
Terms for subject International trade containing 合 同履行 | all forms | in specified order only
不履行合同back out of the contract
不履行合同保险risk of non-performance
中断履行合同义务suspend performance of obligations
为履行合同而指定的货物goods identified for the performance of the contract
保证履行合同guarantee performance
分期分批履行的合同installment contract
卖方不履行合同seller's failure to perform
合同履行地法lex loci solutionis
合同已履行的证明proof of performance
合同的主要实质部分业已履行contract substantial performance
合同的履行implementation of contract
合同的确当履行due fulfillment of the contract
对于卖方不履行合同义务的法律救济remedies for the seller's failure to perform his obligations
履行合同performance of contract
履行合同performance of a contract
履行合同perform a contract
履行合同execution of contract
履行合同discharge of contract
履行合同义务obligation of contract
进出口的履行合同保证人performance guarantee
进出口的履行合同的风险performance risk
明确地认定为履行合同的货物goods clearly identified to the contract
未履行合同failure of performance
未履行合同罚款penalty for nonperformance of contract
未符合同规定履行义务defective performance
合同当事人以外的第三人可以要求合同当事人履行的保证义务floating warranty