
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 和局 | all forms
亚利桑那州地质和矿产技术局Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology
俄勒冈州地质和矿业工业局Oregon State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
南亚和中亚区域科学技术局联合国教科文组织,印度Regional Office for Science and Technology in South and Central Asia
国家填图和资源信息局菲律宾National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
国家有限元法和标准局National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards
国家海洋和大气管理局national oceanic and atmospheric administration
国家海洋和大气管理局中央计算机中心NOAA Central Computer Facility
国家海洋和大气管理局国家分析中心National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Analytical Facility
国家海洋和大气管理局数据浮标中心NOAA Data Buoy Center
国家海洋和大气管理局数据浮标处NOAA Data Buoy Office
国家海洋和大气管理局气象卫星NOAA meteorological satellite
国家海洋和大气管理局海军海洋遥感卫星与地球资源卫星-1 环境数据开发中心NOAA N-ROSS/ERS-1 environmental data development
国家海洋和大气管理局海洋数据分布系统NOAA oceanographic data distribution system
国家海洋和大气管理局环境研究实验室National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Research Laboratory
国家环境卫星、数据和信息局National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service
国家环境卫星、数据和信息局National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service
国家石油和矿产管理局National Petroleum and Mineral Authority
国家能源和环境局意大利National Board for Energy and Environment Italy
国际海床管理局和国际海洋法法庭预备委员会Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
地球科学和资源局Board on Earth Sciences and Resources
埃及地质调查和矿业管理局Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Administration
埃及地质调查和采矿局Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority
安大略省能源和资源管理局加拿大Ontario Department of Energy and Resources Management Canada
局地强风暴数据采集和显示系统severe local storms data acquisition and display system
工程和技术鉴定局Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
技术评价和预测局Office of Technology Assessment and Forecast
拉丁美洲和加勒比海区域科学技术局联合国教科文组织,乌拉圭Regional Office for Science and Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean UNESCO, Uruguay
拉丁美洲和加勒比海区域科学技术局联合国教科文组织,乌拉圭Regional Office for Science and Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean
新墨西哥州矿山和矿产资源局New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
欧洲研究和开发局European Research and Development Agency
水道测量和地图局加拿大Hydrographic and Map Service Canada
海军石油和油页岩储备局Office of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves
海岸和大地测量局coast and geodetic survey
海岸、近海和海洋预报局Coastal, Offshore, and Oceanic Prediction Services
滨海测量和定位服务局Offshore Survey and Positioning Services
澳大利亚农业和资源经济局Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resources Economics
环境、卫生和自然资源局Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources
环境和大气环境局加拿大Environment-Atmospheric Environment Service
环境数据和信息局environmental data and information service
瑞士水文和地质调查局Swiss Hydrological and Geological Survey
石油和矿产资源局petroleum and mineral resources authority
石油地质和海洋地质局Bureau of Petroleum Geology and Marine Geology
矿业和地球科学局Mines and Geosciences Bureau
矿产和金属咨询局Minerals and Metals Advisory Board
矿产研究和勘探管理局土耳其general directorate of mineral research and exploration
矿山安全和健康管理局mine safety and health administration
矿物资源、地质和地球物理局Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics
科学研究和开发局Office of Scientific Research and Development
空间科学和应用局美国,总统科学顾问委员会Office of Space Science and Applications
管理和预算局Office of Management and Budget
统计协调和标准局菲律宾Office of Statistical Coordination and Standards Philippines
美国国家海洋和大气管理局国家环境数据服务网NOAA National Environmental Data Service Network
美国国家海洋和大气管理局植被指数NOAA vegetation index
美国国家海洋和大气管理局水下研究计划NOAA's undersea research program
美国海岸保护局全色和多谱遥感系统CCD panchromatic and multispectral remote sensing system
自然资源和能源局日本natural resources and energy agency
菲律宾大气地球物理和大气服务管理局Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Atmospherical Service Administration
菲律宾大气地球物理和天文服务管理局Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
菲律宾矿业和地球科学局-环境和自然资源部Philippine Mines and Geosciences Bureau-Department of Environment and Natural Resource
资源评估和土地利用规划局坦桑尼亚Bureau of Resource Assessment and Land Use Planning
露天矿土地开垦和环境保护局Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Environment