom of excavation
开放on-limits area
开放型热系统open geothermal system
开放泊open roadstead
开放绿public open space
开敞锚open berth
开敞锚open roadstead
开敞锚open road
开敞锚open anchorage
开普槽面Cape geosyncline
开辟推销establishing sales territories
开阔unclosed ground
开阔clear terrain
开阔林open wood land
成煤说drift theory
浊积岩allodapic turbidite
生成煤allochthony coal
角砾岩allochthonous breccia
异常anomalous earthquake
异常震烈度abnormal seismic intensity
异常上anomalous upper mantle
异源exotic terrane
弃耕演替abandoned field succession
持有的房real estate owned
挂毯tapestry map
陶器挂釉素all clay body
挂釉素all clay body
指令instruction location
指令command address
指令址寄存器instruction location register
指定designated area
指定目的完税后交货delivery duty paid (价)
指定边境点交货delivery at frontier (价)
指定锚designated anchorage
指示植物学indicative geobotany
指示轴架indicating floor stand
指示植物理学indicative phytogeography
搁船beaching site
搅拌mixing site
最上部uppermost crust
最上面的uppermost layer
最下层下室subcellar (多层地下室中的最下层)
最低下水lowest ground water
最低下水位lowest stage of groundwater table
最低下水位phreatic low
最低下水位basal water level
最低下水层basal water
最低离高度minimum terrain clearance altitude
最佳hundred-percent location
最佳沥青含量optimum asphalt content
最佳面高程optimum ground elevation
最内震线innermost isoseismal line
最后加finishing belt (路面)
最大球弧线great-circle line
最大表径流maximum surface runoff
最大震力maximum earthquake force
最大震变位maximum earthquake deflection
最大可信面运动maximum credible ground motion
最大可能maximum possible earthquake
最大合成面位移maximum resultant ground displacement
最大安全震烈度maximum safe earthquake intensity
最大接压力maximum earth contact pressure
最大期望maximum expectant earthquake
最大超挖maximum overbreak
最小minimum lot
最小minimum earthquake
最小震区minimum seismic area
最小离距离minimum ground clearance
最小离间隙minimum ground clearance
最小限额最小限額的块地minimum lot
最少绿化空minimum landscaped open space
最常钻到的predominant formation
最强震区meizoseismal area
最新up-to-date map
最短测线shortest geodesic
最终ultimate landform
最终段墙final plat
最终质报告final geological report
最终质报告final geologic report
最高方税征收额maximum rating
自激振荡器self-excited grounded grid oscillator
栅子板底梁floor sill
栅极对电容grid-to-ground capacitance
标准sample plotting
标准sample plot
标准study plot
标准sample area
标准下水typical groundwater
标准normal area
标准standard earth
标准球模型standard earth model
标准球站standard earth station
标准震仪standard seismograph
标准震台standard seismograph station
标准震系数standard seismic coefficient
标准世界质年代表standard global geochronologic scale
标准大都市standard metropolitan area
标定land-line adjustment
标有尺寸的dimensional map
标点spot map
清场clearing site
清场clearing ground
清扫并运出工clean-up and move out
清楚面树木land clearance
清爽锚clear anchorage
清爽锚clean anchorage
清理clearance area
清理clearing ground
清理土land clearance
清理场preparation of site
清理场place clearing
清理场disposal point
清理过的场cleared area
清除clearance site
清除面障碍物clearing and grubbing
清除的场cleared area
漆布linoleum flooring
漆布lino flooring
爆发outbreak area
爆炸explosion site
爆炸口阶hydrothermal crater terrace
爆炸品锚explosive anchorage
爆炸品锚anchorage for explosion
爆炸引起的面运动explosive generated ground motion
爆炸模拟explosion simulating earthquake
爆炸激发的explosion-stimulated earthquake
爆炸激发的explosion-induced earthquake
爆炸的震效应seismic effect of explosion
爆炸诱发的shot-induced earthquake
爆炸诱发的explosion-induced earthquake
爆破blasting site
爆破质指导control of blasting geology
爆破explosive earthquake
爆破震效应explosion seismic effect
爆破震观测explosion seismic observation
爆破震观测explosive vibration observation
爆破震观测explosive seismic observation
爆破震观测blasting vibration observation
爆破场blasting site
爆破引起面运动explosion generated ground motion
爆破校准震模型explosively calibrated seismic model
爆破激发explosive-stimulated earthquake
爆破诱发explosion-triggering earthquake
爆裂explosion earthquake
球形面因数spherical earth factor
球形面因数spheric earth factor
球形面衰减spherical earth attenuation
球形面衰减spheric earth attenuation
球形面辐射表spherical pyrgeometer
球形面辐射表spheric pyrgeometer
球心投影gnomonic map
球状spheroidal earth
球面spherical earth
球面spheric earth
球面投影stereospheric chart
球面投影stereospherical chart
球面投影globular chart
球面接spherical earth
球面接spheric earth
理想mathematic horizon
理想mathematical horizon
理想ideal horizon
理想化震动idealized earthquake ground movement
理论rational horizon
理论震图theoretical seismograph
理论震图theoretic seismograph
理论震学theoretic seismology
provincial map
码头quay space
码头quay floor
码头quay surface
码头quay floor
码头前沿带宽度width of apron
码头前沿surface of esplanade
码头前沿quay space
码头前沿作业apron space
码头工程质勘察engineering geological investigation of dock
码头工程质勘察engineering geologic investigation of dock
指花园中铺放砂子的地坪gravel ground
sandy ground (基)
储水sand storage of water
sand map
sand foundation
植被sand vegetation
试验test on sand
黏土sand-clay base
砂井加固基法sand compaction pile method
砂土sand soil foundation
砂土层隧道sandy-earth tunnel
砂岩面板sandstone slab floor covering
砂岩面板sandstone slab floor cover
砂桩加固基施工法sand compaction pile method
砂泥土sand-clay base
砂涨sand accretion
砂矿质图geological map of placer deposit
砂矿质图geologic map of placer deposit
砂砾sandy ground
砂砾床人工湿gravel bed constructed wetland
砂砾床水栽发人工湿gravel bed hydroponic constructed wetland
砂胶mastic floor
砂质arenaceous region
砂质arenaceous region
砂质沥青sheet asphalt (混凝土)
砂质海滨psammo-littoral zone
砂铺基层sand underlay
砂页岩切割阶梯alcove lands
礁前阶reef front terrace
稀有元素球化学geochemistry of rare elements
稀疏林sparse wood
老世界腕足动物理区系old world brachiopod realm
老工业基old industrial bases
老年topographic old age
老年topographical old age
老年old topography
老年期old-stage landform
老空old area
考古archaeological site
考古archaeologic site
考虑霜冻导致强度下降的基设计frost condition reduced subgrade strength design
考虑霜冻导致强度下降的基设计frost condition reduced grade strength design
范围密度法dasymetric map
蜂窝型下墓beehive tomb (古希腊)
蜂窝式龙墙honeycomb wall
蜂窝式龙墙honeycomb sleeper wall
蜂窝状垄墙honeycombed wall
蜂窝结构板电缆管道cellular floor raceway
蜂窝结构金属板电缆管道cellular metal floor raceway
调入call address
调整大水准面regulated geoid
调整大水准面adjusted geoid
调查区等级grade of investigation district
调洪洼flood-control basin
调节型水源regulating water source
退化草deteriorated grassland
退落下水位receding water table
适于耕种的arable land
适合当的气温条件be suited to local weather
适合短日照的adaptation to short-day region
适宜居住的场habitable space
适用下水水质groundwater quality suitable
适用下水水质带zones of groundwater quality suitable
适用于热带区种植be suitable for grow in tropical area
适耕tillage land
适耕cultivable land
适耕arable land
下水布置的井upstream well
obsequent landform
市场markets in sales areas
锁固板系统lock-tile floor system
和培垄农具hoeing and ridging tool
锅状洼caldron basin
锅状洼kettle chain
锅状盆caldron basin
阁楼garret floor
需要加固土壤的area requiring soil improvements
需要改良土壤的area requiring soil improvements
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