
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
乳品工业dairy industry Production of food made from milk or milk products (生产奶制品的食品工业。)
初次预先prior processing
美国利福尼亚水资源处California Department of Water Resources
美国利福尼亚油气生产商资源保护委员会Conservation Committee of California Oil and Gas Producers
美国利福尼亚环境质量法California Environmental Quality Act
美国利福尼亚空气资源局California Air Resources Board
美国利福尼亚石油生产商资源保护委员会Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers
美国利福尼亚职业安全与保健管理局California Occupational Safety & Health Administration
勒比地区Caribbean Area A geographical region bordered on the south by South America and Panama, and on the west by Central America, and consisting of the West Indian, and nearby, islands and the Caribbean Sea, a part of the western Atlantic Ocean (南邻南美洲和巴拿马,西接中美洲的一块地理区域,是组成西印度的一部分,在它的附近,是大西洋西部的一部分——海岛和加勒比海。)
工食品processed foodstuff Food which has been treated to improve its appearance or to prevent it going bad (经过处理的食物,以改善其外观或防止变质。)
成聚合物addition polymer A polymer formed by the chain addition of unsaturated monomer molecules, such as olefins, with one another without the formation of a by-product, as water; examples are polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene (由不饱和单体分子链加而成的聚合物(如烯烃),其互相聚合并且没有副产物(比如水),如聚乙烯、聚丙烯和聚苯乙烯。)
拿大核燃料废物处置方案Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Program
拿大环境贸易展览会Canadian Environmental Trade Show & Conference
拿大石油业环境保护协会Petroleum Association for Conservation of Canadian Environment
fluoridation The addition of the fluorine ion to municipal water supplies in a final concentration of 0.8-1.6 ppm (parts per million) to help prevent dental caries in children, addition of fluor(ide, ions) to (drinking) water (在市政供水中添加负离子的过程,最终浓度为0.8-1.6 ppm,以预防儿童龋齿。)
乳液fat liquor
油站filling station A place where petrol and other supplies for motorists are sold (卖车用汽油或其他补给的地方。)
化学chemical process The particular method of manufacturing or making a chemical usually involving a number of steps or operations (制造化学物的特定方法,通常涉及若干步骤。)
化学添chemical addition Chemical reaction in which one or more of the double bonds or triple bonds in an unsaturated compound is converted to a single bond by the addition of other atoms or groups (在一种不饱和化合物的一个或多个双键或三键在添加其它原子或分子的条件下被转化成单键的化学反应。)
南美洲锥虫病;恰斯氏病Chagas' disease A form of trypanosomiasis found in South America, caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, characterized by fever and often inflammation of the hearth muscle (一种在南美洲发现的由于原生动物克氏锥虫引发的锥虫病。这种锥虫病的特征是高烧,通常还有心肌炎。)
同位素 U²³⁵浓的铀enriched uranium
堤防dyke reinforcement The addition of material to strengthen the structure of the dykes (一种额外添加的材料,用于加固堤的建造。)
工业Industrial Heating
最小成本最低损失防火理论least cost plus loss fire protection theory
最小成本最低损失防火理论economic fire protection theory
additive Substances mixed in small quantities with another product to modify its chemical or physical state. Additives are used to make food look visually more attractive, in the case of colouring agents, as well as to preserve and extend the life of the product (少量混合在另一种物质中以改变其化学或者物理状态的物质。添加剂可使食物看上去更具吸引力(如色素添加剂),同时也可维持和延长产品的有效保质期。)
thermal treatment 1. Heating and cooling a metal or alloy to obtain desired properties or conditions. 2. Treatment of hazardous waste in a device which uses elevated temperatures as the primary means to change the chemical, physical, or biological character or composition of the hazardous waste. Examples of thermal treatment processes are incineration, molten salt, pyrolysis, calcination, wet air oxidation, and microwave discharge (1. 加热和冷却金属或合金以获得所需的性能或条件。2.使用温度升高为主要手段改变化学,物理或生物性质或危险废物的废物处理装置的危险。热处理过程的例子是焚化,熔融盐、热解、锻烧、湿空气氧化、微波放电。)
燃油添fuel additive Substance (such as tetraethyl lead) which is added to petrol to prevent knocking (添加入汽油的物质(如四乙基铅),以减少爆震音。)
肉品工业packing industry No definition needed (无需定义。)
金属metal working
阿拉斯波弗特海原油泄漏响应船Alaska Beaufort sea oil spill res ponse body
美国阿拉斯石油天然气资源保护委员会Alaska oil & Gas Conservation Commission
包装additional packaging Additional packaging around the normal sales packaging. For example as protection against theft or for the purpose of advertising; the customer may leave the additional packaging in the shop for waste collection (在正常销售包装外的附加包装。可用于防盗或广告宣传,消费者可以将附加包装留在商店中以供回收。)
胁迫因子additional stressor
胁迫因子additional stress factor
账户satellite account A separate financial record or statement that discloses financial activity in a particular area and supplements existing financial records (在特定领域揭露财务活动并对现存的财务报告做补充和独立的财政报告或声明。)
雷电交的暴风雨thunderstorm A storm caused by strong rising air currents and characterized by thunder and lightning and usually heavy rain or hail (强劲的上升气流引起暴风雨和雷电交加,通常的特点是大雨或冰雹。)
需要强攻势的情形extended attack situation
食品工业food processing industry A commercial establishment in which food is manufactured or packaged for human consumption (一种商业,其建立是为了生产或包装供人类消费的食物。)
食品添food additive Substances that have no nutritive value in themselves (or are not being used as nutrients) which are added to food during processing to improve colour, texture, flavour, or keeping qualities (本身没有营养价值的物质(或者不被用作营养物),在加工过程中被加入食物,以提高颜色,质地,风味,或保质期等品质。)
载荷sudden load Sudden immission in considerable amount of one or more pollutants in the atmosphere, in a water body or in the soil (突然在水体或土壤中的排入相当数量的一种或多种大气污染物。)