
Terms for subject Water resources containing | all forms
传质异cou nter-diffusion
基因转移lateral gene transfer
流斜板式沉淀池inclined-plank settling tank of lateral flow
水流空心纤维超滤tangential flow hollow fiber ultrafiltration
扬程double lift
船闸two-way river
龙头two-way hydrant
传播人工神经网络back-propagation artificial neural network
传播神经网络back propagation neural network
电子渗析reverse electro-dialysis
流斜板式沉淀池inclined-plank settling tank of same direction flow
时嗓磷脱氮simultaneous phosphorus and nitrogen removal
流斜板式沉淀池inclined-plank settling tank of horizontal-direction flow
广义径基函数神经网络generalized radial basis function neural network
流斜板式沉淀池inclined-plank settling tank of different-direction flow
排水transversal draining
排水crosswise drainage
排水cross draining
灌溉法cross-slope furrow method
流微滤crossflow microfiltration
流微滤通量crossflow microfiltration flux
流滤饼过滤膜crossflow cake filtration membrane
流膜生物反应器crossflow membrane bioreactor
流表面活性剂超滤crossflow surfactant-based ultrafiltration
流超滤crossflow ultrafiltration
流过滤crossflow filtration
缩窄lateral contraction
反应速率常数forward reaction rate constant
速率常数forward rate constant
正则化径基函数神经网络regularization radial basis function neural network
沿岸漂沙变nodal zone
direction of stream
牵引方direction of pull
构架闸门vertical framed gate
射流radial jet
速率常数reverse rate constant