
Terms for subject Electronics containing | all forms
一线一系统single-wire system
三态址延迟three-state address delay
三相接变压器three-phase earthing transformer
三相接故障three-phase-to-ground fault
三相接电抗器three-phase earthing reactor
三角测量区网local triangulation
下-next address
下一址字段next address field
下一指令next instruction address
下伏underlying stratum
下层河岸阶lower bench
不平broken ground
不平整土uneven ground
不按址名或号登记non registered at address name or number
不接insulated neutral
不接中性点floating neutral
不接母线系统insulated bus system
不接电压互感器ungrounded voltage transformer
不接系统insulated system
不接输入ungrounded input
不毛之hungry soil
不稳定unstable ground
不透水watertight stratum
专用址生成specific address generation
专用陆移动无线通信服务private land mobile radio service
世界其它泛指除美、日、西欧以外的世界其余地区rest of world, the rest-of-the world
21世纪面战士 部队twenty-first century surface combatant
21 世纪面武士twenty-first century land warrior
21世纪面武士第二代twenty-first century land warrior/generation II
丘陵rugged terrain
东南亚区计算机会议Southeast Asia Regional Computer Conference
两相对故障two-phase-to-earth fault
两相对短路double-phase-to-ground short circuit
两相对短路故障double phase to ground fault
两相接故障double ground or earth fault
两相短路接double-line-to-ground short circuit
两线对短路故障double line to earth fault
个人址记录册personal address book
个人手持电话系统无线本环路personal handy-phone system wireless local loop
休斯球站Hughes earth station
休斯卫星面站Hughes satellite earth station
分别支承式接开关divided support earthing switch
分区下界partitioned lower boundary address
分奈培1dN= 0.8686dB DNA data network address 数据网络decineper
分层址矢量量化hierarchical address vector quantization
分布式冗余就控制网络distributed redundant reserved local control network
分布式通用面系统distributed common ground system
分离接separate earth electrodes
分组球站packet earth station
分配网络assign network address
址位column address bits
址保持column address hold
址转换总线column address transition bus
址转换检测器column address transition detector
址选择column address select
址锁存器column address latch
列出口column exits address
初始first address
初始址管理initial address management
初始选择址与命令寄存器initial selection address and command register
初选工程tentative site
北方区通信系统northern area communications system
北极frigid zone
北约面防空网系统NATO air defence ground environment
北美区综合业务数字网用户North American ISDN user
北美区综合业务数字网用户论坛North American ISDN User's Forum
北美技术与产业基组织North American Technology and Industrial Base Organization
合上接刀闸close the grounding knife-switch
合法legal address
同步址复用器synchronous address multiplexer
同步址多路复接转换synchronous address multiplexer
同步址总线sync address bus
同步球观测卫星synchronous earth observation satellite
同步球轨道航天飞机synchronous earth orbiting shuttle
含水water-yielding stratum
含水water-bearing formation
圆形盆circular basin
分布land map
平整ground grading
转让协议land conveyance agreement
转让合同land conveyance agreement
配置land allocation
重新规划reallocation of land
重配置reallocation of land
表面at grade
面以上above ground
在业的本交换运营商incumbent local exchange carrier
在业的本交换通信商incumbent local exchange carrier
在应用和开发方面的领先位及精品leadership and excellence in the application and development
在月球上软着陆并返回soft lunar landing and return
处理器址寄存器processor address register
备用设备二进位有效bit significant addresses of reserved devices
复接故障double ground or earth fault
个人识别号foreign personal identification number
外围external zone
外存址寄存器external memory address register
外层空间基extraterrestrial base
外腔激光器-本振荡器external cavity laser-local oscillator
外设址字段peripheral address field
外部址修正量external address modifier
外部址输人external address in
外部总线external bus address
外部设备址总线peripheral unit address bus
中性点multiground neutral
址处理系统multiple address processing system
址处理设备multiple address processing unit
址异步通信系统multi-address asynchronous communications system
址电报multiple address telegram
址系统multi-address system
多任务先进面智能控制multimission advanced ground intelligent control
多处接中性点multi-grounded neutral
多平台发射机理位置multi-platform emitter geolocation
多建筑物区军事行动military operations in built-up areas
多接的中性点multi-grounded neutral
多播址解析服务器multicast address resolution server
多普勒速测量系统Doppler ground velocity system
多目的multiple destination
多相位虚拟multi-phase virtual address
多路复接转换终端网络multiplexed local terminal network
多路接人离散系统multiple access discrete-address system
多输人公共址系统multiinput public address system
多重保护接protective multiple earthing
多重保护接multiple protective grounding
多重保护接multiple protective earthing
回路ground circuit
域消除放射性污染large area decontamination
基准面geodetical level
天文学geodetical astronomy
水准测量geodetical levelling
水准测量geodetical leveling
测量geodetical survey
测量坐标geodesic coordinates
测量基线geodetical baseline
测量站geodetical survey station
测量站geodetic survey station
电势earth potential
电场Earth's electric field
电流ground current
磁场Earth's magnetic field
经纬仪geodetical theodolite
返回电路ground return
大型本交换机large local exchange
大型轨道球资源勘测卫星large orbiting earth resources observatory
大孔径震传感器阵列large aperture seismic array
大比例尺base map
大西洋覆盖工作Atlantic operating region
大陆性continental earthquake
太平洋区散射通信系统Pacific scatter communications system
太平洋区数字蜂窝电话现称 JDCPacific digital cellular telephone
太平洋区电信委员会Pacific Telecommunication Council
太平洋区电信运营中心Pacific Area Telecommunications Operations Center
太平洋区通信信息量控制装置Pacific area communications message traffic control unit
太平洋区通信抗电磁脉冲性能分析analysis of Pacific area communications for hardening to EMP
太平洋区通信网Pacific area communications network
太平洋区长途电话Pacific long distance telephone
威胁发射机的理位置geo-location of threat emitters
射极接晶体管grounded emitter transistor
射极接组态grounded emitter configuration
小型球站small earth station
小型球资源轨道观测站small orbiting earth resource observatory
小型磁测量卫星small magnetospheric satellite
小型磁观测台small magnetospheric observatory
小型可迁移面站small transportable earth station
小型本交换机small local exchange
小型远终端miniature remote terminal
崎岖rough ground
线合闸短路故障short-circuit fault with earthing wire closing
带一个信号的后续址信息subsequent address message with one signal
带电金属对距离live-metal-to-ground clearance
址控制frame address control
帧中继终端系统frame relay end system address
异常特殊址翻译translation exception address
异步址通信系统asynchronous address communications system
异步传送模式址解析协议asynchronous transfer mode address resolution protocol
异步传送模式网络终端系统ATM end system address
异步外围设备本调制解调器local modem for asynchronous peripheral
异步通信基asynchronous communications base
弧光接arc ground
弧光接arc earth
戈达德球模型Goddard earth model
我们追求成为北美区最重要的飞机仪表制造商,而你们则希望成为东亚地区领先的飞机仪表分销商We aspire to be the foremost manufacturer of aircraft instrumentation in North America, while you want to become a leading distributor of aircraft instrumentation in East Asia
广播站field broadcasting station
广播设备field broadcasting unit
战区前沿阵forward edge of the battle area
战斧对攻击导弹Tomahawk land attack missile
战术面支援设备tactical ground support equipment
战术对攻击导弹系统tactical land attack missile system
战术无人值守面传感器tactical unattended ground sensor
战术活动图显示tactical moving map display
战术空对导弹tactical air-to-surface missile
截击机半自动面控制semi-automatic ground control of interceptor
截击测定用面光学记录设备ground optical recorder for intercept determination
指令址发生器instruction address generator
指令址字command address word
指令存储址总线instruction store address bus
指定点交货franco rendu
址放置索引place index in address
按需分配多址球站DAMA earth station
挪威改装霍克对空导弹Norwegian adapted HAWK
挪威高级对空导弹系统Norwegian advanced surface-to air missile system
搜索、轰炸与离高度search, bomb and terrain clearance
搜索雷达离高度search radar terrain clearance
明语plain language address
易沉浮的土yielding ground
易涝land liable to floods
易淹土land liable to floods
最低运行轨道非载人球卫星minimum orbital unmanned satellite of earth
最佳球再人走廊optimum earth reentry corridor
最佳化空对红外寻的器optimizing air-to-surface infrared seeker
最后last address
最后址寄存last address register
最后址寄存器final address register
最后缓冲区last buffer location
最大假想maximum hypothetical earthquake
最大可能maximum credible earthquake
最大可预期maximum expectable earthquake
最大潜在maximum potential earthquake
有效址码active address code
有效中心点接电路effectively grounded network
有效位置active position address
有效半字effective halfword address
有效双字effective DW address
有效外围设备valid peripheral address
有效字effective word address
有效接网络effectively grounded network
有效用户valid user address
有震感的sensible shock
服务service area
服务service address
未来公众陆移动电话future public land mobile telephone
未来公众陆移动电话系统future public land mobile telephone system
未来公众陆移动通信服务future public land mobile telecommunications services
未来公众陆移动通信系统又称 IMT-2000future public land mobile telecommunications system
未经开发场条件green field condition
末字last word address
末帧址寄存器last frame address register
业务local service
业务优先级表local service priority list
业务接人节点local service access node
业务管理local service management
业务规划系统local service planning system
主机/远程主机local host/distant host
互连网络local interconnect network
交互语言local interaction language
交换local switching
交换local exchange
交换台local switching office
交换局运行系统local exchange operation system
交换机local switch
交换机的Q接口Q-interface at the local exchange
交换机试验台local exchange test bed
交换节点local exchange node
交换设备local switching unit
交换通信商local exchange carrier
交换通道local exchange channel
企业计算机化计划local enterprise computerization program
作业处理local job processing
作业输人local job entry
保护信号系统local system of protective signaling
信令业务local area signaling services
信令转接点local signaling transfer point
信令链路控制signaling link control local
信息报文交换local message switch
信息功能local message function
信息系统local information system
信道适配器local channel adapter
光振荡器local optical oscillator
光通信网络local optical communications network
公众陆地移动电话local public land mobile network
公用电力系统local public power system
共享资源local-shared resource
分布式系统local area distributed system
分组交换网local packet switched network
分配业务local distribution service
分配网local distribution network
制造商local manufacturer
发射监测器local launch monitor
同步致性local synchronization unity
局部后备系统local backup system
和远程打印站local and remote printing station
回送local loopback
回送状态local loopback status
回送管理local loopback management
地址local address
增援处理器local attached support processor
处理机local processing unit
多信道分配业务local multichannel distribution service
多信道分配系统local multichannel distribution system
多点分配系统local multipoint distribution system
多点通信业务local multipoint communications service
多点通信系统local multipoint communications system
多路复接转换local multiplexer
安全权力机构local1 security authority
安全权限local1 security authority
客户接口体系结构native customer interface architecture
对话链路接人协议local talk link access protocol
封锁local lockout
帧队列local frame queue
干线local trunk
开关local switch
总线local bus
报文计费系统local message metering system
报警系统local alarm system
接人与传送区local access and transport area
接人与传送区交换系统一般要求LATA switching system generic requirement
Java 本接口Java native interface
接口设备local interface unit
接头对中与测量法local splice alignment and measurement method
控制local control
控制与测量仪表系统local control and instrumentation system
控制设备local control unit
操作开发工作站local exploitation work station
操作控制台local operations console
操作系统local operating system
操作网local operating network
操作规程local operating procedure
数字业务单元local digital service unit
数字交换系统digital local switching system
数字交换local digital switch
数字交换digital local exchange
数字交换机digital local switching unit
数字信息交换机local digital message exchange
数字分配系统local digital distribution system
数字配线架local digital distribution frame
数据传输local data transmission
数据传送网络local area data transport network
数据分配local data distribution
数据分配local area data distribution
数据区local data area
数据处理机local data processor
数据收集与分配local data collection and distribution
数据收集程序local data collector
数据管理员local data administrator
数据通道local area data channel
方式局域网native mode LAN
方式局域网互连业务native mode LAN interconnect service
无线电节目分配系统radio local distribution system
无线电通信local radio communications
时基local time reference
时钟分配local clock distribution
时钟发生器local clock generator
时间基准local time reference
显示终端模拟器local display terminal simulator
模拟交换机analog local switching unit
测试台local test desk
用户组local users group
市话用户终端local user terminal
用户识别local subscriber identification
电信网local telecommunications network
电流local current
电缆local cable
电话交换机local telephone exchange
市内电话系统local telephone system
监控设备local supervisory equipment
监测网local supervision network
监管中心local supervisory management center
移动台识别local mobile station identity code
站控制器local station controller
管理地址locally administered address
帧中继管理接口local management interface (for frame relay)
系统资源local system resource
线路接口local line interface
终端local area terminal
终端控制器local terminal controller
终端服务器传送local area transport
终端服务器传送协议local area transport protocol
终端服务器传送控制程序local area transport control program
维护控制local maintenance control
综合光网络local integrated optical network
网络local network
网络业务运营商local exchange carrier
网络仿真器local network emulator
网络体系结构local network architecture
网络光纤local network fiber
网络地址local network address
网络接口local network interface
网络接口适配器local-network interface adapter
网络管理中心local network management center
网络管理器local network manager
节点时钟local node clock
记录控制单元local recording control unit
设备节点控制块local device node control block
负荷native load
路由修改与恢复local route update and recovery
过程调用local process call
通信业务local communications services
通信区local communication area
通信控制台local communication console
通信综合设施local communications complex
通信网local communications network
通信适配器local communications adapter
通话local call
通话识别local session identification
栅极-电容grid-ground capacitance
标准对地导弹standard surface-to-surface missile
标志坐标数据大测量站marked station
标识址块home address block
标识址寄存器home address register
标识址间隙home address gap
模块化固态电子航天面设备modular electronic solid state aerospace ground equipment
模拟信号analog signal ground
模拟接总线analog ground bus
模拟电磁脉冲面环境simulated EMP ground environment
模拟输人analog input address
欧洲中海对流层散射通信系统Europe Mediterranean tropo system
欧洲中海航空固定电信网络Europe Mediterranean aeronautical fixed telecommunications network
欧洲区卫星组织European Regional Satellite Organization
欧洲区通信计划European Area Communications Plan
欧洲球同步导航覆盖服务European geostationary navigation overlay service
气象卫星面计算机系统METEOSAT ground computer system
清理场挖出的废物excavated material
温暖warm zone
漫滩flood land
漫滩flood bed
甚小天线卫星面站very small aperture terminals
甚高频单信道面与机载无线电系统single channel ground and airborne radio subsystem VHF
用墙围着的walled enclosure
用户user area
用户用电subscriber grounding
用户传送user transfer address
用户键user key address
用户驻subscriber premises network
用数字显示球卫星的位置position of earth satellite in digital display
用电设施接subscriber grounding
码分多址无线本环路code division multiple access wireless local loop
码分多址蜂窝陆网络CDMA cellular land network
研究试验场research test site
程序址存储program address storage
程序址总线program address bus
程序址生成程序program address generator
程序址错program address error
程序数据block address
程序本机存储器址寄存器program local storage address register
程序起始program start address
程序逻辑址空间program logical address space
符号址程序设计系统programming system with symbolic address
第一first address
缓冲器址比较寄存器buffer address compare register
缓冲器址计数器buffer address counter
缓冲器接buffer ground
缓冲存储器址寄存器buffer storage address register
缓坡graded area
编号方案指示符/址类型numbering plan indicator/type of address
编码址专用无线电通信coded address private radio intercommunication
编码器址转换器encoder address translator
缩写的abbreviated address
震元件earthquake resistant element
耐酸acidproof floor
耐酸瓷砖acidproof ceramic tile floor
脉冲址调制解调器pulse address modem
航天器面作战支援系统接口测试系统spacecraft GOSS interface test system
航天器面控制进场spacecraft ground-controlled approach
航天器电视面数据处理系统spacecraft television ground data handling system
航天飞机雷达测飞行shuttle radar topography mission
航空球物理勘探airborne geophysical exploration
航空无线电面交换机ground aviation radio exchange
航空港面探测设备airport surface detection equipment
航空用面灯aeronautical ground light
航空航天系统面操作语言ground operations aerospace language
航运面站aeronautical utility land station
航道实验站形分析雷达waterways experiment station terrain analyzer radar
蜂窝电话服务cellular geographic service area
调度程序工作区虚拟SWA virtual address
逆向址裁定协议reverse address ruling protocol
选择址与提供输出信号select address and provide output signal
逐点point by point
泄漏ground leak
短路回路short ground return
址字channel address word
通信zone of communications
远程通信接人法起始址字段TCAM origin address field
通信组field address
通用址组universal address group
通用震反应谱generic seismic response spectrum
通用面无线接人universal terrestrial radio access
通用面设备general purpose ground equipment
通用字符缓冲器址寄存器universal character buffer address register
通用字符集址寄存器universal character set address register
通用移动通信系统面无线接人UMTS terrestrial radio access
通用移动通信系统面无线接人网UMTS terrestrial radio access network
通用自动图计算设备universal automatic map computation equipment
通用通信基general purpose communications base
通道址翻译器channel address translator
land accretion
锁存址线latched address line
锐波束面测绘雷达ground mapping pencil radar
错误出口error exit address
霍克对空导弹homing all the way killer
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