
Terms for subject Technology containing 品种 | all forms | in specified order only
三用品种triple-purpose breed
不分品种运价freight all kinds
不同品种different cultivars
不耐污染品种intolerant species
不配套品种inconsistent merchandise assortment
两种产品输送dual-product operation
中型品种medium weight breed
乡土品种indigenous variety
品种range of products
产品品种product line
产品花色品种product line
低产品种low-yielding variety
保留品种retaining variety
冬季品种winter variety
冬季品种winter breed
创造作物新品种creating new varieties of plants
化学品种chemical race
半栽培品种semi-cultivated variety
品种燃料燃烧single fuel combustion
品种燃料燃烧single firing
变劣品种off-type variety
后可拆换设备品种rear conversion equipment item
含油高的品种oil rich variety
品种减少variety reduction
品种variety plot
品种协会breeder's association
品种指标indicator of product variety
品种收集variety collection
品种检定variety certification
品种检索表key to variety
品种特征breed characteristic
品种特性varietal characteristic
品种竞争variety competition
品种简介标签descriptive labeling
品种简化variety reduction
品种索引表key to varieties
品种结构breed structure
品种试验小区variety test plot
品种试验小区图design of variety test plot
品种试验报告report for variety test
品种试验方案programme of variety test
品种试验方案program of variety test
品种说明key to variety
品种资源库species banks
品种鉴定identification of variety
品种鉴定说明key to varieties
品种齐全great variety of goods
品种commercial variety
商用品种commercial breed
园艺品种garden variety
在一处购买多种多量商品one-stop shopping
在多数品种in most of varieties
地方品种native variety
地方品种native breed
地方品种local breeding
增加产量的一种品质the quality of producing a greater yield
多数普通栽培品种most of the commonly grown varieties
多用品种multipurpose breed
大叶品种large-leaved variety
姐妹品种species pair
姐妹品种sibling species
对照品种control variety
年优良品种the best varieties for
引入品种introduced variety
当家品种leading variety
感光性品种photoperiodical response variety
感光性品种photoperiodic response variety
排列的第二号品种number two ranking variety
推荐品种recommended variety
提高品种质量improve the quality of varieties
改变品种job change
斑叶品种variegated variety
品种光学玻璃new type optical glass
早熟品种early maturing variety
晚熟品种late variety
普通品种汽油house-brand gasoline
更换品种job change
木材品种wood species
本地品种native species
本地品种indigenous variety
材料品种description of materials
标准品种standard variety
品种type of samples
品种sample material
样品检验种类type of sample examination
栽种品种commercial variety
桉树品种eucalypt species
每一定量某种商品every definite quantity of a commodity
每种商品的产业部门总需求total industrial demand for each commodity
每种特殊产品each particular kind of product
汽油正规品种house-brand gasoline
海洋品种marine species
特殊的品种particular strain
特种油品specialty oil
特种消费品specialty goods
特种混凝土制品special concrete product
特种货品费率specific commodity rate
特种食品店specialty food store
生物品种biological species
生物品种biologic species
生物指示品种biologic indicator species
生物指示品种biological indicator species
白色果肉品种variety of the white fleshed group
白花品种white-flowered varieties
石油品种grade of oil
石灰品种sort of lime
磨碳化物和钢用金刚石品种diamond for carbide and steel
秋季品种autumn variety
稀有品种rare variety
稳定品种distinct variety
粗滤器品种strainer line
美洲家禽品种标准American Standard of Perfection
耐酸品种acid tolerant species
花色品种varieties and designs
薄板品种sheet stock
观赏品种fancy breed
适宜品种adapted varieties
适应品种adapted breed
选择高产品种selection of a high yielding variety
铸钢品种cast-steel grade
非典型品种off-type variety
顶芒品种tip-awned variety
高级品种top grade variety