
Terms for subject Sports containing 出资 | all forms
如果一名运动员被另一名运动员推出或被迫跑出他的分道、但未从中获得实际的利益、这名运动员将不应被取消比赛资格If a competitor is pushed or forced by another person to run outside the lane, and if no material advantage is gained, the competitor shall not be disqualified
对运动员的参赛资格提出抗议、 必须在运动会开始前向技术代表提出Protests concerning the status of an athlete to participate in a meeting must be made to the technical delegates prior to the commencement of such meeting
裁判长负责比赛规则的实施、取消犯规运动员的比赛资格、对规则中有争议的问题进行解释并作出决定、批准有正式纪录的比赛成绩Referee is responsible for enforcing the rules and disqualifying offenders, deciding on questions of interpretations of the rules and certifying record performances