
Terms for subject Economics containing 品格 | all forms
一般来说,制成的货品在发货前要经过一些严格检验Generally speaking, the manufactured goods undergo strict examinations before dispatch
不受价格影响的商品需求inelastic demand
不合格产品a subquality product
不合格产品容许公差百分比lot tolerance percent defective
不合格成品disqualified product
不合格的样品a failed test sample
不合格的物品disqualified goods
产品价格产生连锁提价的影响spillover effect onto price of goods
企业经营4要素产品、价格、渠道、促销Product, Price, Place, Promotion
大市场营销6要素产品、价格、渠道、促销、活动能力、公共关系product, price, place, promotion, power, public relation
产品价格的成本计算cost finding for pricing purpose
产品技术规格product specifications
产品的价格是一方定还是双方协商定?Will the price be fixed by one side or through negotiation by both parties?
产品规格product specification
产品质量提高时,其价格也上升了When the product is improved, its price is raised
产品间价格比率inter-product price ratio
他们发现他们公司的代理商在销售他们竞争对手的产品时,其价格比他们自己的产品还要低廉They discovered than their agent was selling their rival's products at the price even lower that theirs
价格变动显著的物品noticeably fluctuating goods
价格急剧上涨是对这一商品大量需求的必然结果As a necessary consequence of a huge demand for the commodity, the price has gone up sharply
作为劳动力商品价格的雇佣工资form of wages equivalent to the commodity price of labour power
你方能保证价格可行,品质优良,交货迅速吗?Can you assure us of workable prices, excellent quality and prompt delivery?
信内附有裔品目录册和价格单各一份,一见即明We enclose a brochure and a price list, which are self- explanatory
农产品价格integration price
农产品价格支持integration support
农产品价格支持政策integration support policy
农产品价格支持计划farm price support program
农产品收购价格procurement price of agricultural products
农产品收购价格指数price index number of agricultural products purchase
农产品最低价格farm prices
农村工业品价格指数index number of the prices of rural industrial products
出口商品价格指数index number of the prices of export products
初级产品与制成品世界出口价格指数the world export price indexes of primary commodities and manufactured goods
初级产品与制成品价格之间的剪刀差disparity between the prices of primary products and those of manufacture
制造商们哄抬产品价格造成了市场的混乱Manufacturers inflated prices of their products, and this caused chaos in the market
化学品价格保持坚挺The chemicals remained firm
单位产品平均价格unit value
单位工程合格品率rate of qualified single project
卖方和买方已经就下文确定的一切产品的价格达成协议The seller and the buyer have agreed on the prices of all products identified as follows
双方同意如商品检验不合格而被拒收退货费用由供应方负担Both parties agree that if the goods are rejected upon examination n., the goods will be returned at the expenses of the supplier
只要你方检査一下样品,你方会认为该货品质量好、价格合理When you have a chance to examine the samples, you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price
只要我方产品品质上乘,价格公道,就能打入世界市场We can find our way into world market provided our products are of good quality and competitive in price
可从别处以比你低得多的价格购到与你方式样相仿的优质产品The quality similar to your pattern can be bought at much lower price than yours from other places
合同规定的商品价格contract value
合格产品conforming unit
合格产品acceptable production
合格产品目录qualified products list
合格制品qualified product
合格品effective unit
合格品质量标准acceptable quality level (水平)
品种及规格description and specification
商品价格commodity price
商品价格总额aggregate price of commodities
商品价格指数commodity index
商品价格的总指数aggregate index of commodity prices
商品订购格式printed order form
在我方文件中说明了新产品的全部详细的技术规格All the technical details on the new product are given in our document
在本协议的条件下,仅在我方确认质量和规格后你方才能开始制造该产品Subject to the terms of the agreement, you can only begin to manufacture the products after we have confirmed the qualities and specifications
城市消费品价格指数index number of the prices of the city consumer goods
处理品价格the remainder price
外销部经理必须了解产品的技术性能和规格The outside sales manager must have some knowledge of the technical capabilities and specifications of the products
市场产品价格market price of produce
库存商品的价格变动fluctuations in prices of merchandizes inventory
库存商品的价格变化fluctuation in prices of merchandise inventory
我们已收到贵方的样品,但未见价格单We have received your samples, but the price list is wanting
美国按发货国出口价格计算的进口商品的价值export value of imported merchandise
美国按发货国国内价格计算的进口商品的价值foreign value of imported merchandise
支配商品销售的一切价格与条件应由业主来决定All prices and conditions governing the sale of products shall be determined by the owner
新产品经受了严格的考验The new product has stood a severe proof
日用品价格consumer prices
日用消费品价格指数consumer price index
更多的品种和规格more variety and a greater number of specifications
最终消费品价格final consumer price
最高档商品价格fancy price
此商品眼下的价格太贵了The merchandise is too expensive at their present price
消费品价格consumer prices
消费品价格指数index number of the prices of consumer goods
消费品价格指数consumer price index
特种商品价格变动change in specific commodities
特种规格商品goods of anomalous size
生产第一线的管理人员要对制造合格产品负责The first-line supervisor is responsible for the manufacture of a quality product
社会商品零售价格总额total retail prices of commodities in society
维护转售价格制是商品价格由生产者制定,不允许零售商改变的一种制度The resale price maintenance is a system where the price for an item is fixed by the producer and the dealer is not allowed to change it
维持产品价格计划a valorization scheme
路透社商品价格指数Reuters Index of Commodity Price
这种商品价格昂贵,因为所有材料来源于国外The merchandise is expensive because all materials are obtained from sources broad
这种商品的价格下降了The price of this commodity has gone down
这种商品的质量达到一级品,所以其价格相当高The quality of this article can qualify for first class, so its price is quite high
道琼斯商品行情指数及股票价格指数Dow Jones Index
《金融时报》世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
《金融时报》的世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Price
飞涨的消费品价格inflated consumer price
食品价格指数FAO Food Price Index
食品价格指数food price index
食品价格飞涨的影响impact of soaring food prices