
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
patent A grant of right to exclude others from making, using or selling one's invention and includes right to license others to make, use or sell it (一种排它性的权利,禁止别人制造、使用或出售某人的发明,包括将该发明授权给其它人或单位使用。)
个人权rights of the individual Just claims, legal guarantees or moral principles accorded to each and every member of a group or state, including the freedom to do certain things and the freedom from certain intrusions imposed by the collective body (正当的要求,与一个国家或集团的每个人相关的法律保障或道德原则,包括做某件事的自由和避免被集团强行干扰的自由。)
互相冲突的conflicting use
余热waste heat utilisation Waste heat applications include space heating and refrigeration in urban areas, thawing of ice-bound seaways, agricultural use to stimulate growth and to extend the growing season and in aquaculture to stimulate the growth of algae, shellfish, and other potential marine food sources (余热的应用,包括城市地区的空间加热和制冷、解冻冰封航道、农业方面的运用以刺激生长和延长生长季节、以及水产业中的应用以刺激藻类、贝类及其它潜在海洋食物资源的生长。)
美国健康、教育和福Department of Health, Education and Welfare
公共益调查public benefit inquiry An investigation, especially a formal one conducted into a matter of public utility by a body constituted for that purpose by a government, local authority, or other organization (通过政府、地方当局,或其它组织进行的公共事业问卷调查。)
公民权citizen rights Rights recognized and protected by law, pertaining to the members of a state (被法律认可和保护的权力,适用于国家的所有公民。)
profit An excess of the receipts over the spending, costs and expenses of a business or other commercial entity during any period (商业机构在运营期间的收益。)
interest A sum paid or charged for the use of money or for borrowing money over a given time period (资金在给定时间内由于使用或借贷所需支付或者收取的总量。)
用价值use value
用回收物建造construction with recycled material Construction with waste product used as raw material (以废弃的产品为原料进行建筑。)
益冲突conflict of interests Clash between public interest and the private pecuniary interest of the individual concerned. A situation in which regard for one duty tends to lead to disregard of another (公共利益与个人所关心的私人财务利益的冲突。其情形为﹐考虑其中一项任务时,会倾向于忽略另一项任务。)
益平衡balancing of interests Considering, weighing or counterbalancing the competing political or financial concerns of different parts of society, including industries, consumers, trade unions and other groups or organizations (思考、权衡或平衡包含工业界、消费者、贸易协会与其他团体或组织等不同社会部门互相竞争的政治性或财务性议题。)
益没收seizure of profits The official or legally authorized act of taking away monetary gain or surplus resulting from investments or property or from returns, proceeds or revenue in a business or business transaction (官方或法律授权的行为,拿走从投资或财产,或从回报、收益或在商业交易或业务收入中的通过税收得来的金钱或额外的收入。)
益集团interest group A group of people who share common traits, attitudes, beliefs or objectives and who have formed a formal organization to serve specific concerns of the membership (有共同的特点、态度、信念和目标的一些人,并且这些人已组成一个正式的组织来服务于成员们的具体关注点。)
美国福尼亚水资源处California Department of Water Resources
美国福尼亚油气生产商资源保护委员会Conservation Committee of California Oil and Gas Producers
美国福尼亚环境质量法California Environmental Quality Act
美国福尼亚空气资源局California Air Resources Board
美国福尼亚石油生产商资源保护委员会Conservation Committee of California Oil Producers
美国福尼亚职业安全与保健管理局California Occupational Safety & Health Administration
动物权animal rights Just claims, legal guarantees or moral principles accorded to sentient, non-human species, including freedom from abuse, consumption, experimentation, use as clothing or performing for human entertainment (基于对有感知能力的非人类物种的法律保护或道德原则的宣告,包括不受虐待、不被滥用、不被用作实验品、不为娱乐人类而被用作服饰或表演的自由。)
勒夏特埃氏原理Le Chatelier principle
美国卫生、教育 、福Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
可持续sustainable use Use of the environment and its living resources at a rate that does not exceed its capacity for renewal in order to ensure its availability for future generations (环境及其生物资源的利用的速度不超过其再生能力,以确保其为子孙后代的供给。)
后代的权rights of future generations The moral, legal or ethical claims of posterity on present people, based on the recognition that the young and unborn are vulnerable to contemporary decision-making, especially decisions having long-term effect on the societies and environment they inherit (在道德、法律或伦理上的后代所拥有的权利。该权利要基于未成年人或尚未出生的人不能很好地做出决定这一前提,特别是对社会和环境有重大影响的决定。)
国际废油回收和重新用会议International Conference on Waste Oil Recovery and Reuse
土地用分类land use classification The arrangement of land units into a variety of categories based on the properties of the land or its suitability for a particular purpose. It has become an important tool in rural land-resource planning (基于土地的特性以及其适于的特殊用途,将土地分成多种类别的单元。已成为农村土地资源规划的重要工具。)
土地用规划land planning
土地用规划land use planning The interdisciplinary process of evaluating, organising, and controlling the present and the future development and use of lands and their resources in terms of their suitability on sustained yield basis. Includes an overall ecological evaluation in terms of specific kinds of uses as well as evaluations of social, economic, and physical contexts to the land concerned (根据永续收获基础的持续性,跨学科的评估、组织和控制土地资源的现状和未来发展及使用的过程。包括对有关土地的特定用途以及社会、经济、物理背景评估的整体生态评价。)
土壤用潜力soil capability The suitability of soils for various uses, e.g. sustained production of cultivated crops, pasture plants, etc., depending on depth, texture, kinds of minerals, salinity, kinds of salts, acidity, etc. (土壤的各种用途如:持续生产栽培作物,草原植物等的适宜性,取决于深度、纹理、矿物质、盐度、种盐和酸度等)
废料waste use The incorporation of wastes into natural or artificial cycles, mainly in order to recover secondary raw materials or energy (将废料并入到自然的或人工的循环中,主要是为了恢复再生原料或能源。)
废料waste recovery The process of obtaining materials or energy resources from waste (从废料中获取原料或能源资源的过程。)
废料作为原料的use of waste as material
废料作为能源资源的use of waste as energy source
弗米恩环境保护协会Vermilion Association for the Protection of the Environment
当地资源local resource utilisation The use of a source of supply from a municipal or regional area, which can be readily drawn upon when needed (在某个城市或地区范围内的资源供给,可以在需要时随时提取。)
景观landscape utilisation using landscape or parts of it (i.e. for tourism, sports or agriculture); Using landscape or parts of it for tourism, sports, or agriculture (将全部或部分景观用于旅游、运动或农业。)
生境propitious habitat
杀虫剂的utilisation of pesticides Use of chemical or biological substances to deliberately kill unwanted plants or animals (使用化学的或生物物质来杀死不需要的植物或动物。)
rights 1. Title to or an interest in any property. 2. Any interest or privilege recognized and protected by law (1. 对财产的所有或占有一定的股份。2.受到法律保护的任何利益或特权)
核能nuclear energy use Nuclear energy is employed in the industrial sector, in the production of other energy types, in the medical and scientific research field, in transportation, in the production of nuclear weapons, etc. (核能被使用在工业界、其他类型能源生产、医疗和科研领域、交通、核武器生产等。)
昂 114dichlorotetrafluoroethane
freon Trade name for a group of polyhalogenated hydrocarbons containing fluorine and chlorine; an example is trichlorofluoromethane (一组多卤代碳氢化合物,包含氟和氯;例如三氯化物。)
water conservation The protection, development and efficient management of water resources for beneficial purposes (为了利用水资源,对水资源的保护、发展和有效管理。)
hydraulics The branch of science and technology concerned with the mechanics of fluids, especially liquids (科学与技术的分支,研究流体动力学,特别是水力。)
工程学hydraulic engineering A branch of civil engineering concerned with the design, erection, and construction of sewage disposal plants, waterworks, dams, water-operated power plants and such (土木工程学的分支,研究污水处理厂、自来水厂、大坝、水力发电厂等的设计、建立和建造。)
水再water reuse Use of process wastewater or treatment facility effluent in a different manufacturing process (在不同的生产过程中使用处理过的废水或使用污水处理设施。)
水工结构物、水建筑hydraulic construction Any structure built to route the flow of water, or to support the weight and pressure of a body of water (任何用来引导水流或支撑水体重量和压力的建筑结构。)
法定权legally protected right A justifiable claim to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way, which is supported by law and is covered or shielded from the danger of being revoked or repealed (合法的声明:拥有或者获得某物、以某种方式行事,其受到法律的保护、覆盖或遮蔽以避免被吊销或者撤销的危险。)
混杂用地区mixed use area Use of land for more than one purpose; e.g. grazing of livestock, watershed and wildlife protection, recreation, and timber production (多于一个目的的土地使用,例如放牧牲畜、水域和野生动植物保护、休闲和木材生产。)
澳大亚水资源委员会Australian Water Resources Council
澳大亚污染与环境控制技术处Australian Services in Pollution and Environmental Control Technology
澳大亚海洋防止石油泄漏中心Australian Marine Oil Spill Center
热值的utilisation of calorific value Calorific value is the heat per unit mass produced by complete combustion of a given substance. Calorific values are used to express the energy values of fuels; usually these are expressed in megajoules per kilogram. They are also used to measure the energy content of foodstuffs; i.e. the energy produced when the food is oxidized in the body. The units here are kilojoules per gram. Calorific values are measured using a bomb calorimeter (apparatus consisting of a strong container in which the sample is sealed with excess oxygen and ignited electrically. The heat of combustion at constant volume can be calculated from the resulting rise in temperature) (热值是某一物质每单位质量完全燃烧所产生的热量。热值是用来表示燃料的能量值,通常是用每千克兆焦耳来表示。它们也可用来测量食品的能量值,即当食物在体内氧化所产生的能源,这里的单位是每克千焦。热值使用爆炸量热器(仪器有强大的容器,样品是用过量氧气密封而成,以电动方式点燃,导致的温度上升可计算出定容燃烧热量)来测量。)
社会福social welfare The prosperity, well-being or convenience of a community. It embraces the primary social interests of safety, order, morals, economic interest, and non material and political interests (一个社区的繁荣,幸福或便利。它包含了安全的首要社会利益、秩序、道德、经济利益和非物质和政治利益。)
社会福指标social indicator Easily identified features of a society which can be measured, which vary over time, and are taken as revealing some underlying aspect of social reality. In general, the most commonly used indicators are derived from official statistics, and include unemployment figures, health and mortality data, and crime rates (容易识别的,可以衡量的,随着时间的推移而有所不同,并作为揭示社会现实的一些基本方面的社会特征。一般来说,最常用的指标是来自官方的统计数字,包括失业数字,健康和死亡率数据,以及犯罪率。)
国家论theory of the welfare state A political conception of government in a capitalist economy where the state is responsible for insuring that all members of society attain a minimum standard of living through redistribution of resources, progressive taxation and universal social programs, including health care and education (在资本主义经济下政府的政治概念,国家为确保全社会所有成员达到最低生活标准,通过资源再分配,累进税和普遍的社会计划,包括卫生保健和教育。)
联合国资源保护和用科学会议United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources
能源energy utilisation No definition needed (无需定义。)
能源用形式energy utilisation pattern
自然权rights of nature A rule or body of rules that derives from nature and is believed to be binding upon human society, as opposed to human-made laws such as legislative acts and judicial decisions (对人类社会有影响的自然规律,与人为规定的法律(如法案、判决)不同。)
自然资源的可持续sustainable use of natural resources
设备用时发生的火灾equipment use fire
访问的权right of access
请愿权petition right A legal guarantee or just claim enabling a citizen or employee to compose and submit a formal written request to an authority asking for some benefit or favor or for intervention and redress of some wrong (从法律上保证请愿要求,允许公民提交一份正式的书面请求,或权威的征求意见,或支持、干预和纠正一些错误。)
资源resource utilisation No definition needed (不需要定义。)
闲暇时间的use of leisure time Making use of free time to carry out recreational activities (利用空闲时间来进行娱乐活动。)