
Terms for subject Commerce containing 协会 | all forms | in specified order only
专业协会professional institute
世界信贷协会理事会World Council of Credit Union
世界贸易协会联合会World Federation of Trade Unions
英国世界贸易联盟协会World Trade Alliance Association
印度尼西亚,马来西亚,菲律宾东南亚木材生产者协会South-East Asia Lumber Producers Association
中英贸易协会Sino-British Trade Council
伦敦保护贸易协会London Association for Protection Trade
伦敦保险协会International Institute of London
伦敦保险协会London Insurance Institute
伦敦保险协会Institute of London Underwriters
伦敦油籽协会Incorporated Oil Seed Association (常设专业仲裁机构)
伦敦海上保险协会Institute of London Underwriters
保险经纪人协会Corporation of Insurance Brokers
美国全国消费者协会National Association of Consumers
美国全国证券交易商协会National Association of Securities Dealers
英国全国贸易发展协会National Trade Development Association
分保公司协会Reinsurance Offices Association
英国分期付款贸易协会Hire Purchase Trade Association
加拿大进口商协会Canadian Importers' and Traders' Association
劳埃德船级协会代理人Lloyd's Agent
劳氏保险协会Society of Lloyd's
英国包装协会Institute of Packaging
协会亦缩为 instninstitution
协会危险药品条款Institute Dangerous Drug Clause
协会干事亦缩为 sec., secy.secretary
协会盗窃及提货不着险条款Institute theft, pilferage and non-delivery clause
协会罢工、暴动与民变保险条款Institute Strike, Riots and Civil Commotions Clauses
协会航空货物保险条款Institute Air Cargo Clauses
协会货物保险条款Institute Cargo Clauses (包括:单独海损不赔 (FPA),单独海损包括在内 (WA),一切险 (All Risks))
协会重置条款Institute Replacement Clause
美国咨询工程师协会Consulting Engineers Council
英国国外信用保险协会Foreign Credit Insurance Association
国外信用保险协会Foreign Credit Insurance Association (1962年,缩为 FCIA)
国家标准化协会国际联合会International Federation of the National Standardization Association
国际专利协会Institut International des Brevets
国际促进及保护私人国外投资协会International Association for the Promotion of Private Foreign Investments (缩为 APPI)
国际信用保险协会International Credit Insurance Association
国际债券经销商协会Association of International Bond Dealers
美国国际开发协会Society for International Development
国际投资保险协会International Investment Insurance Association
国际标准协会International Standards Institution
国际棉花协会International Institute for Cotton
国际空运协会Association Internationale des Transports Aeriens
国际经济协会International Association of Economics
国际航空承运人协会International Air Carriers Association
国际航空运输协会货运代理人IA TA cargo agent
国际货运承揽商联盟,国际货运承揽商协会International Federation of Forwarding Agents Association, International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association
国际贸易中心协会World Trade Centres Association
国际金融协会International Financial Institution
在双方当事人未达成协议情况下,仲裁机构不会受理争议案件Failing an agreement by the both parties, the arbitration institution will not take cognizance of the case
太平洋海事协会Pacific Maritime Association
英国实业银行家协会Industrial Bankers' Association
英国工程标准协调委员会Engineering Standard Coordinating Committee
美国工程研究协会Engineering Research Association
美国银行界征信协会Robert Morris Association
拉丁美洲自由贸易协会Latin-American Free Trade Association
拉美一体化协会Institute for Latin American Integration
提交美国仲裁协会进行仲裁be submitted to AAA for arbitration
日本海外建设协会Overseas Construction Association of Japan Inc
欧洲协调委员会European Coordination Committee
欧洲经济协会Europese Economische Gemeenschap
泛美会计协会Inter-American Accounting Association (缩为 AAA)
海关合作理事会协调体系Harmonized System of the Customs Cooperation Council
日本海外贸易开发协会Japan Overseas Trade Development Conference
日本海外顾问企业协会External Consulting Firms Association
消费者协会Consumers Association
消费者协会的代表们将讨论如何促进各自国家努力改善食品质量和安全Representatives of Consumers Associations will discuss how they can contribute to their countries’ efforts to improve the quality and safety of food
爱尔兰商会协会Association of Chamber of Commerce of Ireland
环境工程师协会Institute of Environmental Engineers
英国生产工程研究协会Production Engineering Research Association
美国电气制造商协会National Electrical manufactures Association
皇家协会Royal Society
社会协调机制social coordinating mechanism
经济开发协会Economic Development Association美国
罗伯特•莫里斯协会Robert Morris Associates
美国仲裁协会American Arbitration Association (总部设于纽约)
美国对华贸易协会China Trade Association
美国技术协会American Technical Society
美国机械工程师协会标准ASME CODE
美国海难救助协会United States Salvage Association
美国由州批准建立的储蓄贷款协会state chartered association
美国转运协会American Transit Association
美国运输协会American Transport Association
联合国标准协调委员会United Nations Standards Coordination Committee
联邦国家抵押协会公司Federal National Mortgage Association
英国商会协会Association of British Chambers of Commerce
英国投资信托公司协会Association of Investment Trust Companies
英国海商法协会British Maritime Law Association
英国谷物饲料贸易协会Grain and Feed Trade Association of the UK
行业协会traders society
英国货运承揽业协会Institute of Freight Forwarder
贸易协会a trade association
英国贸易保护联合协会United Association for the Protection of Trade
美国贸易关系协会Trade Relations Association
美国贸易协定委员会Trade Agreement Committee
运输同业协会carrier association
英国银行家协会Institute of Bankers