
Terms for subject Ceramics containing | all forms
修坯是陶生产中重要的环节Fettling is an important part in the production of porcelain
在汉朝,软体铅釉瓷主要在中国中部制造,中国南部沿海地区还是继续制造高温焙烧的炻瓷,加上草木灰釉、黄绿色等色彩,可以说是一种早期的青瓷In the Han dynasty, while soft-bodied lead-glazed wares were manufactured largely in central China, the coastal region of southern China continued the production of high-fired stoneware incorporating a wood or ash glaze with a yellow-green color range that can be considered an early form of celadon
大多数绳纹陶底面呈圆形,体积也非常小The majority of Jomon pottery has rounded bottoms and the vessels are typically small
德尔夫特精陶是上釉陶的一种,通常蓝白相间,最初是在荷兰的德尔夫特制造的Delft is a style of glazed earthenware, which is usually blue and white and is originally made in Delft, Netherlands
我工厂主营赤土陶、炻瓷和公园专用的水泥产品Our factory specializes in the line of terracotta, stoneware, and cement items for gardens
所谓彩瓷,是指青瓷、白瓷以外的瓷,包括青花瓷The so-called faience is porcelain other than celadon and white porcelain, including the blue and white porcelain
如果保养不当,会受到严重损伤,不利于长久保存Porcelain, if maintained improperly, will be severely damaged, which is not conducive to long-term preservation
都是易碎品,在保存时应注意防震、防挤压、防碰撞As porcelain is fragile, it must be well protected against shake, squeeze and collision
生陶green ware
纯装饰对于容来说并不是必需的。凹雕比浮雕装饰更加罕见,包括切刻、压印和刻点Pure ornament is a feature not essential to the vessel. Intaglio decoration is still rarer than relief decoration. It consists of incised, impressed, and punctured figures
绳纹陶Jomon pottery
耐热瓷refractory china
16 至 17世纪开始少量进口瓷,最初只是为王子及其宫殿添置备用青花瓷器,到18世纪演变成瓷器痴狂症了What had begun in the 16th and 17th centuries as the importation of occasional pieces of blue-and-white porcelain for princes and their palaces became, in the 18th century, the porcelain sickness
过去几十年,生物陶瓷这种设计独特的材料已在维修、重建和替换患病或受损官,特别是骨移植等领域得以成功使用Over the last several decades, bioceramics—the specially designed materials—have been successfully used for the repair, reconstruction, and replacement of diseased or damaged parts of the body, especially bone
这些瓷很独特,被当时的超级富豪用作高级奢侈品。真正在英国开启这一时尚的是17世纪末的玛丽二世These porcelains are very exclusive, very high-status luxury items for the mega-rich The person who kicks it off in England is Queen Mary II in the late 17th century
马略尔卡陶通常有五种颜色:钴蓝、锑黄、铁红、锑铁、铜绿和锰紫色Majolica is usually restricted to five colors: cobalt blue, antimony yellow, iron red, copper green, and manganese purple