
Terms for subject Air defense containing 加油 | all forms
二项式加权动目标显示滤波器bi-nomial-weight MTI filter
传输加密transmission security
作战加密支援控制台combat cryptologic support console
信号叠加superposition of signals
倍加系数multiplication factor
切比雪夫加权窗Chebyshev weight window
加倍增加系数multiplying factor
加密偏移ciphering offset
加密套接字协议层security socket layer
加密密码cryptographic keys
加密无线电通信cryptographic radio communication
加密系统encryption system
加密通道encrypted tunnel
加感加载天线loaded antenna
加感天线extended antenna
加感环形天线loaded loop antenna
加拿大通信安全局Communications Security Establishment Canada
加拿大雷达现代化计划Canadian radar modernization program
加权计权,衡重网络weighting network
加权修正扩展卡尔曼滤波器weighted modified extended Kalman filter
加权单元平均恒虚警weighted cell averaging CFA
加权噪声电平weighted noise level
加权秩和滑窗检测器weighted rank sum slide-window detector
加权窗weight window
加权线性调频脉冲weighted LFM pulse
加窗傅里叶变换windowed fast Fourier transform
加装隐蔽部的电子工作室electronic shop, shelter-mounted
加载波导管loaded waveguide
加速度极限限制acceleration limiting
动目标显示器加权MTI weight
叠加寻的试验homing overlay experiment
只为发送加密encrypted for transmission only
增加功率multiplying power
天线加感负载线圈antenna loading coil
天线加权重量、负重、系锤antenna weight
天线调转时最大速度和加速度maximum speed and acceleration when the antenna is rotated
导弹法向加速度missile normal acceleration
导弹阵地加固missile position hardening
已加注燃料的导弹fueled missile
已签署的数据加密标准产品列表endorsed data encryption standard products list
底部加载天线base-loaded antenna
战术数据加密系统tactical data encryption system
扫调频谱扫描附加器panoramic adapter
振幅加权线性调频脉冲amplitude weighted LFM pulse
故障隔离试验附加器fault isolation test adaptor
方位转矩加载azimuth torque loading
时变动目标加权time-varying MTI weights
栅极加脉冲grid pulsing
海明加权Hamming weighting
消息加密message security
电子加密设备electronic cyphering equipment
电抗加载移相器reactive loading phase shifter
电缆附加器cable adapter
相加外加噪声additive noise
短波变频附加器short wave adapter
经过认证和加密authenticated ciphering offset
脉内幅度加权intrapulse amplitude weighting
脉冲压缩中的泰勒加权Taylor weighting in pulse compression
脉冲压缩加权weighting in pulse compression
脉间加权脉冲串interpulse weighted pulse train
西林柯夫大功率电子加速聚束辐射器Cerenkov rebatron radiator
角度统计累加器angle statistics accumulator
距离加速度range acceleration
跟踪加速度tracking acceleration
跟踪角速度和角加速度angle tracking velocity and acceleration
跟踪速度和加速度tracking velocity and acceleration
输人加载式前置放大器input loading type preamplifier
递归加权最小二乘法recursion weighted LS
道尔夫-切比雪夫加权Dolph-Chebyshev weighting
附加去磁additional demagnetization
附加平衡网络building-out section
附加测距设备的塔康系统TACAN + distance measuring equipment
附加甚高频全向测距的塔康系统VHF omni range + TACAN
附加的非电子情报数据adding non-ELINT data
附加脉冲相关器extra pulse correlator
顶加载top loading
频率加权网络frequency weighting network
频移附加器适配器frequency shift adapter