
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
一次支付的复本和因子single payment compound amount factor
一款日系角色扮演类游戏、你要消灭层出不穷的怪物才能取得胜Japanese role -playing game, you have an endless stream of monsters to destroy in order to win
一般权general right
气候条件adverse weather conditions
的外界障碍或条件adverse obstructions or conditions
的自然条件unfavorable physical condition
的自然条件unfavourable physical condition
的自然条件adverse physical conditions
自然条件adverse physical conditions
不确定uncertain return
不附息的资金interest-free fund
与……指数挂钩的利或关税,兑换>率indexed rate
与指数相连的index-linked benefit
与财产相连的property-linked benefit
证书及商标转让assignment of letters patent and trade mark
licence fee
业主的权owner's right
个别益集团sectional group
主权principal rights
从权collateral rights
从财产收取人息的权right to receive income from property
他抨击这些企业逃税、建议这些企业投资国内而非海外、还痛斥石油企业的He pounded them on tax avoidance, advised them to invest at home rather than overseas, and lambasted oil company profits
以公共福为目的pro bono
以单息计算的simple interest
以复计算compound (т.)
以月复计算的compounded monthly
以资产增值方法计算的润额betterment profit
诺伊工具厂Illinois Tool Works
优先权要求prior claims
优惠preferential rate of interest
优惠concessional rate
伦敦银行同业存放London Inter-bank Offered Rate
伦敦银行同业拆放LIBOR (London Inter-Bank offered Rate)
伦敦银行同业拆放London Interbank Offer Rate
估定assessed profit
估计的补加应评税estimated additional assessable profit
套汇narrow margin arbitrage
便食品商店convenience food stores
保证guaranteed benefit
保险福insurance benefit
借款者的权义务right and obligation of the borrower
债券bonding rate
储蓄存款savings rate
允许allowance for profit
兑换证券的权right of conversion into stock
全成本盈能力分析full costing profitability analysis
公共权public rights
公司得税corporate profits tax
公平equitable benefit
公积金福provident benefit
具有商业益的commercially viable
pure profit
neat profit
pure profit
润清理clear profit
率差距net interest margin
准许润水平permitted level of return
基营销niche marketing
得税profits tax
得税报税表profits tax return
得税评税profits tax assessment
息付款免税额interest payment allowance
息券interest coupon
息化作本金capitalization of interest
息差额interest margin
息收费interest charges
润估算profit estimating
润分成计划profit sharing plan
润加成profit mark-up
润损失loss of profit
润来源locality of profit
润汇总profit pooling
润率percentage of profit
润表earnings report
润额profit margin
润额profit allowance
淡因素negative factor
interest rates
率上下限interest rate collar
率合约interest rate contract
率套购interest rate arbitrage
率差距interest spread
率平价理论interest rate parity
率的大幅下降、导致工行净利差减少76个基点、缩减至2.25%The sharp drop in interest rates caused ICBC to suffer a 76 basis-point fall in its net interest margi year on year, to 2. 25 per cent
率自动确定automatic rate fixing
率衍生工具interest rate derivative
用共享内存实现多线程间通信Using shared memory communication between multi-threading
用拼写检查器、可避免网站出现尴尬的拼写错误、否则会降低网站的信誉度Use a spelling checker, spelling mistakes are embarrassing and hurt credibility
设备用系数utilization factor
benefited interest
益冲突conflict of interests
益的冲突conflict of interest
益的冲突conflict of interests
益群体benefit clusters
化作本金的capitalized interest
协商一致的consensus rate
single rate
卖方益险contingency insurance
变现realized profit
可供派发distributable profit
可调率抵押贷款adjustable-rate mortgage
合理fair return
合约权contractual right
囊括一切权的要求blanket claim
因为评估了公司的所有资产、 所以去年杰克的生意才有了纸上盈Jack's business showed a paper profit last year simply due to the appreciation
固定息数额fixed amount of interest
固定息证券fixed interest securities
固定息贷款债券fixed interest loan stock
固定fixed exchange rate
固定抵押fixed interest rate mortgage
固定率证券fixed interest rate securities
固定率负债fixed rate liabilities
基本basic interest rate
境外external interest rate
interest compound
因子表compound interest table
外汇赢foreign exchange earning
interest rate arbitrage
如果预期通胀率上升1〜2 个点、则工资与率调整率应与之相匹配If the expected inflation rate rose by a notch or two, wages and interest rates would shift up to match it
它是非接触式的、用光栅原理的光学扫描设备It is a non contact optical scanner which using raster theory
定期存款time deposit rate
实质substantial benefit
对双方有的项目或方案win-win scenario
对双方有的项目或方案win-win project
少报under statement of profit
尚未支付且未化作本金的outstanding uncapitalized interest
居所贷款息的扣除额home loan interest deduction
已赚得realized profit
市价盈price-earnings ratio
市场战略的润影响profit impact of market strategy
平等权pari passu
息率annual percentage rate (APR)
年等值分期支付复和因子uniform annual series compound amount factor
应累算accrued benefit
应累算的accruing profit
应计息的期间period of accrual of interest
应评税assessable profit
应评税润实额net assessable profit
应课税taxable profit
应课税chargeable profit
延迟付款interest for delayed payment
弹性福计划flexible benefits program
强制性福mandated benefit
当地local interest rate
当存盈accumulated earnings
当时有in the money
总括性all-in rate
总空运total aircraft profit
总航运total shipping profit
意外与健康福Accident and Health Benefits
意大和英国一样、其繁荣也依赖出口和外来投资Italy, like the UK, is a country whose prosperity depends on exports and inward investment
成本加cost plus profit
成本、数量、润分析cost-volume-profit analysis
或有的权contingent right
承保underwriting margin
承包商的停工权contractor's entitlement to suspend work
润再投资plough back
押记人的权chargor's right
指定率规则specified rate rules
按揭息津贴计划mortgage interest subsidy scheme
按揭mortgage rate
授权的权authority to delegate
提供系统资源用信息、供系统管理员和用户参考并以此进行调整To provide information of system resource, as reference for system administrator and user and make adjustment
摊薄后每股盈diluted earnings per share
撤销的权right to rescind
支付息协议agreement for the payment of interest
放弃surrender of benefits
放弃权waive one's right
放弃权abandonment of right
放弃索赔权abandonment of claim
整时营销与晚盈profit by timing marketing and lag profit marketing
可图的合约unprofitable contract
既得的复归红vested reversionary bonus
既有权accrued rights
PLC 是一种固态电子装置、 它用已存入的程序来控制机器的运行或工艺的工序PLC is a solid-state device used to control machine motion or process operation by means of a stored program
暂缴得税provisional profits tax
最优惠贷款best lending rate
最大maximum benefit
in favour of
可图的commercially viable
可图的生存者战略profitable survivor strategy
比率remunerative rate
未化作本金的uncapitalized interest
复利compound amount
委托authority to delegate
要求书affidavit of claim
来自世界各地的worldwide profit
核心key benefits
核心益方案或提议core benefit proposition
格拉汉姆理念的标志不是润最大化、 而是损失最小化The hallmark of Grahams philosophy is not profit maximization but loss minimization
此范围有于与联系人管理器中的所有联系人建立连接This scope facilitates connections with all contacts in the Contact Manager
工程hydraulic work
资源hydraulic resources
法定权legal ring
浮动率负债floating rate liabilities
海外offshore interest
分配allocation of profit
总额gross profit
滚存溢accumulated profit
潜在的益冲突potential for conflict of interest
牛市套bull spread
牛市纵向套bull vertical spread
特别abnormal profit
犯罪分子可以用一个能够模仿人类声音的语音合成系统来干什么?What could a criminal do with a speech synthesis system that could masquerade as a human being?
现金每股盈cash EPS
生产毛gross processing margin
Windows 7 的重量级营销活动对润增长的贡献功不可没The company cited the success of a heavyweight marketing campaign for Windows 7 as a core contributor to its success
不符预测earnings surprises
倍数earnings multiplier
性分析profitability analysis
摊分profit sharing
收益earnings yield
股息比率dividend cover
能力earnings power
能力分析profitability analysis
能力的安全界限safety margin of profitability
预测profit forecast
预测earnings estimate
目前、信用保险市场颇为活跃。对于发达国家、信用违约互换 CDS率平均为80基点左右There is now an active market in credit insurance, and a credit de fault swap rate for an advanced country averages around 80 basis points
直接产品盈direct product profitability
直接及现有的immediate interest
直接成本盈性分析direct costing profitability analysis
相互权mutual right
真正百分比年true annual percentage rate
短期同业拆借call loan rate
石油公司宣称收取暴所得税并不能达到预期的效果Oil industry analysts, however, say a wind fall pro fits tax might be counterproductive
确定纯determination of net profit
社会福开支social welfare expenditure
社会福条款social clause
或 welfarebenefit
基金welfare funds
welfare benefits
私人private profit
税后润率after tax profit margin
税后溢after-tax profit
税后盈after-tax profit
税款及息收据receipt for duty and interest
税项tax benefit
累积interest accrued
累算interest accrued
奖金profit-sharing bonus
bonus share (stock)
纸上paper profit
经营润盈余operating surplus
经调整的adjusted profit
绝对润幅度absolute profit margin
综合净consolidated net profit
综合净盈consolidated net earnings
综合纯consolidated net profit
缴付得税证明书certificate of payment of profits tax
美国商务部专US Patent Office of the Department of Commerce
联营式率制度system of cartelized rates
联营式率制度cartelized rates system
联行息支出interest paid to inter-branches
联行息收人interest received from inter-branches
联邦基金federal funds fate
保证倍数dividend cover
支付或分发dividend payout ratio
股票股capital bonus
若公司提供附带福给其雇员、是否须于该栏内包括有关款项?If the company provides some fringe benefit to its employees, do I have to include such amount in this box?
若采用实际率法进行摊销是不切实可行的、 那么可以采用直线法进行摊销If it is not feasible to adopt the effective interest rate method for the amortization. the straight-line method may be adopted
获准营permitted level of return
获取最大profit maximization
保险法团proprietary insurance corporation
性组织for-profit organization
营业润分摊allocation of business profits
营运润率operating margin
套汇narrow margin arbitrage
融资financing interest rates
行使权exercise powers
行使权exercise right
补加应评税additional assessable profit
该事实可以解释当财政部改变其原始数据之后、 估测出的实际率明显下降This fact could explain the large jump down in the inferred real interest rate when the Treasury changed the raw bond data it uses
业务business for profit
货币市场.money market rate
贷款率差价lending margin
超额super profit
过高excessive interest rate
近来、 商业模式以拥有专保护的知识产权形式出现、 更加为人们所重视Business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of intellectual property that can be protected with a patent
近来黄金投资获颇丰、但这主要是由于心理原因、而非供求因素Gold has been a great investment recently, but psychology rather than supply and demand are responsible
这一率水平是以货币市场上廉价的利率为基础、外加少量管理费用与贷款利润计算出来的This was calculated on the basis of a cheap money market rate, plus a small administration fee and a lending margin
迟付款项的interest on late payments
适当acceptable rate
选出最有投资等cherry picking
递延息债券deferred interest bond
通常纯润率usual rate of net profit
酬金福gratuity benefit
量本分析volume-cost-profit analysis
银行banker's markup
银行同业interbank rate
银行同业中间middle interbank rate
间接成本盈能力分析indirect costing profitability analysis
除税前营业pretax operating profit
除税后营业post-tax operating profit
雇员红employees' bonus
零售retail interest rate
零售存款retail deposit interest rate
非分配润的组织non-profit-distributing body
非营not trading for profit
预付interest paid in advance
预估盈pro forma earnings
预期纯anticipated net profit
预期零售润率desired percentage mark-up on retail
预见性盈forward looking earnings
额定nominal interest rate
风险risk speculation
香港银行同业拆放Hongkong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR)
款项借款,资 金dear money
贷者oan shark