
Terms for subject Rail transport containing 单线 | all forms | in specified order only
单位长度的线路阻抗line impedance per unit length
单匝感应线圈single turn induction coil
单匝线圈single turn coil
单双工兼容列车无线调度通信compatible simplex-duplex wireless communication
单向中继线one way trunk
单向运行线unidirectional line
单母线single bus bar
单母线分段sectionalized single bus
单母线系统single-busbar system
单相 V/V 接线single-phase V/V connection
单相V,v x结线牵引变压器single phase traction transformer with vector of V, v (x)
单相V,v x结线牵引变压器single phase traction transformer with vector of V,v (x)
单相接线牵引变压器traction transformer with single-phase connection
单线single wire system
单线single track bridge
单线继电半自动闭塞single track all-relay semi-automatic block system
单线臂板信号机single wire semaphore signal
单线自动闭塞single track automatic block system
单线路腕臂single track cantilever
单线运行图train working diagram for single track
单边型直线感应电动机single sided linear induction motor
异频单工无线电通信different-frequency simplex radio communication
GSM-R 无线传输单元radio transmission unit of GSM-R G
无线传输单元radio transmission unit of GSM-R
母线单元bus bar unit
线路可替换单兀Line Replaceable Unit