
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
权指数unweighted index
不参分红的人身险保险单non-participating policy
不参分红的优先股non-participating preferred share
不参分红的优先股non-participating preferred stock
国民收入计算中之不均衡的增unbalanced addition
不增信用贷款no more credit
不断深的欧元区危机deepening eurozone crisis
不断增就业continued growth in employment
不断增的资本流动rising flows of capital
$东勒比兀East Carribbean (Grenada)
勒比兀East Caribbean dollar (Montserrat)
勒比元East Caribbean Dollar (St. Vincent)
东加勒比地区勒比证券交易所Eastern Carribbean Securities Exchange
中国人 WTOChina's accession to the WTO
为各国投资者提供更公平透明的创业环境provide a fair and even more transparent environment for foreign investors
交叉cross adding
以特别提款权计值的欧洲辛迪贷款SDR-denominated Euro-credits
价值权市场指数value-weighted market index
价值权平均价value-weighted average price
价值权指数value-weighted index
估计所需增经费estimated additional requirements
低附low value added
使大宗商品定价和调控机制更合理透明make the commodity pricing and regulating mechanism more equitable and transparent
使监管体系在经济发展周期中更有效率make regulatory regimes more effective over the economic cycle
促进更平衡的贸易promote more balanced trade
促进更开放的全球贸易与投资foster more open trade and investment globally
保加利亚利亚证券交易所Bulgarian Stock Exchange
偿债基金折旧原始成本利息法sinking fund depreciation plus interest on first cost approach
储蓄增saving generation
允许大人民币每日交易的波动幅度permit more volatility in the daily trade of the currency
允许工资快增长allow a faster rise in wages
克里斯蒂娜•拉Christine Lagarde (法国人,女性,2011年7月5日起担任国际货币基金组织 (IMF)第十二任总裁)
出售低附值商品sell low-value-added goods
创造更公平合理的全球治理环境create fairer and more legitimate global governance
利息算办法term of interest
到岸价格佣金及利息cost, insurance, freight, commission and interst
到岸价格兑换费cost, insurance, freight and exchange
人世界贸易组织join the World Trade Organization
人政府采购协议join the government procurement agreement
人欧元区enter the eurozone
人特别提款权的篮子be added to the SDR basket
人财政契约join the fiscal pact
付法add-on basis
价、加成markon (markup)
价百分率mark-on percentage
保承兑add their confirmation
入申请书的交存deposit of instrument of accession
剧债务负担push up the debt burden
剧危机deepen the crisis
剧竞争intensify competition
剧螺旋式下跌accelerate the downward spiral
剧通胀压力add to inflationary pressures
勒比信贷联盟联合会Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions (地区性信贷协调组织,成立于1972年)
勒比共同体和共同市场Caribbean Community and Common Market (地区性国际经济合作组织,1973年由加勒比自由贸易协会 (CARFTA)改组而成,总部设在圭亚那首都乔治敦)
勒比共同体多边清算组织Caribbean Community Multilateral Clearing Facility (地区性政府间金融合作机构)
勒比农业信贷协会Caribbean Agricultural Credit Association (地区性农村金融协调组织)
勒比开发银行Caribbean Development Bank (加勒比地区成员国的地区性、多边开发银行,成立于1970 年1月)
勒比投资公司Caribbean Investment Corporation (地区性金融组织,成立于1973年,总部设在圣卢西亚)
勒比自由贸易协会Caribbean Free Trade Association (加勒比共同体和共同组织的前身,成立于1968年)
固费reinforce costs
大力度intensify efforts
大力度boost efforts
大压力increase pressure
大对知识产权的保护力度provide greater protection for intellectual property rights
大对重点领域和薄弱环节的信贷支持increase credit support to key areas and weak links
大政府支出raise public spending
大研发投人intensify R & D investment
大研发投资invest more in research and development
大磋商力度increase the extent of their consultation
大经济过热的风险raise the risk of overheating
尔各答证券交易所Calcutta Stock Exchange
工品finished goods (products;stock)
工成本converting cost
工成本processing cost (conversion cost)
工成本conversion cost (processing cost)
工成本法converting cost method
产品工或出售决策process or sell decision
工毛利gross processing margin
工设备processing unit
工费cost of working up
工费conversion cost (processing cost)
工零件finished parts
强价格监管strengthen oversight and supervision of prices
强信贷政策与产业政策的协调配合strengthen coordination between credit and industrial policies
强储备资产的投资和风险管理strengthen investment management and risk management over our foreign exchange reserves
强全球金融体系strengthen the global financial system
强内部合规体系beef up its internal compliance systems
强务实合作strengthen practical cooperation
强区域内基础设施互联互通和网络化建设strengthen regional interconnection and network infrastructure construction
强区域和国际经济合作strengthen regional and international economic cooperation
强协调strengthen coordination
强协调intensify coordination
强协调与合作strengthen coordination and cooperation
强协调与合作enhance coordination and cooperation
强南北对话strengthen the North-South dialogue
强南南合作strengthen the South-South cooperation
强各层次的实质性对话和沟通enhance substantive dialogue and communication at all levels
强合作strengthen cooperation
强合作increase cooperation
强同联合国在发展领域的协调和合作intensify coordination and cooperation with the United Nations on development
强和改善宏观调控strengthen and improve macrocontrol
强和改善经贸关系strengthen and improve business ties
强和改善金融监管strengthen and improve financial oversight
强团结strengthen unity
强国际协调和合作enhance international coordination and cooperation
强国际合作reinforce international cooperation
强国际金融监管合作step up international cooperation in financial regulation
强多边贸易体制strengthen the multilateral trading system
强宏观政策协调enhance macroeconomic policy coordination
强宏观经济政策协调strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination
强宏观经济政策协调strengthen coordination of macroeconomic policies
强宏观经济政策沟通与合作strengthen macroeconomic communication and cooperation
强宏观调控strengthening macrocontrol
强宏观调控strengthen macroeconomic regulation
强对话与交流strengthen dialogue and exchanges
强战略关系tighten strategic ties
强战略思维strengthen strategic thinking
强投资和风险管理strengthen investment management and risk management
强沟通和协调strengthen communication and coordination
强沟通和协调enhance communication and coordination
强监督和规范improve the supervision and regulation
强监管strengthen supervision
强监管strengthen regulation
强监管体系strengthen regulatory regimes
强研发合作strengthen cooperation in R&D
强科技支撑increase support for work in science and technology
强税收征管strengthen tax collection
强经济技术合作strengthen economic and technical cooperation
强经济治理enhance economic governance
强薄弱环节strengthen weak links
强行业监督increase oversight for the industry
强谨慎监督strengthen prudential oversight
强资本流动监测预警strengthen the monitoring and early warning of capital flows
强金融市场和监管体系strengthen financial markets and regulatory regimes
强金融监管strengthen financial sector regulation and supervision
快产业结构优化升级accelerate the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure
快产业结构调整和自主创新accelerate industrial restructuring and innovation
快发展多层次资本市场accelerate development of a multilevel capital market
快培育农村新型金融机构accelerate the cultivation of new rural financial institutions
快大宗商品进口speed up commodity imports
快建立现代金融企业制度quicken the establishment of a modern financial enterprise system
快态势accelerating trend
快推进改革开放accelerate the reform and opening up
快政治一体化accelerate political integration
快经济社会发展speed up economic and social development
快经济结构调整accelerate economic restructuring
快转变经济发展方式accelerate the transformation of the pattern of economic development
快转变经济发展方式speed up the transformation of the pattern of economic development
快转变经济发展方式speed up the transformation of economic development model
快转变经济发展方式accelerate the transformation of economic development pattern
快转变经济发展方式accelerate the change of the growth model
快转变经济发展方式transformation of the economic development pattern at a faster pace
快转变经济增长方式accelerate the transformation of economic growth pattern
lift interest rates
raise rates
increase interest rates
rise in interest rates
hike rates
rate hikes
息均摊法add -on interest
mark on (up)
委内瑞拉拉加斯证券交易所Caracas Stock Exchange
拿大元Canadian Dollar (Canada)
拿大商业银行Canada Commercial Bank
拿大国家证券交易所Canadian National Stock Exchange
拿大国民银行National Bank of Canada (始建于1859年,原名"国家银行",后经数次兼并成为今天的加拿大国民银行,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第464位)
拿大帝国商业银行Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (成立于1867年,是北美洲最大的银行之一,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第89位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第161位)
拿大新兴证券交易所Canada's New Stock Exchange
拿大皇家银行Royal Bank of Canada (加拿大规模最大、盈利能力最好的银行之一,也是北美领先的多元化金融服务公司之一,成立于1869年,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜上名列第41位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中占第50位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第282位)
拿大皇家银行Royal Bank of Canada
拿大皇家银行资本市场RBC Capital Markets
拿大纳斯达克NASDAQ Canada
拿大证券交易所Canadian Stock Exchange
拿大风险交易所Canadian Venture Exchange
曼柯尔哈根模型Garman Kohlhagen Model (外汇期权的定价公式,该模型允许两种货币的利率各有不同,并将此对期权价值的影响反映于公式内)
weighting (根据一项指标(如股价指数或经济指标)各组成部分在整体指标中的相对重要程度而给予不同的权数)
权后的一篮子货币a weighted basket of currencies (包括美元、英镑、日元和欧元)
权套期保值weighted hedging
权市价总值weighted market capitalization
权平均价weighted average price
权平均利率weighted average interest rate
权平均到期日weighted average maturity
权平均单位成本weighted average unit cost
权平均总市值weighted average market capitalization (根据每种股票的已发行股票的价值做调整的股票市场价值)
权平均成交价weighted average traded price
权平均成本weighted -average cost
权平均成本计算法weighted average cost method
权平均投资组合收益率weighted average portfolio yield
权平均数指数weighted average index number
权平均票面利率weighted average coupon
权平均资本成本weighted average cost of capital (一种按资本类别的比例计算公司资本成本的方法)
权折扣有关成员国捐款weighted discount re contributions of Member Nations
权移动平均线weighted moving average
深资本流动性紧缩exacerbate the contraction of capital flows
点卖出委托sell plus order
班奖金attendance bonus
班费charge for overtime
班费用overtime cost
加纳纳证券交易所Ghana Stock Exchange
计费用carrying charges
supplementary calls
速人民币国际化speed up internationalisation of renminbi
速国民经济信息化accelerate IT application in economy
速折旧accelerated depreciation (任何基于会计或税务原因促使一项资产在较早期以较大金额折旧的折旧原则)
速折旧提存accelerated depreciation allowances
速收款accelerating collection
鼎银行Desjardins Group (加拿大最大的合作金融集团,总部位于加拿大魁北克利费,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第94位)
劳动附labour burden
午前增morning addition
卖方倍选择权seller's option to double
付款payment for honour
分利优先股profit participating preferred stock
分红债券participating bonds
分红的优先股profit participating preferred stock
分红的保险assurance with participation
汇票付款人拒绝承兑后,第三者为维持出票人信誉而作的承兑payment supraprotest
承兑拒付汇票acceptance supra-protest
承兑支付payment for honor supraprotest
银行participating banks
反向大豆工价差套利reverse crush spread
发展更平衡的贸易和投资关系develop a more balanced trade and investment relationship
抵押指可在业已抵押之财产中增加押款open end mortgage bond
台湾权股价指数Taiwan Weighted Stock Index
合作强国际贸易和金融机构cooperate to strengthen the international trade and financial institutions
合同-增-营运contract-add-operate CAO (这是从 BOT 项目融资模式 (build-operate-transfer)衍生出来的一种变通形式。"增加"意指项目发起人租用东道国的基础设施,再增加一些设施)
周转acceleration of the turnover
呼吁人民币快升值call for a more rapid appreciation of the renminbi
哥斯达黎加哥斯达黎证券交易所Bolsa Nacional de Valores S.A.
国内通胀不断rising inflation at home
国家债务不断增rising national debt
国际辛迪international syndicate
在世界舞台上扮演更核心的角色take a more central role on the world stage
在外普通股权平均数weighted average number of ordinary shares issued to the public
在防范危机上强合作strengthen cooperation on crisis prevention
地方附收入funds raised by localities subsidiary revenue
地方附收入fund raised by localities subsidiary revenue
坚定不移地强房地产市场调控steadfastly tighten regulation of the real estate market
举债权限的法案legislation to increase borrowing authority
产出raise output
代表性和发言权increase the representation and voice
保费additional premium
保险范围extended coverage
保险费supplementary calls
公共投资increase public investment
发言权increase the voice
国内消费increase domestic consumption
城乡居民收人increase urban and rural incomes
基金additional fund
对发展中国家的援助increase assistance to developing countries
就业increase employment
就业boost employment
差量differential increment
市场流动性add liquidity to the market
投资increase investment
投资increase investing
收人increase revenue
收人boost incomes
放贷increase in lending
政府支出increase government spending
的获得advanced acquisition
直接融资比重increase the proportion of direct financing
股份additional share
资本储备bolster capital reserves
透明度和可预见性promote transparency and predictability
金融产品increase financial products
需求raise demand
预算increase of budget
additional amounts
工费用expense arising from outside-manufacture
成本on cost (manufacturing expense, burden)
大豆工价差套利crush spread
实现更平衡的贸易关系achieve a more balanced trade relationship
实行更积极主动的开放战略implement a more proactive strategy of opening up
对…施加限条件impose conditionality on...
对预算以平衡balance budget
尼加拉瓜拉瓜证券交易所Bolsa de Valores de Nicaragua
峰值速度peak accelerator
工业增industrial value added
市价权法market value weight
市值权市场指数capitalization-weighted market index
市场价值权法market value weight
市场附market value added
勒斯特证券交易所Bucharest Stock Exchange
年数总折旧depreciation-sum of year digit
广泛基础权平均broad-based weighted average
应收追认缴款项amount due on additional subscription
建立一个更公正合理的全球经济治理体系build a more just and equitable system of global economic governance
建立更平等、更加均衡的新型全球发展伙伴关系build a new and more equal and balanced global partnership for development
总增total value added
成交量权平均价volume-weighted average price
成本利润合同cost plus contract
成本固定手续费合同cost plus fixed fee contract
成本价格,成本加费用或利润价格cost -plus
成本成合同straight cost-plus contract
成本费用合同cost plus contract
成本外mark on (up)
成本添cost additions
成本附cost plus method
成本附百分法cost plus percentage method
承诺进一步强宏观经济政策交流和协调commit to further strengthen macroeconomic policy communication and coordination
承销辛迪underwriting syndicate
把一栏数字起来cast up a column of figures
把稳定价格总水平放在更突岀的位置prioritize overall price stability
投资收益附investment income surcharge
拉丁美洲及勒比海经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (联合国下属机构)
按比例增scaling forward
提供更多元化回报来源offer a more diversified source of turn
摩根新坡指数期货SIMSCI futures
摩根新坡指数期货SIMEX MSCI Singapore stock index futures (简称"摩根新加坡期货")
收益增导致的通货膨胀income inflation
斯图特证券交易所Borse Stuttgart
坡交易所Singapore Exchange
坡交易所衍生工具交易有限公司Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited
坡交易所证券交易有限公司Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited
坡元Dollar (Singapore)
坡元Singapore dollar (新加坡货币单位名称)
坡元存单Singapore dollar CDs
坡商品交易所Singapore Commodity Exchange
坡商品期货交易所Singapore Mercantile Exchange
坡国际金融交易所Singapore International Monetary Exchange
坡政府投资公司Government of Singapore Investment Corp (新加坡主权财富基金)
坡海峡时报指数Singapore Straits Times Index
坡证券交易单处理系统Singapore Exchange Securities Order Processing System
坡证券交易所Stock Exchange of Singapore
坡证券交易所交易及自动报价系统Stock Exchange of Singapore Dealing and Automated Quotation System
坡银行同业拆放利率Singapore inter-bank offered rate
坡银行间同业拆人利率Singapore inter-bank bid rate
坡银行间同业拆放利率Singapore inter-bank offered rate
无附条件的汇票clean bill of draft
时间权收益率time-weighted return (评估投资组合复合增长率的方法。由于这个方法消除了新资金流人造成的误导作用,可用作比较投资经理的回报)
时间权收益率time-weighted rate of return (评估投资组合复合增长率的方法。由于这个方法消除了新资金流人造成的误导作用,可用作比较投资经理的回报)
普通股对风险权资产之比ratio of common equity to risk-weighted assets
服务业增value added of the service sector
本期净资产增current amount of increase of net assets
标准工费standard conversion cost
欧洲货币辛迪贷款利息interest on syndicated Euro-currency credits
欧洲辛迪股票指数Eurosyndicate general share index
每年增定额之复利终值compound interest with uniform payments and receipts
每日押金补daily margin call
薪给每级增数额step value
游说中国大人民币升值力度lobby China to appreciate its currency more aggressively
Pa'anga (Tonga)
牙买Jamaican Dollar (Jamaica)
牙买加牙买证券交易所Jamaica Stock Exchange
环境资源压力intensive resource consumption
现金畅销证券对流动负债比率ratio of cash plus marketable securities to current liabilities
罗尔证券交易所Bangalore Stock Exchange
波黑鲁卡证券交易所Banja Luka Stock Exchange
生活费用调整附条款cost-of-living-adjustment rider
离岸运费价格cost and freight
离岸价佣金cost, freight and commission
离岸价保险费cost, freight and insurance
积极推动建立更平等、更加均衡的新型全球发展伙伴关系actively promote the establishment of more equitable and more balanced new global partnership for development
竞争intensifying competition
第三者参付款payment by intervention
平均数progressive averages
累积成本cumulative markon
累积盈余准备金的附利息interest surcharge on accumulated earnings reserve
拉脱维亚纳斯达克-欧麦克斯里交易所NASDAQ OMX Riga
经济附economic value added (又称"经济利润"经济增加值",是一定时期的企业税后营业净利润 (NOPAT)与投人资本的资金成本的差额)
继续工成本cost of further processing
定价模型vega pricing model
罗德里戈•拉托•费雷多Rodrigo de Rato y Figaredo (西班牙人,2004年5月4日至2007年10月1日期间担任国际货币基金组织第十任总裁)
股东附shareholder value added
股利辛迪企业联合组织dividend syndicate
哥商品交易所集团CME Group
哥商品交易所集团Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group, Inc
哥期权交易所Chicago Board Options Exchange
哥期货交易所Chicago Board of Trade
哥气候交易所Chicago Climate Exchange
哥证券交易所Chicago Stock Exchange
记帐数两用机listing-adding machine
财务数据additivity of financial data
账面价值book value weights
货价保险费和运费的价格cost insurance & freight
货币流通的acceleration in money-circulation
贷款辛迪loan syndication
贷款辛迪loan syndicate
费用增lift in cost
资产增inflow of asset
资本风险权资产率capital to risk-weighted assets ratio
超产能速增长faster growth above capacity
趋势intensifying trend
转变经济发展模式,使之更依赖国内需求shift economy to rely more on domestic demand
辛迪欧洲贷款syndicated euroloans
辛迪贷款syndicate loan
辛迪银行业务syndicate banking
事业费用款计划additional payment plan of undertaking expense
付款additional payment ap
保证金通知margin calling
保证金通知house maintenance requirement
保证金通知margin call
保证金通知house call
保险additional insurance
保险费supplementary premium
信息additional information
信贷supplementary credit
信贷additional credit
借款限制additional debt restriction
准备additional reserve
发票supplementary invoice
备用金additional remittance
岁人预算supplementary budget for annual receipts
帐单supplemental bill
成本supplement cost
投资要求cash call
担保保险additional cover
拨款supplement appropriation
支付additional payment ap
支出added items of expenditure
概算supplemental budget estimate
supplemental (supplementary)
税率表supplement tariff
经费预算supplementary budget for expenditure
股息supplementary divident
费用supplemental cost
资金additional resources
预算supplemental budget
预算increase of budget
预算拨款additional budget allocation
逐步添的退休金accrued retirement benefit
拉脱维亚证券交易所Riga Stock Exchange
金融速器理论financial accelerator theory
银行存款的增inflow of bank deposits
人工费additional labour costs
价值对销售额百分比ratio of value added to sales
价值率value-added rate
价值率附加价值/产值ratio of value added
保证金additional warrant money
保证金additional security
额外保费additional premium
保险费additional premium
工资charge on payroll
帐户adjunct account
成本imputed cost
成本fringe cost
报酬supplementary compensation
担保additional collateral
收入additional revenue
数额supplement amount
条件supplementary condition
比率税additional rate tax
股息supplementary divident
accessorial charges
费托收collection of additional charges
费用additional charge (surcharges)
费用率expense loading factor
additional amounts
印尼达期货交易所Jakarta Futures Exchange
印尼达证券交易所Jakarta Stock Exchange
预定附费用率anticipated expense loading factor
预算增budget increase
额外附的缓冲additional buffer
风险权资产risk-weighted assets (指对银行的资产加以分类,根据不同类别资产的风险性质确定不同的风险系数,以这种风险系数为权重求得的资产)
风险权资本risk-weighted capital
风险权资本比率risk-weighted capital ratio
高附high added value
高附值机电产品high value-added machinery and electronics goods
鼓励增即期消费encourage more immediate consumption