
Terms for subject Electronics containing 分时控制 | all forms | in specified order only
公用控制时分多址设备common control TDMA equipment
分时交互式计算机控制信息电视time-shared interactive computer controlled information television
分时交互式计算机控制教育电视time-shared interactive computer-controlled educational television
分时控制任务time sharing control task
分时控制原语time-sharing control primitives
分时输人队列控制块time-sharing input queue control block
分时输人队列控制块time-sharing input QCB
实时分配计算机控制系统really distributed computer control system
实时数字控制分析器与处理器real-time digitally controlled analyzer and processor
实时电磁数字控制分析器与处理器real-time electromagnetic digitally controlled analyzer and processor
脉码调制-移相键控-时分多址pulse code modulation-phase-shift keying-time division multiple access