
Terms containing 升力 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.升力climbing power
tech.升力uplift force
auto.升力elevating force
tech.升力ascending power
tech.升力lifting moment
construct.上升〔升限,最大〕能力ceiling capacity
avia.上升推力向量控制ascent thrust vector control
avia.上升段推力向量控制ascent thrust vector control
securit.上升潜力upside potential
tech.上升能力upward capability
commer.上升能力ceiling capacity
tech.上升能力ascending ability
wind.不均匀分布升力nonuniform lift
tech.不均匀分布的升力non-uniform lift
tech.中和升力线neutral lift line
tech.串联接力提升tandem hoisting
avia.主动升力控制系统active lift control system
auto.起重lifting power
auto.自卸车倾卸dumping force
archit.升力lifting power
auto.升力hoisting force
auto.举升压力lifting pressure
tech.亚声速升力subsonic lift
railw.人体气动升力lift force acting on pedestrian
tech.人力升降机hand power elevator
fin.人民币升值压力upward pressure on the renminbi (exchange rate)
fin.人民币升值的周期性压力cyclical pressure for currency appreciation
auto.伸缩式动力举升器excellent power lift
avia.升力false lift
tech.偏转升降舵产生的力矩moment due to elevator deflection
railw.儒可夫斯基升力定理joukowski lifting theorem
desert.升力total lift
tech.公称升船能力nominal lifting capacity
econ.再者,由于人口增长有上升趋势,西方世界将会感到人口增长的压力Furthermore, with the upturns in population growth, the western world will feel its pressure
tech.冲压升力ram lift
tech.分离升力separated lift
tech.利用升力再入lifting reentry
avia.利用升力再入lifting re-entry
avia.利用机翼升力飞行wing borne flight
auto.制动压力升高brake-pressure rise
auto.车身前端升力front-end lift (force)
avia.前缘涡升力landing edge vortex lift
avia.前缘涡升力leading-edge vortex lift
railw.前缘涡增强升力机制lift increasing mechanism by leading edge vortex
avia.剩余升力margin of lift
tech.力升送机pneumatic lifting device
auto.动力举升装置power lifter
agric.动力升降机构power lifter
tech.动力升降犁power-lift plough
nautic., tech.动力增升型地效翼船PAR-WIG craft
tech.动力抬升plume rise by source momentum
tech.动力提升power lift
auto.动力提升升降机构power-lift mechanism
auto.动力提升悬挂装置power-lift hitch
tech.动升举力hydrodynamical lift
tech.动升举力hydrodynamic lift
tech.动水升举力hydrodynamical lift
tech.动水升举力hydrodynamic lift
tech.千斤顶举升力jacking force
tech.升举力lifting force
tech.升举能力lifting capacity
tech.升举能力elevating capacity
fin.升值压力upward pressure
construct.升力ascending powers
wind.升力lifting capacity
wind.升力lift (force)
wind.升力lift force
wind.升力lift capacity
auto.升力rising force
auto.上,提,举升力lifting force
auto.气流升力lift force
construct.升力下降减小lift divergence
wind.升力不对称lift dissymmetry
wind.升力中心lift center
wind.升力中心center of lift
tech.升力中心centre of lift
avia.升力主动控制系统ALCS active lift control system
railw.升力产生机制lift generation mechanism
avia.升力产生装置lifting system
wind.升力lifting body
tech.升力体再入lifting-body reentry
avia.升力体试验飞行器lifting body flight experiment
wind.升力作用点lift center
wind.升力减小lift convergence
tech.升力减小lift divergence
wind.升力分布lift loading
wind.升力分布lift distribution
avia.升力分布主动控制子系统active lift distribution control subsystem
avia.升力分配主动控制系统active lift distribution control system
wind.升力分量lift component
avia.升力分量component of lift
tech.升力力比lift-drag ratio
tech.升力力矩lifting force moment
tech.升力卸减lift dump
railw.升力压翼lift canard
wind.升力原理lift principle
tech.升力发动机吊舱lift pod
tech.升力发动机推力lift thrust
wind.升力变化范围lift range
wind.升力和阻力lift and drag
tech.升力喷管lift-device nozzle
avia.升力喷管矢量lift nozzle vector
shipb.升力器的滤气器booster air cleaner
wind.升力lift ring
wind.升力型装置lift type device
wind.升力型转子lift type rotor
wind.升力型风力机lift type wind machine
wind.升力型风轮lift type rotor
avia.升力增强涵道风扇lift augmented ducted fan
wind.升力增量lift increment
nautic., tech.升力定律Kutta-Joukowski theorem
nautic., tech.升力定律lift theorem
tech.升力尾翼lifting tail
avia.升力张线flying wires
gen.升力-拉力比lift-over- drag ratio
gen.升力-拉力比lift- drag ratio
tech.升力拉条lift bracing
tech.升力指示器lift indicator
wind.升力振子模型lift oscillator model
tech.升力换能器lift transducer
tech.升力控制lift control
avia.升力控制伺服机构direct lift control servo
avia.升力控制伺服机构有效性direct lift control servo validity
avia.升力控制系统direct lift control system
wind.升力效应lift effect
wind.升力方向lift direction
wind.升力方程lift equation
wind.升力曲线lift curve
avia.升力曲线倾斜lift curve
tech.升力曲线斜牵参数lift-curve-slope parameter
wind.升力曲线斜率slope of lift curve
wind.升力曲线斜率lift curve slope
railw.升力波阻lift wave drag
shipb.升力测量仪lift-measuring apparatus
wind.升力lift vortex
wind.升力lifting vortex
nautic., tech.升力lifting vortex
wind.升力lift point
wind.升力特性lift efficiency
avia.升力特性lift characteristic
wind.升力直径比lift diameter ratio
wind.升力相关导纳lift associated admittance
wind.升力矢量lift vector
wind.升力lifting moment
wind.升力lifting force moment
wind.升力系数lift coefficient
auto.升力举升系数lift coefficient
gen.升力系数与迎角、M数关系曲线作图法carpet method
wind.升力线lifting line
tech.升力线lift line
tech.升力线lift wire
railw.升力线斜率lift slop
nautic., tech.升力线理论lifting lime theory
wind.升力线理论lifting line theory
avia.升力线理论lifting-line theory
railw.升力线理论的基本方程basic equations of lifting-line theory
railw.升力线理论的局限性limitation for lifting-line theory
railw.升力线理论的有效范围effective range for lifting-line theory
tech.升力螺旋桨lifting propeller
tech.升力装置lift unit
tech.升力装置lifting unit
wind.升力lift angle
tech.升力angle of lift
wind.升力诱导阻力lift induced drag
wind.升力诱导阻力induced drag of lift
wind.升力重返lifting reentry
tech.升力阻力比lift-drag ratio
avia.升力限度margin of lift
wind.升力carrying area
wind.升力lifting surface
tech.升力supporting plane
wind.升力面理论lifting plane theory
wind.升力面理论lifting plane/surface theory
wind.升力面理论lifting surface theory
railw.升力面理论lifting -surface theory
avia.升力面理论lifting-surface theory
tech.升力面面积lifting surface area
tech.升力lifting fan
avia.升力风扇lift fan
auto.升力风扇形成气垫用lifting fan
auto.液压系统升压压力boost pressure
tech.升压压力计boost gauge
tech.升压压力计boost gage
chem.升温能力heating capability
tech.升船机的能力capacity of shiplift
tech.升船能力lifting ship power
tech.升船能力lifting ship capacity
tech.升降机轿厢动力关闭门power-closed car door
tech.升降机轿厢动力关闭闸门power-closed car gate
avia.升降航操纵感力计算机elevator-feel computer
avia.升降舵操纵感力elevator feel
tech.升高的压力built-up pressure
tech.升高能力climbing capacity
tech.升高荷载应力advancing load stress
shipb.升高载荷应力advancing load stress
tech.单活塞气压液力升降机one plunger compressed air-hydraulic lifter
tech.单活塞气压液力升降机one plunger compressed air-hydraulic lift
tech.卧式气力提升机horizontal air elevator
agric.压力上升rise of pressure
auto.燃烧压力上升期pressure rising term
dril.压力上升速率rate of pressure rise
expl.压力上升速率rate of the pressure rise
dril.压力不断升高steady rise of pressure
tech.压力升pressure lifting (高)
tech.压力升pressure rise (高)
tech.压力升pressurizing (高)
tech.压力升build-up of pressure (高)
dril.关井后压力升高pressure build-up
auto.压力升高增加pressure rise
chem.压力升高pressure lifting
tech.压力升高pressure build-up
auto.压力升高建立时间pressure build-up time
tech.压力升高rate of pressure rise
gen.压力升高十倍a decade of pressure rise
railw.压力升高比pressure step-up ratio
railw.压力升高比rate of pressure rise
auto.压力升高比ratio of pressure rise
tech.压力升高比rate of explosion
auto.内燃机压力升高率pressure rise rate
tech.压力增长压力上升pressure build-up
dril.压力稳定上升steady rise of pressure
avia.压力迅速上升pressure rising rapidly
avia.压缩性升力compression lift (利用下弯翼尖等迫使超声速气流在翼下加速,改善流场而产生的升力)
railw.受电弓静态抬升力static uplift force of pantograph
tech.升力装置variable lift device
avia.古典升力线解决方案classical lifting-line solution
avia.可用升力disposable lift (总升力小于气球重量)
avia.可调升力矢量战斗机vectored lift fighter
tech.叶型升力profile lift
avia.喷气升力发动机jet lift engine
avia.喷气升力飞机jet lift aircraft
avia.喷流引起的升力损失jet induced lift loss
chem.回升压力recovery pressure
econ.国家能力提升项目country capacity project
avia.垂直升力vertical lift
avia.垂直升力和阻力vertical lift-to-drag
tech.垂直气力提升机vertical air elevator
nautic., tech.垫升动力限制lift power limitations
avia.多个升力线multiple lifting-line
environ.夜间水力提升nocturnal hydraulic lift
avia.升力可操作性heavy lift operability
avia.升力监控系统heavy lift monitoring system
avia.升力直升机heavy lift helicopter
avia.升力飞艇heavy lift airship
tech.密封腔压力上升seal cavity pressure rise
railw.尾涡捕获升力机制trailing vortex lift mechanism
avia.尾翼升力tail lift
railw.常规升力机制conventional lift mechanism
tech.平均升举力mean lift
tech.平均升举力mean lift force
tech.平均升举力average lift (force)
tech.应力上升stress raising
tech.应力上升处stress raiser
expl.应力升高由构件外形和连续变化引起的stress raise
avia.引射升力ejector lift/vectored thrust
avia.引射升力ejector lift, vectored thrust
avia.引射升力ejector lift (喷气发动机高能热气流经喷嘴排管向下引射而获得动力升力)
avia.引射动力装置产生的升力ejector lift (垂直推力)
tech.升力overall lift
avia.升力total lift
avia.升力gross lift (气球充气后在标准情况下及容许湿度情况下的浮力)
tech.升力面积total lifting area
tech.总的净提升能力total net lifting capacity
wind.截面升力section lift
railw.扭转升力twist lift
fin.抵制人民币的升值压力resist pressure to revalue the renminbi
tech.推力升力喷管thrust-lift nozzle
tech.lifting power
auto.上坡lifting moment
chem.升力build up
tech.升力lifting power
expl.升力elevating force
auto.升力lift capacity
tech.升力feed pull
chem.升力流量传感器lift-force flow sensor
tech.升力static hoisting moment
tech.提升与压力泵life and force pump
fin.提升制造业国际竞争力enhance the international competitiveness of manufacturing industry
tech.提升动力消耗power consumption of hoisting
fin.提升国际影响力increase the international influence
tech.提升机最大拉力maximum tensile force of hoisting machine
fin.提升竞争力boost competitiveness
fin.提升竞争力的武器weapon to boost competitiveness
archit.提升能力lift capacity
dril.提升能力hoisting power
tech.提升能力hoisting duty
mining.支撑剂引起的压力上升proppant induced pressure increases
mining.支撑剂引起的压力上升proppant induced pressure increase
avia.数值升力线numerical lifting-line
tech.升力冲角angle of incidence of zero lift
tech.升力尾翼floating tail
auto.升力zero lift angle
tech.升力angle of no lift
tech.最大升力冲角angle of incidence of maximum lift
wind.最大升力攻角angle of attack of maximum lift
wind.最大升力系数maximum lift coefficient
tech.最大升力angle of maximum lift
avia.最大举升力maximum lift
tech.最大升压马力maximum boost horsepower
nautic., tech.最大升船能力total jack-up loads
auto.最大提升力maximum force exerted in full range
dril.最大提升力feed pull maximum
tech.最大提升力feed pull maximum (指钻机立轴)
dril.最大提升能力maximum putting capacity
avia.最大爬升推力maximum climb thrust
dril.最小超载提升力overpull minimum
wind.有效升力disposal lift
CNC有效升力useful lift
tech.机力提升器调节power lift control
tech.机械升力mechanical lift
avia.机翼升力wing lift
railw.极限升力系数limiting lift coefficient
tech.标称提升能力nominal lifting capacity
tech.桨叶升力系数blade-lift coefficient
AI.梯度下降-梯度上升动力学gradient descent-gradient ascent dynamics
CNC升力mechanical lift
tech.升力positive lift force
avia.升力positive lift
tech.气力传动提升机pneumatic power drive lift
agric.气力升运器pneumatic elevator
anim.husb.气力升运机pneumatic elevator
tech.气力升送机pneumatic elevating conveyer
tech.气力升降机pneumatic lift
tech.气力升降机airlift system
tech.气力升降装置pneumatic elevating gear
nautic., tech.气力提升挖泥船air pneumatic dredger
nautic., tech.气力提升挖泥船air lift dredger
tech.气力提升机pneumatic elevator
tech.气力提升机pneumatic lifting device
tech.气力提升机pneumatic elevating conveyer
tech.气力提升机pneumatic vertical conveyer
tech.气力提升机airlift machine
tech.气力提升泵pneumatic lifting pump
tech.气力提升泵airlift pump
tech.气力提升袋pneumatic lifting bag
tech.气力提升装置pneumatic elevating gear
wind.气动升力aerodynamic lift
tech.气动升力aerodynamical lift
avia.气动升力效应effect of aerodynamic lift
avia.气团升力thermal lift
auto.气门上升时凸轮表面压力lifting pressure
tech.水力升船机hydraulic shiplift
agric.水力升降机water elevator
tech.水力升降机hydraulic lift
tech.水力升降船坞hydraulic lift dock
tech.水力升降车hydraulic lifting truck
tech.水力提升water winding
expl.水力提升用水力机械提升煤炭的方式hydraulic hoisting
tech.水力提升hydraulic hoisting
tech.水力提升器jet elevator
tech.水力提升器排沙grit discharge with hydraulic elevator
tech.水力提升工作台hydraulic lifting work platform
tech.水力提升平台hydraulic lifting platform
chem.水力提升机plunger elevator
tech.水力提升系统hydrolift system
tech.水力提升能力hydraulic lifting capacity
tech.水力桶状升降机hydraulic barrel lifter
tech.水力污泥提升管hydraulic sludge withdrawal pipe
tech.水动力升力hydrodynamical lift
tech.水动力升力hydrodynamic lift
auto.轮胎水膜升力water lift force
avia.升力wave lift
tech.泵的吸引升力suction lift of a pump
auto.流体升力dynamic lift
sport., med.流体升力fluid lift force
auto.气流/车身升力lifting force
avia.升力buoyancy force
tech.浮力上升法buoyant ascent
tech.浮力烟羽上升buoyant plume rise
avia.升力vortex lifting
tech.液力举升器操纵hydrojack control
auto.液力举升机hydraulic power lift
tech.液压提升能力hydraulic lifting capacity
fin.游说中国加大人民币升值力度lobby China to appreciate its currency more aggressively
expl.炸药效力提升improved explosive efficiency
expl.炸药用量的增加意味着爆炸威力的提升The augmentation of the volume of an explosive means a rise of the strength of a blast
tech.热力抬升plume rise by buoyancy force
avia.垂直起飞的热气柱诱导升力fountain-induced lift
auto.燃油压力提升fuel pressure up
avia.爬升推力climb thrust
avia.爬升模式座舱压力变化率限制值cabin pressure rate limitation in climb
tech.牛顿升力理论Newton's theory of lift
railw.牛顿升力系数newtonian lift coefficient
auto.牵引力提升差速器traction enhancing differential
railw.理想最大升力系数perfect maximum lift coefficient
tech.电力升举载重汽车electrical lift truck
tech.电力升举载重汽车electric lift truck
tech.电力升压器electrical booster
tech.电力升压器electric booster
tech.电力升降机electrical elevator
tech.电力升降机electric lift
tech.电力升降机electrical lift
tech.电力升降机electric elevator
tech.电力提升机electrical hoist
tech.电力提升机electric hoist
avia.直升机火力控制激光系统helicopter fire control laser system
avia.直升机重力测量系统helicopter gravity measuring system
avia.直接升力和机动性增强direct lift and maneuver enhancement
avia.直接升力和机动性增强direct lift and manoeuvre enhancement
avia.直接升力控制已衔接direct lift control engaged
avia.直接升力控制角度调定在扰流器振荡位置null (约 7°)
avia.直接爬升动力飞行模拟direct ascent powered flight simulation
tech.瞬变升力transitional lift
tech.瞬时压力升高momentary rise of pressure
tech.离心升举力centrifugal lift
auto.空气动力所产生的空气举升力lift force
auto.空气动力学空气举升力air lift force
UN空气动力升力Aerodynamic lift
tech.空气动力升力aerodynamical lifting surface
tech.空气动力升力aerodynamic lifting surface
tech.空气动力升阻比aerodynamical quality
avia.空气动力升阻比aerodynamic quality
shipb.空气压力升压机air pressure booster
tech.立轴最大提升能力spindle pull maximum
railw.翼型设计升力系数airfoil design lift coefficient
tech.自由上升力free lifting force
fin.要求人民币升值的强大国际压力heavy international pressure to let the renminbi appreciate
nautic., tech.设计举升能力design elevation capability
gen.升力气球观测pilot balloon (observation)
tech.诱导升力induced lift
auto.气流/车身升力negative lift force
wind.升力downward lift
avia.升力negative lift
avia.升力增强negative lift enhancement
wind.升力翼板negative lift wing
wind.升力装置negative lift device
dril.升力raising force
tech.起重臂提升能力blocked capacity
railw.越升压力inshot pressure
railw.跃升压力inshot pressure
railw.车辆空气升力air lift of car
railw.车辆空气升力系数air lift coefficient of car
railw.车辆空气压差升力air pressure lift of car
railw.车辆空气摩擦升力air friction lift of car
agric.轴传动的动力升降机shaft- driven power lift
tech.辅助动力驱动升降机auxiliary power elevator
tech.重力升降机gravity elevator
tech.重力式卸载升运器gravity discharge elevator
tech.重力式斗式提升机gravity bucket elevator
wind.阻力随升力的变化drag variation with lift
wind.附加升力added lift
avia.升力力矩zero lift moment
avia.升力张线no-lift wire
avia.升力zero-lift chord
avia.升力惯性系统zero lift inertial system
nautic., tech.升力攻角angle of attack at zero-lift
avia.升力方向no-lift direction
railw.升力矩系数zero-lift moment coefficient
tech.升力翼弦zero lift chord
avia.升力翼弦zero-lift chord
tech.升力迎角zero lift angle
avia.升力迎角zero-lift angle of attack
avia.升力阻力zero lift drag
avia.零升阻力系数zero lift drag coefficient
avia.气球的升力static lift
avia.非定常升力unsteady lift
avia.非线性升力non-linear lift
railw.非线性升力线理论nonlinear lifting-line theory
tech.预应力混凝土顶升楼板构造prestressed concrete lift-slab construction
avia.风扇升力fan lift
avia.风扇升力fan lift (垂直或短距起落飞机上用专门的风扇产生的升力)
avia.飞机生存力提升设备aircraft survivability equipment
railw.马格努斯升力magnus lift
avia.升力high lift
avia.升力控制器high lift control unit
avia.升力控制系统high lift control system
avia.升力数据分析器high lift data analyzer
avia.升力数据集分析器high lift databus analyzer
avia.升力机翼high-lift airfoil
avia.升力系统high-lift system
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