
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
不容异议使用unchallengeable use
东盟区论坛ASEAN Regional Forum
东非区技术援助中心East AFRITAC
东非区技术援助中心East Africa Regional Technical Assistance Center
个人的居民residence of individuals
中东、北非、阿富汗和巴基斯坦Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan region
中亚区经济合作计划Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program
中国内相对于香港China: The Mainland
中国内相对于香港China, P.R.: Mainland
中国内相对于香港Mainland China
中部非洲区技术援助中心Central AFRITAC
中部非洲区技术援助中心Central Africa Regional Technical Assistance Center
亚太区办事处Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
企业的居民residence of enterprises
债务人liability position
债务人debtor position
债权人asset position
债权人creditor position
全球公global commons
关于土用途的法律规定zoning regulations
关于土用途的法律规定zoning laws
加勒比区技术援助中心Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Center
原产规则rules of origin customs
各级方政府subnational government
开垦land improvement
开垦land development agriculture
改良land development agriculture
改革agrarian reform
改革land reform
在某一区开展的推介活动regional outreach
下经济underground economy
下经济gray economy
下经济shadow economy
下资产subsoil asset
下银行系统hawala/hundi alternative remittance system
区分配regional distribution
区分配regional allocation
区划分regional breakdown
区咨询小组Regional Advisory Group
区国际收支平衡表regional balance of payments statement
区性中央银行regional central bank
区技术援助中心regional technical assistance center
区推介regional outreach
区生产总值gross domestic product
区经济展望Regional Economic Outlook
区部门area department
方债券municipal bond
理领土geographic territory
基金组织的法律status of the Fund
保卫办公室Field Security Office
安全科Field Security Section
对州和方政府的债权claims on state and local governments
加工on-site processing
州、省或方政府state, provincial, or regional government
注册的关联企业locally chartered affiliate
持股equity position
点编制的国际银行统计locational basis
点编制的国际银行统计locational statistics
点编制的国际银行统计locational banking statistics
点编制的国际银行统计locational international banking statistics
政府飞government enclaves
银行indigenous bank
法律位、豁免与特权status, immunities, and privileges
生产基productive base
竞争competitive position
萧条depressed area
投资brown field investment
投资brownfield investment
西非区技术援助中心AFRITAC West
西非区技术援助中心West AFRITAC
西非区技术援助中心West Africa Regional Technical Assistance Center
讨价还价的bargaining position
谈判的bargaining position
选择增加份额selective increase in quotas
金融行动工作组式的区机构FATF-Style Regional Bodies
非洲区技术援助中心African Regional Technical Assistance Center
《非洲区经济展望》Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Economic Outlook
非洲、加勒比和太平洋区国家ACP States
非洲、加勒比和太平洋区国家ACP Group
非洲、加勒比和太平洋区国家African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States
高加索和中亚Caucasus and Central Asia