
Terms for subject Electronics containing 励磁 | all forms | in specified order only
series field
串并复合励磁控制series parallel field control
串联励磁绕组损耗series excitation losses
励磁机响应系数main exciter response ratio
励磁机电压上升速度main exciter response ratio
二次励磁电压secondary excitation voltage
变压器二次侧励磁阻抗secondary excitation impedance
交流励磁放电AC-excited discharge
励磁separately excited field
励磁full excitation
励磁转速full-field speed
冲击励磁impact excitation
冲击励磁发电机impact excited generator
分段励磁绕组电动机motor with sectional field winding
剩余励磁residual field
剩余励磁remanent field
功率-励磁调节特性power-exciter regulating characteristic
线圈field coil
励磁中断field breaking
励磁减速继电器field decelerating relay
励磁分段开关field-dividing switch
励磁分流变阻器field divertor rheostat
励磁分级开关field break-up switch
励磁分路变阻器shunt-field rheostat
励磁激磁功率excitation power
励磁加速继电器field-accelerating relay
励磁升压excitation boost
励磁反向field reversing
励磁变阻器field varistor
励磁回路exciting circuit
励磁回路excitation circuit
励磁回路中的火花熄灭二极管field quenching diode
励磁回路电阻field resistance
励磁工况energized condition
励磁循环energizing cycle
励磁损耗excitation losses
励磁损耗loss of excitation
励磁损耗loss of field
励磁损耗disappearance loss of excitation
励磁控制调节excitation control
励磁支路magnetizing branch
励磁断线保护field-failure protection
励磁机上端盖exciter dome
励磁机变阻器exciter rheostat
励磁机响应exciter response
励磁机强励滞后exciter forced excitation lag
励磁机端exciter end
励磁机调节特性power-exciter regulating characteristic
励磁消失disappearance loss of excitation
励磁涌流magnetizing in-rush current
励磁状态excited state
励磁电位excitation potential
励磁电势excitation potential
励磁电压上升速度excitation response ratio
励磁电压初始上升速度initial response of excitation system response
励磁电极exciting electrode
励磁电流波形exciting current waveform
励磁电源field power source
励磁电源excitation source
励磁电磁铁exciting magnet
励磁电路负载burden of energizing circuit
励磁excitation phase
励磁磁极field pole
励磁系统field system
励磁系统初始响应initial response of excitation system response
励磁系统初始响应initial excitation system response
励磁系统响应excitation system response
励磁系统图excitation system diagram
励磁系统标称顶值电压nominal excitation system ceiling voltage
励磁系统稳定性excitation-system stability
励磁激励线圈field winding
励磁激励线圈field coil
励磁线圈分接field diversion
励磁线圈托板field coil flange
励磁线圈电阻field-coil resistance
励磁线圈电阻控制field resistance control
励磁线圈绝缘excitation-coil insulation
励磁绕组driving winding
励磁绕组exiting winding
励磁绕组drive winding
励磁绕组保护field-winding protection
励磁绕组冷态电阻cold resistance of field winding
励磁绕组支架field-winding support
励磁绕组热电阻hot resistance of field winding
励磁绕组电阻field resistance
励磁绕组铜耗field copper losses
励磁继电器field relay
励磁能量excitation energy
励磁脉冲initiating pulse
励磁补偿调节distributing-compensating control
励磁触点field contacts
励磁调整exciting regulation
励磁调节field control
励磁调节exciting regulation
励磁调节器excitation controller
励磁调节电阻器field-regulating resistor
励磁转换field diversion
励磁额定电压nominal excitation voltage
半导体阀式电机励磁装置semiconductor valve exciter for alternator
双轴励磁two-axis excitation
双轴励磁dual excitation
双重励磁dual excitation
反向励磁reversed excitation
发电机励磁功率generator field power
发电机励磁回路饱和generator field saturation
发电机励磁控制generator-field control
发电机无励磁运行operation of generator without excitation
启动励磁field flashing
备用励磁stand-by exciter
复励式励磁compound exciter
导体直接冷却励磁绕组conductor inner cooled excitation winding
差动励磁differential excitation
差复励励磁differential compound excitation
shunt field
并联励磁绕组损耗shunt excitation losses
异步励磁asynchronous excitation
励磁weak field
强制励磁constrained current operation
强制励磁控制forced excitation control
强行励磁forced excitation
强行励磁系统滞后forced excitation system lag
快速励磁系统quick-response excitation system
快速作用励磁quick acting exciter
快速作用旋转励磁quick-acting rotating exciter
快速响应励磁quick-response excitation
恒定励磁constant excitation
感应励磁发电机induction excited alternator
成组励磁调节field regulation in group
接入励磁field feeding
控制励磁control exciter
整流器励磁系统rectifier excitation system
旋转整流器无刷励磁系统rotating rectifier excitation system
旋转晶闸管励磁系统rotating thyristor excitation system
旋转电枢式励磁rotating-armature exciter
旋转磁场式励磁rotating-field exciter
励磁同步电动机unexcited synchronous motor
励磁运行unexcited operation
无刷励磁系统brushless excitation system
最大励磁限制器maximum excitation limiter
最小励磁限制器minimum excitation limiter
次级励磁电流secondary excitation current
汽轮机-发电机-励磁机轴turbine-generator-exciter shaft
励磁full field
满载励磁full excitation
独立励磁绕组independent excitation winding
理想自励磁ideal self-excitation
用电阻器调节励磁field resistance control
电动机驱动的励磁motor-driven exciter
电压源静止励磁potential source exciter
电机励磁稳定性machine excitation stability
电枢励磁瞬态磁场armature-excited transient magnetic field
直接耦合励磁direct-coupled exciter
直接自励磁auto self-excitation
直接自励磁饱和电抗器auto self-excited transductor
直流励磁DC excitation
直流电机-换向器式励磁DC machine-commutator exciter
直轴和交轴励磁direct and quadrature axis excitation
磁场激励magnetic field drive
磁性材料交流励磁曲线magnetic material ac excitation curve
磁放大器励磁excitation of a transductor
福和电抗器励磁excitation of a transductor
脉冲励磁pulse excitation
励磁放大器self-excited magnetic amplifier
励磁绕组self-exciting winding
自动励磁控制automatic excitation control
自动励磁放大器autoexcited transductor
自动励磁阻尼器automatic field damper
自动消除励磁装置automatic field damper
自并励磁self-exciting winding
励磁over excitation
励磁super excitation
励磁保护装置overexcitation protection
透平-发电机-励磁机轴turbine-generator-exciter shaft
闭环励磁控制closed loop excitation control
间接励磁电机indirect excitation machine
电机静止和无励磁状态rest and deenergized state
高次谐波励磁high harmonics excited field
高速整流器励磁系统high-speed rectifier excitation system