
Terms containing 台湾 | all forms | in specified order only
fin.《中华人民共和国台湾同胞投资保护法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of Investment by Compatriots from Taiwan
China, polit.中华全国台湾同胞联谊会All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots
avia.中国台湾中华航空公司China Airlines
avia.中国台湾华信航空公司Mandarin Airlines
space中国台湾卫星Republic of China Satellite
avia.中国台湾复兴航空公司Trans-Asia Airways
earth.sc.中国台湾水污染控制与研究协会Chinese Taiwan Association of Water Pollution Control and Research
geol.中国台湾Taiwan, Province of China
avia.中国台湾立荣航空公司Uni Airways
textile中国台湾纺织品博览会Taiwan Textile Fair
avia.中国台湾远东航空公司Far Eastern Air Transport
avia.中国台湾长荣航空公司EVA Airways
China, polit.中央台湾工作委员会Taiwan Affairs Office, CCCPC
econ., int. law.华侨港澳同胞、台湾同胞居住证residence permit for overseas Chinese and compatriots from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan
fin.<台〉台湾银行bank of Taiwan
geogr.台北:中国台湾Taipei, Chinese Taiwan
geogr.台北松山机场:中国台湾Taipei Shung Shan Apt, Chinese Taiwan
geogr.台北桃园机场:中国台湾Taipei TaoYuan Apt, Chinese Taiwan
shipb.台湾万海航运股份有限公司Wan Hai Lines Ltd, Taiwan
shipb.台湾万海航运股份有限公司Wanhai Lines Ltd, Taiwan
biol.台湾三色蓟马clerodendron thrips (Frankliniella formosae tricolor Moulton,蓟马科)
shipb.台湾中信造船股份有限公司Jong Shyn Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, Taiwan
shipb.台湾中信造船股份有限公司Taiwan Jong Shyn Shipbuilding Co., Ltd
shipb.台湾中国造船公司China Shipbuilding Corp., Taiwan
shipb.台湾中国造船公司Taiwan China Shipbuilding Corp.
shipb.台湾亿通航运股份有限公司Yi Tong Lines Co., Ltd, Taiwan
shipb.台湾亿通航运股份有限公司Yitong Lines Co., Ltd, Taiwan
lat.台湾佛甲草Sedum formosanum
shipb.台湾健富造船公司Chien Fu Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, Taiwan
shipb.台湾健富造船公司Taiwan Chien Fu Shipbuilding Co,. Ltd
comp.name.台湾全球运筹发展协会GLCT The Global Logistics Council of Taiwan
anim.husb.台湾八哥formosan crested myna
biol.台湾刚竹Taiwan timber bamboo (Phyllostachys makinoi Hay,禾本科)
securit.台湾创新成长企业Taiwan Innovative Growing Entrepreneurs
securit.台湾创新成长企业类股Taiwan Innovative Growing Entrepreneurs
ichtyol.台湾刺鲨 Centrophorus niaukangTaiwan gulper shark
ichtyol.台湾副沙条鲨 Paragaleus tengistraight-tooth weasel shark
fin.台湾加权股价指数Taiwan Weighted Stock Index
el.台湾半导体制造有限公司Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.
el.台湾半导体工业协会Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association
China, polit.台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots
China, law台湾同胞投资investment of Taiwan compatriots
China, law台湾同胞投资企业enterprise with investment of Taiwan compatriots
ichtyol.台湾后海螯虾 Metanephrops formosanusFormosa lobster
agric.水稻台湾品种Taiwan variety
comp.name.台湾国际物流暨供应链协会Taiwan International Logistics and Supply Chain Association
commer.台湾地区Taiwan Region
desert.台湾多足蕨green caterpillar fern
lat.台湾多足蕨Polypodium formosanum
shipb.台湾大舟企业股份有限公司Ta Chou Ship Building Co., Ltd, Taiwan
shipb.台湾大舟企业股份有限公司Taiwan Ta Chou Ship Building Co., Ltd
biol.台湾姬小蜂glasshouse whitefly parasite (Encarsia formosa Gahan)
fin.台湾存托凭证Taiwan depositary receipts
securit.台湾存托凭证Taiwan deposit receipt
el.台湾学术网Taiwan academic network
forestr.台湾山樱花Taiwan cherry
biol.台湾山樱花Taiwan cherry (Prunus campanulata Maxim.,蔷薇科)
biol.台湾山葛montanus kudzubean (Pueraria montana Merr.,豆科)
el.台湾工业产品部Taiwan Industrial Products Services
shipb.台湾庆富造船股份有限公司Ching Fu Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, Taiwan
shipb.台湾庆富造船股份有限公司Taiwan Ching Fu Shipbuilding Co., Ltd
shipb.台湾建恒海运股份有限公司Kien Hung Shipping Co., Ltd, Taiwan
shipb.台湾建恒海运股份有限公司Kine-hung Shipping Co., Ltd, Taiwan
earth.sc.SMART 1台湾强地动一号台阵Strong-Motion Array in Taiwan Number 1
earth.sc.台湾强地动一号台阵Strong-Motion Array in Taiwan Number 1
ichtyol.台湾扁鲨 Squatina formosaTaiwan angleshark
ichtyol.台湾拟结节蟹 Paralomis formosaglobose king crab
biol.台湾接骨木Taiwan elder (Sambucus formosana Nakai.,忍冬科)
el.台湾掩模公司Taiwan Mask Corp.
lat.台湾播娘蒿Sisymbrium irio
el.台湾新个人计算机联盟Taiwan New PC Consortium
el.台湾无线电设备系统公司Taiwan Radio Equipment System Corporation
adv.台湾时报亚太广告奖Times Asia-Pacific Advertising Awards
ecol.台湾暖流Taiwan Warm Current
biol.台湾有芒鸭嘴草Taiwan awned juckbeak (Ischaemum aristatum var. formosanum Nakai,禾本科)
org.name., securit.台湾期货交易所台北Taiwan Futures Exchange
fin., taiw.台湾期货交易所Taiwan Futures Exchange
biol.台湾Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata)
tech.台湾Taiwan cypress
biol.台湾cryptomeria-like taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioidea Hayata,杉科)
biol.台湾杉属Taiwania (Taiwania Hayata,台湾杉科)
biol.台湾杉木Konish China fir (Cunninghamia konishii Hayata,杉科)
biol.台湾杉科Taiwania family (Taiwaniaceae)
desert.台湾枇杷bronze loquat
lat.台湾枇杷Eriobotrya deflexa
biol.台湾枇杷Taiwan loquat (Eriobotraya deflexa (Hemsl.) Nakai,蔷薇科)
biol.台湾林檎Taiwan apple (Malus formosana Kawak et Koidz.,蔷薇科)
biol.台湾刺柏,Juniperus formosana Hayata,柏科Taiwan juniper
biol.台湾柳叶菜Formosan willow (Epilobium formosanum Masam.,柳叶菜科)
lat.台湾Diospyros discolor
desert.台湾velvet apple
biol.台湾毛柿,Diospyros discolor Willd.,柿科Taiwan persimmon
biol.台湾树蟋pale white tree cricket (Oecanthus indicus Saussure,树蟋科)
entomol.台湾樱小蠹蛾 Enarmonia formosanabark borer
entomol.台湾樱小蠹蛾 Enarmonia formosanacherry bark tortrix moth
biol.台湾樱小蠹蛾cherry-bark tortrix moth (Enarmonia formosans (Scopoli),小卷蛾科)
ichtyol.台湾橙黄鲨 Cirrhoscyllium formosanumTaiwan saddled carpetshark
biol.台湾檫木Taiwan sassafras (Sassafras randaiense Rehd.,樟科)
shipb.台湾正利航业股份有限公司Cheng tie Navigation Co., Ltd, Taiwan
shipb.台湾正利航业股份有限公司Cheng-lie Navigation Co., Ltd, Taiwan
biol.台湾毛油点草Formosan hairy toadlily (Tricyrtis formosana Baker,百合科)
biol.台湾毛管蚜Formosan hairy aphid (Greenidea formosanum Maki,蚜科)
biol.台湾水龙骨Formosan polypody (Polypodium formosanum Bak.,水龙骨科)
biol.台湾油葫芦oriental green cricket (Cryllulus mitratus Burmeister,蟋蟀科)
ichtyol.台湾沼虾 Macrobrachium formosensecrane river prawn
China, polit."台湾法理独立"等任何形式的分裂活动all forms of secessionist activities such as calls for Taiwan independence through legislation
tech.台湾海峡Taiwan Strait
China, polit.台湾海峡两岸the two sides of the Taiwan Straits
China, polit.台湾海峡两岸同胞the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits
desert.台湾海桐Victorian box
desert.台湾海桐sweet pittosporum
lat.台湾海桐Pittosporum undulatum
anim.husb.台湾烟尖鼠formosan shrew
anim.husb.台湾Taiwan (cattle breed)
comp.name.台湾物流管理协会Taiwan Association of Logistics Management
pig.台湾Taiwan (pig breed, 台湾)
biol.台湾玉凤花Taiwan habenaria (Habenaria formosana Schltr,兰科)
biol.台湾琉璃草Taiwan houndstongue (Cynoglossum lanceolatum Forsh,紫草科)
desert.台湾甜胶Formosan sweet gum
desert.台湾甜胶formosan sweetgum
lat.台湾甜胶Liquidambar formosana
anim.husb.台湾画眉formosan hwamei
biol.台湾番柿毛柿,Diospyros discolor Willde,柿科butter fruit
biol.台湾番柿毛柿,Diospyros discolor Willde,柿科velvet apple
lat.台湾百合Lilium formosanum
desert.台湾百合formosa lily
biol.台湾百合Taiwan brown lily (Lilium formosanum Wallace,百合科)
lat.台湾相思Acacia richii (乔木,海岸沙丘的造林树种)
earth.sc.台湾省气象局中国Taiwan Provincial Weather Bureau China
China, polit.台湾省籍同胞台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots
China, polit.台湾省籍同胞台湾同胞compatriots originating from Taiwan Province
desert.台湾短翅莺Alishan bush warbler
lat.台湾短翅莺Bradypterus alishanensis
biol.台湾破铜钱Taiwan pennywort (Hydrocotyle formosana Masam,伞形花科)
biol.台湾tiger's-tongue grass (Echinochloa crusgalli Beauv. var. kasaharae Ohwi.; Echinochloa crusgalli Beauv. var. formosensis Ohwi.)
anim.husb.台湾bareet grass
anim.husb.台湾tiger's-tongue grass
biol.台湾bareet grass (Echinochloa crusgalli Beauv. var. kasaharae Ohwi.; Echinochloa crusgalli Beauv. var. formosensis Ohwi.)
biol.台湾稻大白叶蝉Taiwan green rice leafhopper (Nephotettix cinetleeps Uhler,叶蝉科)
biol.台湾稻苞虫rice skipper (Borbo cinnara Wallace,弄蝶科)
biol.台湾稻苞虫Formosan swift (Borbo cinnara Wallace,弄蝶科)
biol.台湾稻蝗Formosan long winged rice grass hopper (Oxya formosana Shiraki,蝗科)
biol.台湾稻螟钻心虫,蛀心虫,Chilo auricilia (Dudgeon),螟蛾科gold fringed borer moth
entomol.台湾稻螟 Chilo zacconiusAfrican rice borer
entomol.台湾稻螟 Chilo zacconiusAfrican rice borer moth
entomol.台湾稻螟 Chilo zacconiusdark-headed stem borer
biol.台湾稻螟钻心虫,蛀心虫,Chilo auricilia (Dudgeon),螟蛾科Taiwan rice stem borer
shipb.台湾立荣海运股份有限公司Uniglory Marine Corporation, Taiwan
anim.husb.台湾竹鸡formosan bamboo partridge
biol.台湾筋骨草Taiwanensis bugle (Ajuga taiwanensis Nakai.,唇形科)
desert.台湾粗榧plum yew
lat.台湾粗榧Cephalotaxus harringtonii
textile台湾纺织联合会Taiwan Textile Federation
biol.台湾羊耳蒜Taiwan twayblade (Liparis formosana Keichbfil,兰科)
cook.台湾肉羹Taiwan style shredded pork and squid soup
org.name., securit.台湾股票加权指数Taiwan Stock Exchange Weighted Index
biol.台湾胡颓子Taiwan elaeagnus (Elaeagnus thunbergii Serv.,胡颓子科)
shipb.台湾船东Taiwan ship-owner
biol.台湾芦竹Taiwan giantreed (Arundo formosana Hack.,禾本科)
biol.台湾芦竹great reed (Arundo formosana Hack.,禾本科)
biol.台湾花柏Formosan cypress (Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum.,柏科)
forestr.台湾苏铁Taiwan cycad
life.sc.台湾苏铁Taiwan cycas
biol.台湾苏铁Taiwan cycas (Cycas taiwaniana Carruthers.,凤尾松科)
biol.台湾苔草Formosan sedge (Carex formosesis Leviet Van.,莎草科)
biol.台湾苧麻Formosan false-nettle (Boehmeria formosana Hayata,荨麻科)
biol.台湾莴苣Formosan garden lettuce (Lactuca formosana Maxim,菊科)
biol.台湾Taiwan kuzu (Pueraria thunbergiana Benth.; Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohvi,豆科)
biol.台湾蒲公英Taiwan dandelion (Taraxacum formosanum Kit am.,菊科)
biol.台湾蓟马garden thrips (Frankliniella formosae Moulton,蓟马科)
biol.台湾蝼蛄Taiwan mole cricket (Gryllotalpa formosana Shiraki,蝼蛄科)
org.name., securit.台湾证券交易所台北Taiwan Stock Exchange
fin., taiw.台湾证券交易所Taiwan Stock Exchange
securit.台湾证券交易所市值加权股价指数Taiwan Stock Exchange capitalisation weighted stock index
securit.台湾证券集中保管公司Taiwan Securities Central Depository Company Limited
China, polit.台湾连线美国众院Congressional Taiwan Caucus
biol.台湾酸橘Taiwan tatibean (Citrus reticulata var. sunki Hort. ex Tan.,芸香科)
anim.husb.台湾野兔formosan hare
biol.台湾金星蕨Taiwan creeping water fern (Thelypteris estanea Ching,鳞毛蕨科)
angl.台湾钓法台钓Taiwan angling
biol.台湾铁坚杉台湾油杉,Keteleeria davidiana Beissn var. formosana Hayata.,松科Taiwan david keteleeria
biol.台湾铁杉Taiwan hemlock (Tsuga formosana Hayata,松科)
railw.台湾铁路管理局Taiwan Railway Administration
fin.台湾银行业banking in Taiwan
biol.台湾镰狗脊Taiwan chain fern (Woodwfrdia orientalia Sw. var. formosana Ros.,乌毛蕨科)
shipb.台湾长荣海运股份有限公司Evergreen Marine Corporation, Taiwan
China, law台湾问题Taiwan issue
shipb.台湾阳明海运股份有限公司Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation, Taiwan
shipb.台湾阳明海运股份有限公司Yangming Marine Transport Corporation, Taiwan
shipb.台湾香港船厂有限公司The Hong Kong Shipyard Limited, Taiwan
shipb.台湾香港船厂有限公司Taiwan Hong Kong Shipyard Limited
lat.台湾马醉木Pieris taiwanensis
life.sc.台湾鬣羚Taiwan serow
life.sc.台湾鬣羚Japanese serow
biol.台湾鳞毛蕨Taiwan shield-fern (Dryopteris formosana C. Chr.,鳞毛蕨科)
biol.台湾黄杉Wilson douglasfir (Pseudotsuga wilsoniana Hayata,松科)
forestr.台湾黄杉Taiwan Douglas fir
biol.台湾黄杉Formosan Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga wilsoniana Hayata,松科)
anim.husb.台湾黑熊formosan black bear
biol.台湾黑面神Formosan breynia (Breynia formosana Hayata,大戟科)
anim.husb.台湾鼹鼠formosan blind mole
shipb.台湾龙德造船工业股份有限公司Lung Teh Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, Taiwan
shipb.台湾龙德造船工业股份有限公司Taiwan Lung Teh Shipbuilding Co., Ltd
China, polit.团结广大台湾同胞unite with Taiwan compatriots
org.name.国务院台湾事务办公室Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
China, polit.国务院台湾事物办公室Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
geogr.基隆:中国台湾Chilung, Chinese Taiwan
geogr.基隆:中国台湾Keelung, Chinese Taiwan
China, polit.台湾从中国分裂出去make Taiwan secede from China
geogr.新竹:中国台湾Hsinchu, Chinese Taiwan
tech.日本一台湾航线Japan/Taiwan route
China, polit.维护台湾海峡地区和平稳定maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits
securit.i股MSCI 台湾指数基金iShares MSCI Taiwan Index Fund
gen.这是要带去台湾的纪念品This is a souvenir that I'm taking to Taiwan
geogr.高雄:中国台湾Kaohsiung, Chinese Taiwan