
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 厚度 | all forms | in specified order only
主温水层厚度较热的水面区与较冷的深水区之间的水层厚度main thermocline depth
减弱一个数量级的厚度one- tenth-value thickness 1/10
十分之⁻厚度tenth-value thickness
十分之⁻厚度tenth-thickness value
半值半吸收,强度减半厚度half-value thickness
厚度one- tenth-value thickness 1/10
地壳厚度研究常设机构Permanent Service on Crustal Thickness
地层学真厚度true stratigraphic thickness
垂向冰层厚度vertical ice thickness
垂直光学厚度vertical optical thickness
声呐测油厚度传感器sonar oil thickness sensor
套管厚度检验casing thickness detection
对流不稳定层厚度depth of the convectively unstable layer
干薄膜厚度dry film thickness
平均厚度average depth
当量水厚度equivalent water thickness
暖水层厚度warm layer thickness
最大径向冰层厚度maximum radial ice thickness
最大混合厚度maximum mixing height
最大混合厚度maximum mixing depth
最大混合层厚度maximum mixing height
有效弹性厚度effective elastic thickness
泥皮厚度mud cake thickness
生物混合厚度biological mixing depths
界面层厚度interfacial-layer thickness
真垂厚度true vertical thickness
真实地层厚度true stratigraphic thickness
真实垂直厚度true vertical thickness