
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不论损失与条款lost or not lost clause
买方是利用检验货物的合理机会或放弃其检验权利Whether the buyer avails himself of the reasonable opportunity of examining the goods or waives his right of examination is for him to decide
代理人必须向委托人说明有关客户的一切重要实际情况以供他考虑是接受客户的订单The agent is obliged to disclose all material facts to his principal which are likely to influence the latter when deciding whether to accept the customer's orders or not
你方确认必须于本月十五日前到达我方,则该项交易被视为取消Your confirmation must reach us before the 15th of the month, failing which we'll consider the deal off
保付商行对货物与合同规定符合与不负责任The confirming house does not undertake any liability for the conformity of the goods with the stipulations in the contract
交易所全部执行则取消的订单fill-or-kill order
关于合同是落空的争议应由仲裁员裁决The dispute on the question whether the S/C is frustrated shall be decided by the arbitrators
则取消合同 5011otherwise sales contract 5011 cancelling
则大部分多余小麦就必须出口到世界市场上去Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder
则就无法生活necessaries of life
审核要求是正当examine the justice of a claim
我们正在考虑是与客户达成交易We are deliberating whether we should conclude the bargain with the customer
我方想了解你方是可以为这一商品找到销路We'd like to know whether you can find outlets for this commodity
无可认的证据incontestable evidence
请告知你方买主是赞同这些图案Please advised us whether your buyers approve of these designs
请告知你方是对这些商品感兴趣Please advise us whether you're interested in these articles
质量决权veto on quality