
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing | all forms
主要功效:能强保湿,平衡酸碱度并滋养涂抹保湿乳液的肌肤Main effect: It can enhance moisture, keep pH balance and nourish the skin of moisturizing lotion
使用方法:洁肤后,取适量于掌心,清水揉起泡沫,均匀轻抹于脸部并充分按摩,再用清水冲洗干净Usage: After facial cleansing, dispense proper amount onto the palm, foam it with fresh water, evenly apply onto the face and completely massage, and then rinse it
涂抹完保养品后,用指腹取适量抹于额头、两颊、鼻子、下巴,然后均匀地抹开于整个面部,瑕疵处可特别强涂抹After using skin care products, apply proper amount onto the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin with finger pulp, evenly extend it onto the whole face, and focus on the blemishes
由浅至深顺次使用,向睫毛根部层层Use from the lightest shade to the darkest towards the lash line in a gradation effect
调查预测,使用面膜、去角质用品、乳液和精油类护肤品的人将大幅增The survey predicts a massive rise in the use of facial treatments such as masks, peels, serum and oil