
Terms for subject Electronics containing 地位 | all forms | in specified order only
中点接地电位计ground center-tap potentiometer
二进位有效控制器地址bit significant controller address
二进位有效设备地址bit significant device address
列地址位column address bits
在应用和开发方面的领先地位及精品leadership and excellence in the application and development
地下水位埋藏深度depth of water table
地下水位图watertable map
地下水位标高groundwater elevation
地下水位等高线contour of groundwater table
地下水等水位线contour of groundwater table
地址定位逻辑address location logic
地址总线低位字节address bus low byte
地址总线高位字节address bus high byte
地址控制移位寄存器address control shift register
地址进位address carry
地形定位landscape orientation
地电位升高ground potential rise
地电位升高earth potential rise
地表电位[势;压]ground-surface potential
地面位置指[显]示器ground position indicator
地面测绘雷达平面位置指示器ground mapping plan position indicator
地面激光定位指示器ground laser locator designator
地面火力定位系统ground fire location system
地面/车辆激光定位指示器ground/vehicular laser locator designator
地面辐射源定位与识别系统ground emitter location and identification system
备用设备二进位有效地址bit significant addresses of reserved devices
多平台发射机地理位置multi-platform emitter geolocation
多相位虚拟地址multi-phase virtual address
威胁发射机的地理位置geo-location of threat emitters
扩展地址字段位extended address field bit
接地单位增益放大器grounded unity gain amplifier
接地故障继电器定位[整定]ground fault setting
接地电压单位增益放大器grounded voltage unity gain amplifier
有效位置地址active position address
机载地面发射机[辐射源]定位与识别系统airborne ground emitter location and identification system
机载地面火力定位器airborne ground fire locator
用数字显示地球卫星的位置position of earth satellite in digital display
目视地面位置指示器visual ground position indicator
瞬时大地电位上升transient ground potential rise
磁鼓地址定位locate drum address
移动地理定位功能mobile geographic position function
自动地面可迁移发射机[辐射源]定位与识别系统automatic ground transportable emitter location and identification system
过渡工况接地电位升高transient ground potential rise
运行设备二进位有效地址bit significant address of active device
间接高速暂存地址寄存器低位indirect scratchpad address register lower
间接高速暂存地址寄存器高位indirect scratchpad address register upper
阻容接地单位增益放大器resistance-capacitance grounded unity gain amplifier
降低地下水位用井well for lowering the water table
高位地址high-order address
高位地址选择high address selection