
Terms for subject Nuclear physics containing | all forms
事故惰性气体排流监测仪noble gas effluent monitor for accident conditions
入口辐射监测仪radiation portal monitor
射剂量率exit dose rate
射束emergent beam
射核子emergent nucleon
射粒子ejected particle
射道自旋exit channel spin
反应堆热输thermal output of a reactor
发射输emitter follower
地下核爆炸喷物分布underground nuclear explosion distribution of rubble
地下核爆炸放射性气体冒underground nuclear burst gas breakthrough
宇宙线撞电子cosmic ray knock on electron
估价值derived estimate
干预水平derived intervention levels
空气浓度derived air concentration
X 射线满负载输功率X-ray output at full ratings
X 射线输X-ray output
α射线薄膜alpha-emitting foil
放射性产物排nuclear release
放射性废物排radioactive waste discard
放射性排物处理厂区radioactive effluent plant area
放射性排物处理站radioactive effluent treatment plant
放射性排物处置radioactive effluent disposal
放射性排物散布dissemination of radio-active effluent
放射性排物检查处置controlled disposal of radioactive effluents
放射性排物管道radioactive effluent drain pipe
放射性流radioactive effluent
束引beam extraction
束引装置beam extractor
液放射性测量计effluent activity meter
阻力leach resistance
escape cone
电子逸electron removal
电子逸electron detachment
能群移截面group removal cross section
过程输人输装置process input output equipment
时间time of liberation
铀矿床地下浸uranium deposit underground leaching
铀矿浸uranium ore leaching
铀矿石细菌浸bacterial leaching of uranium ore
非放射性排non-radioactive effluent